21 - Pregnant

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"Come on! Meliodas wants to celebrate so get off your ass babe" I said as I tried to drag Zeldris out of the bed.

He groaned and stayed put, "I'm tired" he moaned.

I sat on top of him and smiled.

"We can do whatever you want when we come home" I said in a flirtatious tone.

He smiled and grabbed me bridal style as we began to walk towards the tavern.

"I have legs Zeldris" I giggled and he simply smiled.

He ignored me and soon enough we were in front of the tavern, he finally placed me down and we walked in.

"Welcome back Zeldris!"

He smiled softly as I patted his head.

After some time I watched as Zeldris was starting to actually get drunk.

Elizabeth wasn't drinking but she was like that all the time so I didn't find it unusual.

I saw her watching Meliodas talk with Zeldris so I approached her, "it's good to see them happy, huh?" I whispered and she blushed but nodded.

Meliodas and Zeldris were laughing about something with King, Ban, Gilthunder and Howzer.

Diane and Merlin joined us at a table as we all sat down.

"I have some news~" Elizabeth whispered and we smiled at her.

She took a shaky breath, "I'm pregnant" she whispered.

We all froze and stayed quiet as she waited for our reactions.

Suddenly I stood and I screamed then ran over to her and wrapped her into a hug, the girls quickly joined and we were all jumping up and down.

Everyone was staring at us as Elizabeth was crying.

"I can't believe it" I whispered as my hands rested on each side of her face.

"You two are going to make amazing parents" I said and kissed her forehead and wiped her tears away, "so will you and Zeldris"

I smiled and we joined in a hug again.

"What's going?" Gilthunder asked as I turned to Elizabeth.

She walked towards them and smiled, "I'm pregnant!"

ᴢᴇʟᴅʀɪs x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora