28- Make Things Right and Quite A Sight

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The bell rings, ending any chance of me clearing things up with Kendall. I need to do something to show her that I'm sorry, rather than just telling her. But what? What can I do?

I slump over to my locker down the hall, swinging open the blue metal door and removing my Environmental Science textbook. As I do so, a small piece of folded up white paper falls out from underneath the front cover. It lands on the bottom of my locker, and I pick it up cautiously before closing the door.

Meet me at the bleachers during lunch. I want to show you something.


How did this even get in here? I mean, I saw Kendall the second she stepped inside the school and she certainly didn't have time between then and now to go to my locker and slip this inside. And even if she had, she clearly hasn't forgiven me. She must've put it in here on Friday, intending for me to get it today.

I crumple the square of paper into a ball and toss it in a nearby trash can as I make my way to my stupid science class.


When lunch time rolls around, I can't get the message on the note out of my head.

Maybe Kendall gave it to Destiny to put in my locker? Destiny would've had time to put it inside. Maybe she does want to show me something, and maybe this is the last chance I'll get to show her that I am truly, madly, deeply sorry.

So when my friends file out of our third period class and head in the direction of the cafeteria, I walk out the back doors of the school and to the bleachers. What can it hurt? I mean, she'll either be there or she won't be. If she is, great. If she's not, I'll talk to her some other time.

When I reach the bleachers, it appears as if nobody is there. I consider forgetting about the weird note and just going inside to the lunchroom to eat with Andrew and some other guys, but decide to wait it out for a little while. Kendall's art class is all the way on the other side of the school so it'll take her longer than me to get here.

I climb up the few steps that give the bleachers a semi-birds-eye view of the field to the front row and sit down, the cool metal connecting with my legs.

I wait for a good five minutes and finally decide to leave. She either decided not to come or was never planning on it anyways. I was stupid for believing she was. I said that it couldn't hurt to come here, but it did. I couldn't help but get my hopes up for a chance to make things right.

I begin to stand up when I hear light footsteps walking up the steps to the bottom of the bleachers, so I sit back down. But when the person reveals them self from around the corner, it is not Kendall.

It's Kimmy, the girl from my kitchen yesterday that my mom tried to force me to go on a date with. She has her curly blond hair pulled back in a ponytail and is wearing a pair of black high waisted shorts and a wine colored sweater.

"Bet you didn't expect me to be here," she jokes lightheartedly, setting herself down next to me.

"Not really," I reply, sighing.

"This is a nice school," she states plainly, no emotion in her words, clearly not meaning them. How could she mean them? Sure, Lincoln Central is a nice school, but Pittsburgh Hills looks like a castle. It blows this place out of the water.

"So why are you here?"

"You jump right to the point," Kimmy says. "I like that."

"Good for you."

"How'd you get that shiner?" she asks, referring to my black eye. She seems to be stalling for something, what it is, I don't know. I'm not sure if I want to know.

"You should know. You were in the bleachers when it happened."

Kimmy laughs and slides a little closer to me on the bench. I add the space between us back. "You should see Michael's face if you think that's bad. He was pretty ugly before but now he's just bad. His nose was almost broken and he's got bruises all over the place."

"So why are you here?" I ask again, wanting to know the reasoning behind this strange visit.

"Like my note said, I want to show you something."

"That note was from you?"

"Who'd you think it was from?"

"My girlfriend," I answer.

"According to your mom, you don't have a girlfriend," Kimmy coos. She closes the gap between our thighs once again.

"Well my mom doesn't know what she's talking about," I hiss. Kimmy just shrugs her shoulders.

"I don't see a girlfriend anywhere," she says, looking around.

I stand up to leave, not wanting to see where this crazy girl is taking this.

As I start my way down the four steps to the ground, I hear muffled footsteps from a distance. I turn my head to see who it is, but I don't get the chance to before Kimmy gets to me once again.

"I came here to show you how we do it over at Pittsburgh Hills," she whispers in my ear.

She spins me around so that her legs are up against the fencing that surrounds the bleachers to prevent people from falling. She is surprisingly strong for her size and manages to get a hold of my shirt, using it to pull me to her. Her lips connect with mine and she forces her tongue inside my mouth. I try to pull away, but somehow this way-too-skinny girl that appears to have no muscle on her bones is in control of me. I can't break free from her grasp, even as she pushes her way on to the top of the railing.

Her hand is still curled around my shirt sleeve as her legs wrap around my torso, her other hand yanking one of mine to her back and holding it there by my forearm.

Why is she doing this? What is this going to accomplish? I mean, it's pretty clear that I don't like her.

Then it hits me. Pittsburgh Hills. She's on the Pittsburgh Hills lacrosse team and this is part of their master plan. This is an addition to their attempts to break Kendall and me up. First the stalking and the pictures. Then the graffiti. Then the background check. Then the rape. Then the fight. Now this.

And that means only one thing- Kendall has to see this too in order for it to hurt her.
They sent her a note too. This was all a setup.

And those footsteps I heard approaching the bleachers seconds before being ambushed belong to Kendall.

She is standing right here, watching me be powerless against this spell that has been cast on Kimmy to make her so strong.

Watching me kiss another girl.

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