Paiges Secret

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(You are being warned you may not like this part of the chapter. This part and soon to come with be in a darker mind space. However I will not ruin what will happen in this chaper, but you have been warned. Injoy)

Paige went over to fred and began hitting him repeatedly, until she knocked the instrument from his hands. She looked up to a surprising sight, it wasn't fred she was hitting but a women from the band. Security came in and took Paige away.

The officers took Paige into a room to wait for further information. It had seemed the women Paige had hit wanted to file assault on her. As Paige sat quietly waiting for the officers Fred pops up.
"Lets play cops and robbers" Fred said happily, but Paige did not reply.
"Or how about we," Fred jumped up on a table in the room, "we dance." Fred had magically changed his clothes from his suit into a 70's look and from out of no were dico music started to play.

"Fred! For the love of all.... JUST SIT DOWN" Paige screamed sitting up from her chair. Fred felt a bit frightened from the sudden outburst from Paige, but he did what she asked.

Sadly for Paige the officers were right out the door about to come in. The officers looked at each other with confusion. She was in there alone right?

The officers came in to see only Paige in the room.
"Mrs the woman you hit, well, she wants to take you to court." The one officer said, but still Paige remained slightly.
"We might have to arrest you, but I fell you will have to be interviewed with a psych doctor."
Paige was taken by surprise, why would she need to be interviewed.
"Why?" She question, than both officers took at eachother.
"Well mrs witnesses say that you were arguing and screaming with yourself, and before me and my partner walked in here we heard the same thing. It is in your best interest that you will accept the interview."

Paige thought for a moment, and she thought what could she lose. She looked up at the officers and saw Fred viewing the officers up and down. Fred had even made the comment of them being how there are due to certain sizes being smaller than they would like. Paige saw humor in what Fred said, but didnt make it visible.

"What will you do with me if I accept?" Paige asked because she knew due to the charges she couldn't just leave home.
"No matter what we will have to put you in a holding ceil, but depending on what the psych doctor says will change your time spent in jail." Paige didnt agree to see the psych doctor due to her own reasons.

Well, Paige got set to jail for a few days. Fred was there with her for the least, he did make her laugh and smile at the down days in the ceil. Fred would make jokes, play small games, and just reenact scenes from movies. It wasn't until Paige left, however, when she felt like she was in jail.

Somehow word had spread to Paiges mother about the incident, and boy was she upset. She had forced Paige to move back with her "temporary", or until the case was settled.

"Seriously Paige what is wrong with you? Can you really not live on your own? You're as bad as you were when you were a child. Paige you need to grow up and act your age, at this point I'll have to take care of you up til I'm dead." If you couldn't tell, this is Paiges mother Susan. Susan lives alone with her black cat. The house she lives at is a bit to big for her, but with her daughter coming back it should be just enough room.

"Mom I haven't see you in a while, can you not pick me apart." Paige and her mother sat in the kitchen.
"Yeah you tell her Paige," Fred commented, jumping up on the island table to sit down. Paige sat down at another table in the kitchen, while Paiges mother stood by the coffee pot.
"I suppose, although whose fault is it you haven't seen me in months." Paige wanted to say it was her mothers fault, but instead she told her what she wanted to here.
"It was my fault" this took Fred by surprise, why would Paige agree to this?

"Hey paige you should tell the mega bitch to clean her cobwebs" fred laughted jumping down from the table.
"What do you mean" Paige said under her breath, than drank from her cup.
"What was that Paige?" Her mother questioned
"Oh nothi...." Paige was stopped from her sentence when she saw Fred laying on his back, looking up Susans skirt.
He poked up at her skirt and said "cobwebs". Paige couldnt help but giggle.

The rest of day wasn't very eventful. Paiges mother complained and would take down to Paige a lot. Paige dealt with it for the most part, but Fred was always there to cheer her up.

One morning, however, Freds joking went to far. Paige had just woke up when she noticed something different. She looked into the mirror to see her hair had been cut shorter on one side.
"Fred!" She yelled, but no Fred was in sight. She looked around to fine the scissors Fred used to cut her hair, but she found nothing. Paige than search in the bathroom, but still came up empty. Paige than went to the living room to be face to face with her mother.

"What happened to your hair?" She said angry
"It was Drop Dead Freds fault! Where are the scissors?" Paige said not really think as she searched through the table drawers.
"Drop Dead Fred.... You really haven't grown up have you Paige. Still blaming imaginary friends for your actions. This is why you're in the spot you are in." Paige was trying her best to ignore her mother, and to fine scissors.
"Look at me when I am talking to you" Paige's mother said very angrily, this caused Paige to stop dead in her spot and look at her mother.

"I heard you were offended to have a psych doctor exam you, but you denied."
"How did you hear that?" Paige question taken back from her mothers sudden acknowledgment of what happened.
"Don't avoid the question Paige" Susan was tapping her foot waiting for an answer. Paige knew her mother wouldn't answer her questions so she answered hers instead.

"I didn't think I needed to be examed" Paige said trying to be confident
"Come here right this minute" Susan pointed to right in front of her, and Paige slowly made her way to her. Susan quickly grabbed Paige's wrist, "Paige I know whats best for you. These charges will be dropped when there here from a doctor you have a mental illness" Paige tried to pull her arm away from her mother, but she had a tight grip.

"Let go" Paige said sternly, but Paiges mother didn't lose her grip. Instead, Paige's mother yanked down her sleeves and reviled old scarring.
"Im scheduling a meeting with the psych doctor tomorrow, and a haircut appointment before that. I will expect to see you bright and early tomorrow." And with that she let go of Paige, and Paige went back up to her room.

Being out of sight Fred had witnessed everything, and deep down his heart seemed to have broke. Fred wondered what happened to his little girl, after he was forced to leave her so many years ago. Fred also couldn't help but feel responsible for the event that happened, due to his little joke with the hair. More than anything though, Fred wanted to be by Paiges side. He hoped she would feel the same way.

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