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"Because I love you" 

The words seemed to hurt Paige even more, and more tears seemed to stream down her face. She pushed Freds hand away and got up. She than walked away from Fred, heading to the other end of her room. 

"leave me alone Fred" Paige sat down by her window walking the leave blow in the wind. Fred knew he couldn't leave her, he slowly approached her and kneeled down behind to her. Her hair looked soft, but her body posture was sharp and uneasy. 

"Paige, please listen to me." Fred actually had no idea what he was going to say, but he didn't want Paige feeling like she was alone. He was so lost, he hadn't felt these emotions before, he felt as if he was in a weird conflict with himself and Paige. A pain hit Freds chest, it felt like a gun shot to the heart. He held his chest as he moved his body next to Paige. A bottle and green pills laid beside Paige. 

Paige looked at Fred with depressed eyes,"..Go away.." Paige cried and took another green pill. Another gunshot pain hit Fred, his eyes hung sad and he left. Paige cried and stared out her window, and did this at the worse time. Her mother was heading over to the neighbors. Tom and his daughter greeted Suzy outside, and Kate ran up to Suzy with only happiness. The image was if they were the perfect family. Paige wanted to scream at the top of her lungs, and cry her eyes out. 

Paige looked at her storage room and started ripping, throwing, and breaking everything in the room. She looked looked in her mirror by her bed, her face was a tomato, her room was a dump and she was wearing a the white dress. "Ugly.." her own words sparked anger within her, and she punched the glass.  The mirror broke into many pieces, Paiges hand had been cut. She fell to her knees, and screamed into the air. She only stopped in order to breathe, and that when she looked at all the pieces of glass on the floor. Her broken reflection stared back at her. Paiges hand bled on the floor, the blood was warm and a deep red. She looked at the cut, she didn't even feel it. She was too numb to the feeling.

 Paiges white dress was now stained red, and had rips everywhere on it. Paige would of stayed there on the ground forever if it wasn't for the blood draining from her body. Paige got up and left the messy room, she went to get something to clean up the blood. She first went to the bathroom to bandage her hand. At the bathroom sink she refection stared at her once again, but it wasn't the only face staring at her. Paige glanced at the mirror and spotted Fred looking back at her in the mirror, but when she turned around to face him he was gone. 

Paige found a rag, than also grabbed a broom, and went back to her room. She cleaned up the majority of the mess, but the room wouldn't look the same again. Paige than went over to the green pills over by the window. She than remembered the pain in Freds eyes after she took some. She set the bottle beside the bed, and laid down on her bed. It was still early for bed, but what else was she going to do. 

Paige laid fast asleep in her bed, she tossed and turned and begun having nightmares. Fred appear in the room late at night, and watched Paige cry in her sleep. He walked over to her and sat down on her bed. He brought his hand to her face and moved all the hair away from her face. He than rubbed his fingers on her cheek. Paiges face seemed to soften to the touch, and she stopped moving so much. Her tears slowly went down her face, but Fred wiped them away. 

"I didn't want to leave you alone when you were younger Paige. I was trapped in the water can, and by tape of all things. If I would of know how bad things would of gotten I would of done things differently. And now I feel I have a second chance to help you, but you wont let me. I have these feelings for you I cant explain, and to see you like this hurts me worse than the green pills. I wish I could have the words to tell you this when you're awake." Fred let his hands go through Paiges soft hair, than he went up and kissed her forehead. 

Paige woke up to a bight light hitting her eyes, helping create a very painful headache. She shielded her eyes as best as she could as she went to move out of her bed. When she swung her legs down on the ground she head a rattle, she looked down to see the bottle of green pills. She grabbed the and looked at the bottle. She than put the bottle in her pocket and went downstairs. Suzy, Paiges mother, was already in the kitchen sipping on her coffee when Paige came down stairs. 

"Good afternoon" Suzy said sarcastically 

"Good afternoon, did you enjoy yourself at the dinner?" Suzy was taken back that Paige didn't sound sarcastic. 

"Well, it actually went really lovely. You would love Toms daughter." Although Paige despised her mother for what she did to her yesterday and what she did to her when she was younger, she was happy to have conversation that didn't involve fighting. "Have you took your pills yet?" Paige looked at her mother who was taking another gulp of her coffee. 

"I took two of them yesterday" Paige went up to get something to drink, perhaps orange juice if there was any in the fridge.  

"Thats good, if you're telling the truth." Yup, of course Paiges mother is trying to start a headed argument. Paige ignored the remark from her Mother and continued to look in the fridge for something to drink, that is until she saw Fred on the milk carton. 

"Snot Face! Quick spill the carton on the mega bitch! She'll never see it coming!" Fred smiles evilly and was laughing at his own idea, but Paige couldn't risk anything. Although it pained her, she took out the bottle of pills. "Snot Face... what are you doing?" Fred knew exactly what she was doing, but he hoped the question would stop her. She looked at him and took two green pills. The pain shot threw Fred, and he disappeared. 

The next time Paige went to take the pills because she saw Fred, he actually tried to prevent her from doing so. "Paige stop! Please!" He yelled at her, but she was going to take two more pills. Before she was able to bring the pills to her mouth Fred went behind her and held her arms to her side. 

"Fred! Get off me!" Paige struggles to get out of Freds arms, she kicked and tried her best to lift her arms. No matter what she did she couldn't break free. "You're not real!" She screamed, this sudden outburst hurt Fred. Freds grip loosened, which allowed Paige to break free and take the pills. However, this time Fred didn't disappear, this time he just fell to the ground. 

"Why wont you go away.." Paige said with pain in her voice as she watched as her once good friend laid on the floor. She couldn't stand the sight of him feeling so much pain so she left the room. She hated herself for what she was doing to Fred, and who she was slowly coming to be. She felt like a robot, emotionless, moving through life numb, and having pointless conversations with her so called mother. Months are passing by and Paige is just getting worse, not better. The temporary living situation with Paiges mother is lasting longer than ever, and each day Fred is looking sicker.  "There's so much pain here..."

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