I road in and everyone started coming one and giving me hugs and crying or hitting me, Mrs. H did that a bunch.

After that, I noticed Ella wasn't there so I asked Mr. H, he said he'd give her a call since she might be asleep. So he went off to the side and did just that. Not even ten minutes later, the door to the bar is thrown open and I see Ella walking out, her head down. But she isn't alone, shes carrying a baby, a fucking baby. The same child is covered in blankets and Ella is holding him so close to her small frame.

She finally makes her way to the center of the group, I see shes wearing shorts, a hoodie and her hair is up in a messy bun. I cant even focus on her being here in front of me for the first time in a year because all I can see is red, who the fuck did she sleep with?

Who the fuck does that kid belong to?

More important, how old is the fucking kid?

I don't even realize I've said anything until Ella whips her small head up so fast she sways causing Mr. H to reach out and steady her.

I see her knees buckle slightly and she starts crying, "Oh my god," she says, her breath visible in the cold air, stepping closer to me, "is it really you?" she sobs.

My eyes connect with hers, "Its me Doll. Now answer me, whose kid is that?" I growl again, pointing to the kid.

"Yours. He's yours." she sobs.

"Really?" I ask, standing from my bike.

Her small little head nods at me and her eyes travel up and down my body. I do the same as well, she looks just like she did a year ago. She's gotten a little more chubby but I like it, she looks healthy and happy. And then the realization settles over me that I have a kid. A child that hasn't known who I am for however long. A kid I wasn't there to see be born. I wasn't there to help Doll. I stare down at her as I ask, "What's his name?"

"Jonathan Drew Wolf."

My name. She named him after me. Its a fucking boy. Thank you lord. I already know my usually frown is gone and replaced with a shit eatin' grin, I laugh and pull Doll and my son into me and lift them both and spin them as I yell, "I'm a fucking Daddy!" To which I get several cheers and whoops from the crowd.

"We need to get inside. Its to cold for Joey to be out here." I hear Doll whisper in my ear.

I nod and toss my keys to a prospect to park my bike and then I walk Doll and Jonathan inside.

I set her down on a table and then lean over to be face to face with Doll and growl, "I've fuckin' missed you Doll." before crashing my lips to hers and pulling her closer to me.

She breaks away breathing heavy and places her forehead against mine and nods, "Me too Beast. Me too."

"Let me see my son." I grunts pulling him from under all the blankets.

I pick him up and lay him in my arms. I look over his face and then back to Doll and then back at him and then back at Doll, I see that he has her nose and her curly hair. He has a few freckles across his nose and cheeks, but overall he looks just like me as a baby,  "We made this Doll?" I ask shocked.

She nods at me and smiles at the two of us, and then her eyes fill with tears.

"He looks just like me." I say and she laughs at me.

"He has the same eyes as you Beast." She whispers.

"How old is he?"

"Almost three months old."

I do the quick math in my head and then realize, she was pregnant when I left, I look up at her, "That means, that's means you were pregnant when I left."

Ella's Story ( Devil's Angels MC #1 ) Where stories live. Discover now