23- Spies the Lies

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Michael Corbin

"Nobody was supposed to get hurt," he hisses, jabbing a finger in to my chest after the rest of our scrimmage had been cancelled.

He grabbed me and dragged me in to the equipment room while I was on my way to the parking lot.

"We were supposed to get them to break up. That's it. Nothing bad was supposed to happen. They were just going to lose their soft spot to help us and you thought it would get them distracted, helping you," she says.

"The plan changed," I state simply.

"You lied to us. You said you weren't going to hurt anyone. You hurt her Michael. You hurt her badly," he spits.

"The plan wasn't working so I had to change it. You never had to agree to it in the first place," I explain.

"We did everything you asked. We sent the background check to his psycho mom. We took some of the pictures for you. We told you where she lives. We planted those notes. All we asked in return was that they were both going to be safe and you didn't do that for us. You lied to us!" she exclaims, her voice cracking emotionally.

"Well it wasn't working so I did something that will work. It's going to do exactly what we started this plan to do, break Josh and Kendall up. If you don't want to be my spies anymore, you don't have to be. I can take it from here." I turn around and walk out of the equipment room, leaving the two Lincoln Central players behind.

"We're out Corbin!" he yells from behind me.

"Suit yourselves."

Did my plan go a little astray?


Did I do something that I didn't think I would ever do?


Did it work?

We'll see.

But I have a feeling that it will.

It will crack them under the pressure.

Everything has been building up inside of them, and now it's all going to explode.
And those two nitwit spies truly think that the perfect couple breaking up is going to help their teams.


It's going to be the opposite.

They feed off of each other.

They give each other power, energy, strength.

Without one another, they might as well be hopeless.

State championship, here I come.

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