Because I Love You

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As Paige, her mother, and Fred left the doctors office there was heavy tension. Paige was still filled with anger, and her mother was about to boil out of her skin. Fred however, was feeling the complete opposite. No words were spoken until they got to the car, as they seated themselves in the car Paiges mother turned towards Paige. 

"Paige," Paige looked at her mother with angry eyes, than a sudden slap went across Paiges face. The slap was was hard and full of anger, and would leave a mark on Paiges face. Anger, hate, a sudden rush of action rushed through Paige and Fred. Paige would hit her back, but she knew if she did, her mother would find a way to throw her in jail. So she did nothing. Fred, he wanted to do anything to help, but what could he do. After all, he was only 'imaginary'.  

"I should of never had you!" the words cut Paige right in half, the anger was replaced with sadness. Paige thought she was right, how could she not. When you live with depression anything cuts two time deeper. Paiges face stung, her eyes burned, and her throat was dry.

"You're right", Paiges voice was barley above a whisper. She looked away from her mother, facing out the window as a tear ran down her cheek. She questioned how she got to this spot. Just a few days ago she had a job, she was somewhat happy, and she was miles away from her evil mother. Than she felt a hand on her shoulder, Paige looked in the mirror of the car to see Fred in the back seat with soft eyes. 

"She's wrong" he mouthed to her. Paige didn't dare look back at Fred, but she watched him in the mirror. Paige than jerked her body to the side, so Freds hand would come off her shoulder. He got the message, and sunk back into the back seat. However this didn't stop him from watching the mirror, seeing the light escape Paiges eyes. 

When they arrived at Paiges mother house, it was her mother who stepped out of the car first. She than slammed the door and march to the front door. The slam made Paige jump in her seat, than she slowly got out of the car. 

"Suzy!" Paige turned towards the voice. It was Suzys neighbor, Tom, he had a little daughter and you could say he had the hots for Suzy. Yuck. Tom moved into his house right before Paige moved out. His daughter was very young when he moved in, the story was that his wife had died after giving birth to her.

"Oh hey Tom, hows Kate?" Paiges mother attitude did a complete shift. There was no anger, but only pure happiness. 'Two faced bitch' was all Paige could think as she slowly made her way to the door.

"She's great! We were hoping if you could make it to dinner tonight. And is that Paige, oh mine did she grow up fast." Paige stood beside her mother and gave a weakly smile to Tom.

"Hey Tom " 

"Would you ladies like to join us for dinner?" Paige smiled at the gesture, but felt dagger eyes staring her down.

"Ill be able to make it, but Paige is feeling a bit sick. We actually just got back form the doctors office." Suzy lied, but Paige didn't mind to much. She was happy that her mother would be out of the house for a while. 

"Maybe next time!" Paige yelled to Tom, and he smiled and went inside. Paige and her mother did the same. "You don't beat his daughter, do you?" it was the most sarcastic and meanful thing Paige could manage to say to her mother. 

"I don't have to, she's better than you in every way." Suzy left Paige standing by the door, as she went upstair to get ready for her dinner with Tom. 

"Paige," The voice was behind Paige. The voice was soothing, deep, and in a way dorky. She knew it was Fred, but she didn't have anything to say to him. She walked upstairs pretending to not her Fred call her name behind her. Paige entered her room and slowly shut the door. She turned and actually looked at her room. All her posters had been taking down, all her toys seemed to be nowhere in sight, and all her picture were missing. There were boxes and random junk in her room. Her mother, despite having a decent size house, turned Paiges room into a storage room. The only thing that was the same was thing that were heavy, such as the dresser and her bed. It was like her existence didn't matter. 

Paige leaned her body on the door, and slowly slid down the door. When she sat on the ground she brought her legs close to her chest and wrapped her arms around her legs. Lastly, Paige laid her head on her knees, her short black hair covered her pale face. Paige hadn't realized Fred appeared in her room, and sat down across from her.  

"Paige.." Fred reached his hand out to touch Paige, but almost as a third scene Paige pulled herself  away from Fred. Fred scooted closer to her, and in a glimpse he saw the little girl he first came to visit. The little girl that huddled herself close under the blankets, wearing a shirt too big for her body. "Paige please talk to me" Fred heard the quiet sniffles and the hushed crying coming from Paige. He didn't have to see her to know she was crying. He tried to bring his hand to her once again. "...Snotface?"

"Fred why did you come back?" She looked up from her knees. Her face was red, but the hand mark burned bright against her skin. Fred brought his hand to her cheek, and softly laid his hand under the mark. 

"Because I love you" 

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