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You didn't wait. You don't have to feel sorry. I have too. I'm apologizing for making you feel uncomfortable and for the situation.
I don't know what I was thinking. It was like you took control over me....I don't even know why I wrote this down and gave it to 1F/N...I'm sorry...

-Taehyung XXX

"Hahaha! Look at your face Y/N!" 2F/N shoots. "OH MY GOD! Y/N! Your even more red then a strawberry hahaha!" 3F/N started to laugh too. "Hey!" You glared at them :"Still the letter is pretty cute though!" 1F/N mentions. You nodded and hug you cat a little tighter. "So how did he reacted?" You look at the two who stayed longer. The looked at each other an started to laugh. "OMG! HAHAHA! Don't remind me HAHAHA!" "HIS FACE HAHAHA OMG! That was amazing hahah!" You looked at them. You were confused, you imagined and accepted many reactions from him, after that what happened but...a reaction that would let 1 and 3F/N laugh so hard. That was not in. "Why are you laughing? I want to laugh too!" 2F/N says. The two calmed down :"So when I told him that Y/N went home with you. He looked at us like he saw a ghost. His face was hahaha just thinking of it makes me laugh [A/N: Imagine him like that or search a funny pic of him. Thx u]. And he stood like that for ten minutes. Than collapsing into a chair and hiding his face behind his hands. But everyone could see that he was blushing! Y/N you have a DATE!" "WHAT YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!" 1F/N unlocks her phone and shows you pictures. Taehyung Stand there with the described expression in his face and then sitting in the chair...clearly seeing him blushing. "I'm sooo dead." "Aww c'mon Y/N...oh gosh don't be like that." 2F/N starting to giggle too, like the others. You wanted to say something but you got interrupted by you phon buzzing. "UH~ it's him...texting his love~" you heard one saying. With a tone you don't like. "Love is in the air. Everywhere I look around~!" You heard them singing. "Would you pleas shut up?!" "Nope!" They said. "Well would you shut up if I'd tell you it wasn't him?" You looked at them with a serious look. "Who was it then?" 1F/N asks with worry. "Him." You said and showed your friends the message.


*Unknown number*:
How many angels are there? What do you think? But one that changes our life is enough. And I saw mine. Maybe my angel will see me sometime too.

"Woah!" "Sooo CUTE!" "Hey! Keep your minds down. We don't know who that is!" You said to 2 and 3F/N. "Maybe it's one from our classes." 1F/N said. "Could be possible but...oh gosh..." "What is it Y/N?" "Do you guys remember when I told you 'bout that one specific person?" "Wait! No...that one you felt uncomfortable in the train, back in school-time? In the train?" "Yes. That one." "Oh shit." You heard coming from your friends. "This is getting weird though." 3F/N broke the silence, which lasted for a couple minutes. "What do you mean by that?" She's been asked :"Well...the last time Y/N felt uncomfortable was when we saw that person in the city...which is actually a month ago. And if we are right and that...boy, man a secret admirer of month is a long time not showing up." "Guess your right at that point. But I'm still not getting it." 2F/N explains. "Me either..." you said. "I think I'm getting it. Taehyung acted differently like he actually is acting around you. And now you received a message from a person...that obviously none of us knows." 1F/N explains :" So you want to tell me the person could be one from the entertainment?" 2F/N asks and receives a nod as response. "I'm going to bed. It's too much." You said and went to bed.

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