14- Mama and Drama

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After arriving to my empty house ten minutes after fleeing the game of What Are The Odds, Kendall and I go up the stairs in to my slightly messy room, leaving our lacrosse equipment in the garage except for our uniforms for the scrimmage tomorrow.

"Are your parents okay with me staying here?" Kendall asks when we enter my room, placing her bag filled with clothes for the next few days on top of my dresser.

I shrug my shoulders, having not asked them yet. "My dad will be cool with it. It's my mom that I'll have to work on and she's the final decision. I'll make her okay with it though, and even if she's not I don't care because you're not staying at your house alone."

"You're the best," Kendall murmurs, wrapping her thin arms around me.

"Let's take showers and then I'll order a pizza for dinner," I suggest.

"Sounds perfect."

I go in to the laundry room and grab a clean linen towel off one of the stocked shelves, handing it to Kendall. She disappears in to the guest bathroom and I wait to hear the water start running before entering the bathroom inside of my bedroom.

Thirty minutes later, after me sitting on the living room couch for ten minutes, Kendall walks down the stairs with her hair in a messy bun and wearing a t-shirt from last year's National Lacrosse Championship tournament, cut at the bottom, and Soffe brand shorts. She plops down on the cushion next to me, smiling at me.

"There's a Pretty Little Liars marathon on tonight," Kendall hints.

"Turn it on. I'll order the pizza and try not to kill myself," I joke. I dial the local pizzeria's number and order a medium cheese pizza, which should arrive in twenty minutes.

When I return to the couch, Kendall is already zoned in to the first Halloween episode of the show. I lie down, spreading my legs out across the fluffy cushions, and pull Kendall down with me, her eyes never leaving the screen. I nuzzle my chin in between her neck and shoulder, kissing her lightly. This draws her attention back to the real world.

Kendall rolls on to her other side so her back is to the flat screen TV on the wall and puts her lips on mine passionately. Her hands find their way to the back of my neck and mine to her hips, pulling her closer.

We stay like this for what seems like only a few seconds, but what turns out to be twenty minutes because the doorbell rings.

"Damn it," I curse, standing up. I go to the front door while Kendall goes in to the kitchen to get plates. I pay for the pizza and bring the box inside, setting in on the coffee table in the living room. Kendall has brought over two plates, two napkins, and two glasses of water.

After finishing up the pizza, we lie back down and pick up where we left off. Her hands run through my now dry hair, mine resting on her thighs.

"Josh?" a voice calls from the front door, it closing. "Josh are you here?"

My mother.

I pop my head up above the top of the couch and wave.

"What are you doing over there? And why's your hair such a mess?" she intrigues.

"Watching Pretty Little Liars," I say with a laugh. That's when Kendall pops her head up too.

"Hi, Mrs. Thompson!" Kendall squeals, smiling.

"Hello, Kendall," my mom replies, her voice losing all feeling except disappointment.

"Josh, can you help me put these groceries away?" She places several cloth bags on to the kitchen counter, all teeming with household items and food.

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