It's not your fault

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Jungkook pov 🙈🙉🙊
I feel guilty for some reason. Yesterday when Olive explained what happend, I felt like shit. Is this my fault, what if Y/n won't trust me anymore? What if she thinks I did this sick joke?

 Is this my fault, what if Y/n won't trust me anymore? What if she thinks I did this sick joke?

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Y/n pov
Jungkook turned around and looked shocked. It scared me and I almost spilled my orange juice. «What is it Kookie?», he just stared at me. I sat down my cup and held his face. I looked at his face slowly coming back to itself. «You don't think I did it right?», he asked and started to sniff. «Oh my God, no Kookie! No I trust you!», I answered shocked. Did he really think I would blame him, aw.

Jungkook stood up from the dining chair and pulled me up for a hug. I smiled and giggled. «Sorry, I just feel guilty. What if someone did overhear the conversation and tried to prank you?», Jungkook played with my hair and kissed my head. I shaked my head no and took my glass to the sink.

Olive and Steff went to the doctor to check Olive's body. She had alot of bruises and cuts from the forrest. Me and Jungkook decided to stay here and eat breakfast. I wanted to join them, but I saw Jungkook was still weirded out by yesterday and had to rest.

I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and told Jungkook to get dressed. «I can wait, we can go together baby», Jungkook whispered as he wrapped his hands around my waist. I felt safe in his arms and I smiled. «Let me clean up first», he didn't let go of me and stayed until I was done. As I was done, Jungkook swooped me up and carried me to my room.

He sat me down on my bed and looked at me. «What?», I get shy when he stares at me, «Nothing, just really happy we met honestly. We should go out in the city today. Like a date», Jungkook said and kissed my lips softly. I nodded and got ready for the day.

I put on some simple clothes and did a soft makeup look

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I put on some simple clothes and did a soft makeup look. I let my hair be the way it is and went to the living room where Jungkook was waiting. He was on his phone and looked irritated. «Babe? Is everything okay?», I asked him.

He didn't hear me and I went over to him. I tapped his shoulder and he jumped a little. We both laughed, «are you okay babe?», «yeah, yeah. Im fine, just realised we have to leave soon, so I asked the manager if we could stay here longer, but I can't. You can if you want to be here with your girls», he said smiling to me. «Aw but I don't want you to leave», I said looking down. He chuckled, «It's only five days, and we have phones to talk babygirl». He kissed my forehead, took my hand and we left the appartment.

A little chapter💕next one will be longer and cuter🙈

His makeup artist- Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now