Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Hailey, come on, we're going to be late." My mom called up to me from downstairs. It seems that everyone but me is ready to go. My family is taking a vacation to Wilmington, North Carolina to visit my aunt, and we plan to stay there for the next three weeks. To me, that's a long time to be away from these gorgeous California beaches. But hey, if I continue getting ready at this rate, we won't end up in North Carolina after all.

I had yet to even get my stuff packed, due to a very rough morning. John, my older brother, had kept me up all night playing his music too loudly, and this morning-because of not being able to get proper rest-I woke up an hour before we had to leave for our flight. I have been rushing all morning and only have my clothes on and hair done. All I have to say is that I better be really glad that I knew what I was going to pack, even if I don't have it in my suitcase.

"Hailey!" My mom's voice was loud as she shouted up the stairs to me.

At this point, I was really tired of hearing her mouth-this was the fifth time she has called me-so I stuffed everything in my suitcase, even if it wasn't folded. "Coming!" I said, struggling to gather everything, not daring to forget my makeup bag.

John appeared in my door, leaning against the frames.

"Well," I snapped, "are you just going to stand there and watch me suffer, or help me?"

"I like the first option better, but I know you won't be satisfied unless I give you the answer you think is reasonable."

"You know me so well. Now help me." I offered him my suitcase, but he backed away.

"Actually," he said, "I don't think I want to help you." He winked, doing his half smirk, and left.

"John!" I called after him, but it was no use, and I knew it. "Ugh."

So, with tight arms around my stuff, I walked down the stairs, struggling with every step.

My mom sighed happily. "Finally. Everyone else ready?" Without waiting for an answer, she handed the suitcases off to my dad, and he loaded them in the trunk.

John came down the stairs with his Samsung Galaxy S4 in hand. "Did they already deal with my suitcase?"

"I don't know. I'm not the one that's packing them up, dad is."

"Tell me something I don't know. Now," he slipped black ear buds on. "Go ask him."

I rolled my eyes at him, but, to my own shock, I did as he said. When I reached the front door, I peered in the driveway and saw my dad fitting luggage in his trunk, looking awfully frustrated. From the corner of my eye, I saw a figure walking towards our house. I knew immediately who it was.

It was Mason, John's friend. Correction: John's hot friend. Seeing his hazel eyes and stark white smile is enough to get me blushing every time I see him. This was one of those times.

As he approached, I brushed my hair over my shoulder to try to hide my red face. If he saw me blushing, he'd know I have a crush on him, and that would not be good. The worst part would have to deal with John teasing me for the rest of my life. All of my friends agree with me when it comes to his looks. Of course, they still think I'm crazy for crushing on a twenty-one year old guy that I have no chance with, whatsoever. Honestly, I agree that he does not find my brown eyes and golden blonde hair attractive. Nor does he think my freckles are cute, or the way I babble whenever he talks to me. I bet he thinks I'm a complete weirdo.

"Hey Hailey," he said, finally reaching me.

"Hi," I replied, feeling my cheeks get warm.

"Oh, John told me you guys were heading to North Carolina today. You excited?"

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