The Appointment

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Sleep took over Paige almost as soon as she closed her eyes, she knew she heard Fred say something but her brain went to autopilot. She wasn't even sure if she said anything back as she feel into a sleep.

Sleep, you would hope, would be peaceful and filled with dreams. Sadly, this wasn't the case with Paige. If she did dream, which was rarely, her dreams would turn into nightmares. The nightmares were any typical nightmare, they consisted of people casing her, her feeling like she was falling, feeling trapped, and even past events turning more ugly than what had happened.

Spending the day with Fred had jotted Paige's brain, and surfaced some awful memories. As Paige laid in her old bed fast asleep, a nightmare began to form.
Its dark, the lights are dim, and there's a loud sound. Paige, now a little girl, is hiding under the kitchen table hearing her parents scream at each other. Her cry's are silent, barely above a whisper. Dark hands come under the table, and grab at Paige. She try's her best to move away, but the lager hands snatched her leg. She is dragged out from under the table and out into a bright light. Paige's heart races, and she is filled with fear. People wearing all white poke at her with different instruments, than they strap her to a bed. When Paige resists she noticed a pain, a deep red pain. Her arm was bloody with red lined scars. She screamed.

Paige awoken in her old bed, she was sweating, and her heart pounding. She looked at her arms, nothing was out of the ordinary. She than looked out the window, sunny, bright, morning. She noticed her eyes were watery, and figured that she must of been crying. She also looked around to see if Fred was around, but he was no wear to be found. She was kinda relived at that, she wasn't sure if she could face Fred as she was.

"Now, with all that nonsense out of the way" Paige thought, "I have to get ready to see the great doc today". Paige got off the bed and went straight to the shower. She made the water nice and warm, and hopped in. Thoughts began to fill Paige's head as she stood there taking a shower. Paige thought about her life; past, present, and now future. She also thought of Fred, and the appointment. Paige thought and thought until the shower went extremely hot than extremely cold, from a flush from the toilet.
"DAMIT FRED!!" Paige nearly jumped out of the shower, as for Fred he was just laughing away.
"The classic pranks are always the best!" Fred yelled before disappearing. Paige was upset, but that sudden change in temperature helped move her along. Paige got out of the shower and went to her room to change, and there sat Fred on her bed.

"Fred if you don't mind, I'd like to get changed"
"I don't mind at all" Fred said with a smirk, but Paige just rolled her eyes and walked over to her dresser and searched for some clothes.

"You know if you roll your eyes too much, they'll roll out of your head." Paige's giggled and rolled her eyes again and said, "what, are you my mother now?"
Fred jumped off the bed and towards Paige, "You think you're funny?" Paige lightly laughter and shook her head. "We'll see whose funny now"
Oh no, Paige thought, what have I done. Fred snapped his fingers and disappeared. Paige looked around, "what did you do?" And that's when she saw it. Fred had hide all of her clothes in the dresser.

Paige was still in a towel and now with no clothes to wear, what was she going to do. Ugh, she thought, she went over to the closet. In the closet there was hopefully dresses, that is if Fred didn't hide those too. Shocking he didn't, but now Paige had to find a dress. She never liked dresses, for one she didn't think she fit in them well and secondly, well let's not go there.

Paige found a nice summer dress, it was white with beautiful yellow flowers at the bottom. The dress was about to her knees, just about Paige's comfort level. Fred seemed to reappear around the time Paige was judging herself in the mirror.

"Snot Face! Looking as fabulous as ever!" Paige turned on a dime and slugged Fred in the arm.
"You ass! I need undergarments!" Paige was flustered with that statement, but it was true. Fred's face also seemed to have went red at the statement, and he snapped his fingers again. This time a bra and underwear appeared in his hand. Fred was going to say something cheeky before handing off the undergarments, but he was cut off by a loud voice.
"Paige!" Paige's mother's voice rained out. Paige quickly swiped her stuff from Fred and threw them on before running down stairs.

"Hi mom"
"It's about time you came down. I wanted you to come join me earlier, but since you decided otherwise we have to leave now before you're late for hair appointment." Great Paige thought, she's already being bitchy. The ride to the hair salon was quite and in a way awkward. Paige was a bit happen when Fred showed up to break the silence. Paige was next in line for a hair cut before Fred showed up, and as always he was being silly.

When Paige sat down on the chairs the lady asked how she wanted to fix the long hair on one side and short on the other. Obviously, the other side would be shorten, but as for styling Paige wasn't quite sure.
"Well I think we should take the top clear off, just wack it right off. Than the sides we could hair spray the crap out of it and give her Batman ears." Fred stated, he stood off to the side behind the chair, his uniform had changed to something a hair cutter would wear, and of course it was all green.

"Well, I wouldn't mind bangs, I think that they always looked nice on me, and I want the rest for my hair about," Paige looked in the mirror and was judging how long with her hand, but than Fred grabbed her hand. He was moving her hand up and down side to side, and the hair dresser was looking very concerned. Paige's mother came up and basically slammed Paige hand down to the chair.

"She doesn't know what she wants, but I do." Her mother proceeded telling the hair dresser information on now to style Paige's hair, and it was way shorter than how she want, and they did give her bangs but it wasn't the style Paige wanted them. Fred talked to Paige the whole time, which kinda help but Paige still felt very down about everything.

Next was the doctors appointment. Fred seemed to have found other imaginary friends to talk to as Paige and her mother wanted. It was very strange though, because Paige could see Fred talking to others, but she couldn't see who he was talking to. After a while Paige noticed that Fred kept looking back at her and with each look he looked more worried.
Finally, Paige's name was called and her mother, her and Fred walked into the doctors room.

"Good morning Paige, your mother has told me a lot about you"
"I bet she has" Paige said under her breath before taking a set beside her mother.
"What was that" the doctor said, as for Paige's mother, she just looked at her with the dirtiest look she'd ever seen.
"Score 1 for Paige, 0 for the megabitch" Fred said pulling out a tally board out of no where. A small smile went across Paige's lips, "Nothing", was all she said. Although the doctor saw Paige looking at nothing in particular when she said that.

"You're mother has told me you have an imaginary friend" Paige looked at her mother, than to the doctor, than to Fred. She wanted to lie, but her mother was here and for sure there was a cops statement out there confirming something along that lines.
"Ya I sure do, so do a bunch of kids" Paige said trying to make it sound like a less of a big deal.
"Yes, children do, not woman in their 20s and to be clear this isn't healthy." Healthy hah, Paige wanted to laugh at this doctor, he didn't know anything. As for Fred it looked like he found some cotton balls, as well as a plastic cup. He was entraining his self by trying to get the cotton into the cup.
"Well, what if the imaginary friend is a coping system for me." Fred looked at Paige and with two thin wood sticks in his mouth, smiles at her.
"What do you mean?"
"Well in certain times people do certain things to cope and keep their mind off things. Like some people dance, or sing, or write, read, draw, or create imaginary friends" Paige glanced at Fred, he now seemed to be paying attention to what was being said.
"You keep referring to what you're going through very broadly. What is it that yourself is going through?"

It was strange, in that sentence something in Paige snapped.
"What my mother hasn't told you how broken her daughter is? She hasn't told you about my depression, my bad habit, or how I had to go through so much shit as a kid?" Everyone starred at Paige in a complete shock. "No, wow what a shock. You don't look so good now do you mom." Now everything was out in the open, the doctor didn't realize the imaginary friend thing only touch the surface of what was going on with Paige. As for Fred, he knew Paige was different but it pained him not to realize about the depression, and he wondered if she was still depressed. Paige's mother, well she always had a pissed look on her, and after everything that had been said she didn't look any happier.
"I'm going to recommend counseling and today I'm giving you some pills to help with the imaginary friend. You shouldn't have any side affects, but if you do stop taking them right away."

With that Paige, her mom, and Fred left the doctors office and started their way back home.
"how dare you embarrass me like that" was the only thing Paige's mother could say to her.

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