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"So we need Make-up that seems mysterious but also dangerous. Don't use any shiny colors." "So only ale colors?" you ask the manager, woh's explaining what he wants for a shooting. "And for the interview this evening? Same as for the shooting or as always?" 3F/N asks already searching for eyeshadows. "For the interview you girls can put on a little black or just eyeliner. I guess that would be enough. If not I'll text you." And the manager went out the room. "Okey...they're coming after their done practicing. Should we start?" 1F/N said "Yes." you and 2F/N said.

You girls thought about how you could set the wish if the manager into reality.
After an half hour you guys were done. So now you had a still time left until the boys would show up.

You sat on a chair, looking at the chat of you and Taehyung. Looking over it made you smile. It was obvious that he was your bias of the group.

We're coming in ten minutes!

Okey. We're waiting.

Why did he send that in the group with us all? Why did he just text me? I'm thinking waaaay~ too much over this! Y/N you need to stop. This is an intervention!
"Girls! The boys are coming in ten minutes!" "Okey!" Y'all stat to take the this you will need and place them at your workplace.
Ten minutes have passed and now you're doing the Make-up. "Woah! That looks so cool Y/N! Thank you!" Taehyung compliments your work and smiles happy at you. "You guys finished?" He asks your friends. "Still need a bit." Namjoon* answers his question. You see all your friends doing the last things....and done.

"Okey! You have to go!" That was the signal for the band to make their way to the backstage area. They went out and the door closed. "Aahh~ so happy that we could make it." 2F/N says. "Hey Y/N! Isn't that the necklace for Taehyung?" "Shit you're right! What should I do?!" You asked running through your hair. "Go to them!! Their performance will start in three minutes!!" You took the necklace and start to run the second you were out the room. Shit how could this happen?! You arrived backstage and looked for Taehyung. You saw him talking to another girl.
You felt jealousy running through your veins.
But it was gone the second it came.
You walked over to them, completely in business-mode. "Taehyung?" You said hopping to get his attention. "Y/N! What is it?" he says smiling at you. You hold up the necklace in your hand. He looked at it, not getting what he should do with it. "You have to put in on. It's part of the look." You say, now definitely smiling because of his face. "Can you put it on?" He says with a big grin on his face. "O-Okey." You suddenly felt nervous. Taehyung was standing in front of you, you pulling the necklace over his head and putting it on the right place on his chest. Calm down Y/N. Why is he coming closer? You clearly could feel his breath on your skin. You looked up. Realizing how close he was. Your noses weren't one centimeter apart. You looked into his eyes. Unable to say something. He still coming closer and putting his hands on your hips. "T-...Tae-Taehyung?" You whisper, shaking of nervousness. He opened is mouth :"Taehyung you coming?! You're about to go on stage!" You both hear the manager yelling through the backstage area. "Wait for me." He whispers to you heading the stage.

A/N: *or another

Hope you liked it! Have a nice day/night/whatever!

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