"As I was saying my uncle is Simon Cowell. My father is Tom Cowell an-"

"Your dad is Tom Cowell owner of SONY" Louis yelled almost chocking on his food. He managed to capture the attention of everybody around us. Jesus this boy has a big mouth.

"Yea what other brother does Simon have?" He blushed.

"Sorry I thought you guys were related by like some other way."

"Nope he's my father. Anyways my mum is Mexican American mixed with a bit of Japanese, she was born in LA and my fathers originally from Lambeth, London, England so yea." I looked in front of me and saw Harry staring at me. He looked away quickly when he realized I saw him staring.

Why does he keep doing that?


I didn't know how to react when she told us all of this about her. She was an interesting person and there was so much about her I didn't know, although when we asked about her dad she didn't say much and avoided the topic. She referred to him as father as to her mum just mum. I realized I was staring at her too much which caused Liam to elbow me.

"Harry remember Simon." he whispered. I got up and went to the bathroom. I washed my face and looked at myself.

"Get ahold of yourself Harry! A girl can't possibly be doing this to you. You never fall over a girl that's just absurd." I closed my eyes but was greeted by an image of her.

"Damn it! Get out my fucking mind!" I ran my fingers thru my hair frustrated. I heard the door open and in walked Louis.

"Haz you alight there mate? Everyone's worried about you."

"Yea I'm fine it's just that she won't stay out my head!"

"Who?" He looked confused but then his eyes widened. "Is it Claire? Harry I thought you just had a crush just like Niall with Demi Lovato not anything serious."

"No Louis I like her I can't get her out my head but Simon won't allow it he thinks I'm no good."

"Well Harry you are a bit of a player."

"Thanks for your help." I rolled my eyes.

"Look I don't know what to say but if you really like her change." I looked at him.


"If you really like her change your player ways. Show Simon how much you like his niece and show him you're good enough for her. But change first which means no more one night stands or flirting with random bimbos."

I sighed. I don't know if I can change. But for her I guess I could give it a shot.

"Alright then I guess I could give it a try." I dried my face and walked out but bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry love, here let me help you." I saw her face and noticed it was Claire. She looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey I just came to check on you." she said looking at me with those beautiful brown eyes.

"What about me?! Doesn't anybody care about Louis?" I glared at him. He just smiled and walked back to the table.

"Uh yea I'm fine."

"Oh well let's get back." she was about to turn around but I grabbed her hand and pulled her back. She looked at me suprised.

"Uh Claire do you think maybe you wanna go out tomorrow for coffee or something? You know as friends." I said while scratching awkwardly at the back of my neck. Damn why does she make me so nervous.

"Um yea sure." she said smiling. I smiled at her. "Give me your number and I'll text you tomorrow?" She pulled her phone out and we exchanged numbers. We walked back to the table. I couldn't wipe this stupid grin on my face.


Me and Harry walked back to our table and we all talked and had good laughs. We left and I was dropped off first.

I walked into my apartment and took a shower and changed. I slid into my covers and couldn't wait for tomorrow.


I woke up and was suprised that I didn't have that dream again. I then heard my phone vibrate indicating I had a text message, I got up and opened the text.

HARRY: Hey Claire :) I'll pick you up in an hour is that okay?

I started to text him back.

ME: Yea that's great, my apartment is at the very top so it shouldn't be hard to find see you then xx

I got up and went to take a shower. I dried myself off and went to pick an outfit for today.

We're only getting coffee so I decided to wear a grey v neck shirt, olive colored skinny jeans, and grey converse. I blow dried my hair and just decided to leave it straight.

I heard someone knock. Wow he sure did get here quick. I went to get my purse and my phone. I walked to open the door and saw the one person I didn't want to see. That very moment I regretted opening the door.

"Claire." he said my name filled with love and kindness.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now