6.Bad Boys Get Punished

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Two days later - 8am Monday.

The past few days have been...stressful for Jimin. Yoongi's behavior has gotten weirder and weirder. He's been having mood swings, one second he's d be happy and then the next he'd be mad. Yoongi has even started talking back to Jimin, which is something the hybrid had never dared to do before. Jimin had taken both hybrids to see Namjoon at the hybrid clinic. According to Namjoon YN was completely fine, and still not showing any sign of starting her heat anytime soon. Yoongi on the other hand was going through what Namjoon called "hybrid puberty", and since Yoongi was a bit of a late bloomer(considering most male hybrids go through their first heat at 16 not 20) his symptoms were two times worse than they would normally be.

The last two days Jimin could stay home and watch over his rebelling hybrid. But today was Monday, he had to work. But considering Yoongi wasn't really his normal-self, he couldn't exactly leave the two hybrids home alone. And he couldn't take them to kitty daycare cause one they were too old and two they were hybrids, so that was a no go. He had to find someone to watch them. If only he could think of some~.

"Jungkook!", Jimin shouted out loud. "Jungkook can watch them.", he thought out loud.

He pulls out his phone to call his boyfriend. He hits his contact and waits for the younger to answer. After the first ring he answers;

"Hey baby. What's up?", answered Jungkook.

"I need to ask you for a favor.", Jimin said.

"No need to ask. What do you need babyboy?", asked Jungkook. The nickname 'babyboy' causing Jimin's heart to flutter.

"Can you watch Yoongi and YN for me? Mainly Yoongi though, he's going through some...hybrid stuff.", Jimin asked.

"Sure, I don't mind. But can I bring Tae and Hobi? Last time I left them alone they tore the house apart.", said the younger.

"Yeah of course. I want YN to meet them anyways, so she can have more friends.", answered the older.

"Okay I'll be over in 15 minutes. Bye baby.", said Jungkook.

"Bye babe", Jimin said before ending the call.

Now that that was taken care of, all that was left was to wake the little hybrids up. But that was easier said than done.

Jimin walked up the stairs and into Yoongi's bedroom. YN's room still wasn't ready, and Yoongi had refused to let her out of his sight. His hormones had made him a bit possessive lately. Everything was his and nothing was Jimin's. Jimin was starting to feel like he was dealing with a teenager.

He walked to the side of the bed and started to lightly shake the sleeping hybrids awake. YN slowly opened her eyes, "morning *yawn* oppa.", she smiled and started to get up. Yoongi on the other hand, his eyes remained closed, "go away Jimin.", the grump butt groaned.

"Excuse me?", Jimin raised a brow, shocked by the hybrids rudeness.

"Did I stutter? Fuck off.", he spat.

That was it for Jimin. His inner master came out. He yanked the hybrid out of bed, causing YN to look on in shock. And faster than Yoongi could process, his pants and underwear had been pulled down just below his bottom and he was bent over Jimin knee.

"No! Master please no spankies! I'll be a good boy, I swear.", Yoongi pleaded to no avail.

"You will get spankies, because you're being a very bad boy. And bad boys get punished. Now count!", Jimin said sternly, reminding Yoongi who's boss.

"But-AHH!", Yoongi started to say until he felt a hand smack his bottom. Hard. Causing him to cry out in pain.

"I said count.", Jimin said gritting his teeth.


"One!", he yelped.



Smack smack.

"Three! Four!"

Smack smack smack.

"Five! Six! S-Seven!", Yoongi cried.

Jimin raised his hand to hit his bottom again, until a little hand stopped him.

"Oppa, I think Yoongi's learned his lesson.", said YN.

Jimin looked down and was met with a very red bottom and a crying Yoongi. And he felt immediately guilty. He felt like he deserved those spankings, not Yoongi, who couldn't control his mood swings. So Jimin carefully pulled up Yoongi's underwear and pants, making sure to be extra careful with his tail. He stood the hybrid boy up, wiped the tears from his cheeks and kissed his forehead.

"Master is so sorry Yoongi. I don't ever want to have to do this again, okay?", said a very apologetic Jimin.

Yoongi with his ears laying flat against his head and his head down, he said "okay" and Jimin stood up to leave.

"I want the two of you dressed and downstairs in 10 minutes. Got it?", he asked.

The two hybrids nodded frantically. And Jimin walked away, feeling so guilty.

Once their master was out of earshot, YN turned to a crying Yoongi.

"You okay?", she asked.

Yoongi shook his head 'no'. Jimin had never punished him that way before, and now he knew why Tae and Hobi hated spankies. They hurt. A lot.

YN almost found herself slipping into little space, she wanted to cry too. But she couldn't, Yoongi needed her to be big right now, even though he wasn't acting very "big" himself. So she licks away his tears, wraps her arms around him, nuzzles her face in his neck, and rubs his back in comfort.

Yoongi didn't know how, but YN had made him less upset about what happened. Although he was going to need some serious play time later. He needed to unwind after that terrible punishment.

"Hurry. We better get dressed. I don't want master to give me anymore spankies.", Yoongi insisted and YN followed his suggestion and went into the bathroom to get changed.

When YN came back out, Yoongi wanted to pinch her cheeks she looked so adorable. She even had a cute little pacifier in her mouth.

 She even had a cute little pacifier in her mouth

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[YN's outfit minus the diapers. So stop commenting about them.]

"Come on Yoonie!", she shouted happily, grabbing Yoongi's hand and pulling him downstairs.

When they got to the bottom of the stairs Yoongi could literally feel the happiness being sucked out of his body. Jungkook was here, which would be fine if he didn't bring...them.

"Hiii hyung!!", shouted Taehyung while he waved his hand wildly at Yoongi.

And so it begins. The play date from hell.

End of chapter 6.

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