"Good, otherwise I wouldn't agree with it", Laxus just stated without hesitation.

"So it's settled. What are we eating?" Bicks asked curiously. "Who did this stew?"


"Okay, then I'm hungry", tall man with helmet grinned and grabbed a plate.

"Who said you can have any?" Laxus said but with playful tone.

"Freed always makes enough for all of us, right baby?" Bicks said looking at Freed who crossed his arms.

"Old habits die hard", the rune mage smiled. "There should be plenty for us so no one remains hungry."

"That's our captain", Bickslow grinned and filled his plate while Laxus brought one to Freed. The Tiki dolls landed on the coffee table and settled there.

"So what have you been doing, Bicks?" Freed asked and looked at the dolls. They seemed unnaturally tired. Or as tired as dolls possibly could look.

"Oh, nothing", Bicks grinned. "Nothing you should worry."

"Why are you saying I shouldn't worry?" Freed asked narrowing his eyes.

"Uh oh..." the mage with visor suddenly gasped when he glimpsed outside of the window.

"Bickslow!" they could hear Ever's angry shout and again the door was almost ripped off from it's frame. "I'm going to freaking murder you!" brunette yelled and Bickslow did his best to hide behind Laxus – it didn't work well since he was slightly taller than the Thunder God. His dolls jolted and hid behind Freed's chair, trembling there in fear.

"Ever, what did he do now?" Freed sighed just eating his meal. This wasn't anything unusual in their team.

"Freed, glad you're home sweetie", Ever smiled but that smile turned cold and deadly when she glared back at Bickslow. "That bonehead blew up my wardrobe!" she screamed pointing at Bickslow.

"Blew up... Bicks, how on earth you managed to do that?" Freed asked confused.

"I only needed to borrow quickly one thing -"

"Please, don't tell us what you were going to borrow from Ever's wardrobe and why", Laxus snorted.

"You had no permission to enter my room! Or go through my clothes!" Ever screamed furiously. "No man has never permission to go pry on lady's wardrobe! Even you should understand that much!"

"But it doesn't count if it's not really a lady's wardrobe, baby", Bickslow cackled and was hit in the face by a shoe.

"Bickslow", Freed said before there would erupt bigger fight in the house. "Ever's right. What you did was utterly wrong. We agreed in the rules when we moved in that house and one of the rules was that we should respect each others personal space. You broke that rule."

"I'm sorry, Freed", Bickslow said quickly. It would never end well if you ended up breaking one of Freed's rules. Even Laxus followed those rules carefully. "I can fix that wardrobe for her."

"You will most definitely do that", Freed said.

"And then we can be buddies again?" the blue haired seith mage asked with a glimpse of hope in his voice and his dolls peeked behind Freed's chair.

"Come up with some really juicy punishment, Freed", Ever giggled. Freed might not like it when someone broke his rules but he sure did enjoy too much when he could come up with different punishments.

Freed smiled slightly what made Bickslow sweat.

"Today you will fix Ever's wardrobe", Freed finally said. "And tomorrow you will spend all day with Ever in the town shopping."

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