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Michael Corbin


To some people, it is just a sport. A game they watch on TV or maybe even in real life. Maybe they play it or maybe they've just heard of it. To some people, it is their life. They live it, they love it. They sleep it, they dream it.

It is enough to drive some people insane. It makes you do things you'd never do in real life. It makes you think things you never think and feel things you never feel. It takes you out of the realm of right and wrong and leaves with nothing but a crave for something to fill the void. For anything to bring back what it has taken away. For some people, it is the only thing that keeps them sane. It takes them out of their normal, day-to-day life and puts them in something entirely new. It makes everything seem so far away and it makes them feel as if they can do anything. That they can be anything.

For some people, lacrosse is the thing that connects them to other people. Maybe they don't have things in common with others, but they will always have lacrosse. It links them to people they may have never met otherwise and allows them to be friends. Sometimes it becomes something more than friendship. Maybe it's brotherhood or sisterhood. Maybe it's love.

Lacrosse is many things to many people, but in the end, it is the one thing in anyone's life who is in any way, shape, or form involved with it that makes us feel like us. It brings out the best in some people, although it brings out the worst in me. It gives people a family away from their real family. It gives us people to talk to and to bond with. If gives us friendships that will last forever. It gives us the confidence to be able to do whatever we want to do and the bravery to believe that nothing can get in our way.

Lacrosse changes people's lives in a way that nothing else can. I am fortunate enough to have experienced that, but not everyone else has.

Find something that makes you feel the way lacrosse makes us feel. Once you find it, don't ever let it slip away. Keep it in your life and keep it close to your heart. Let it guide you through your life and allow it to help you discover who you are. Let it take you places you've never been before and experience things you've never felt before.

Let it free you from any struggles you have and let it be your safe haven.

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