"Do not say such nonsense" Sesshomaru

Start from the beginning

I gently pull a robe from the hanger above the bed, I kept here whenever I come to Auntie's home, and drape it over Sesshomaru's sleeping chest. Kissing his cheek, I roll to have my back facing his sleeping form and I fell back to sleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but what roused me awake was a ruckus either upstairs or downstairs, yet i couldnt tell, it siubded like  Sota yelling in excitement.

I sit up groaning and rub my eyes, and look to where I  remembered Sesshomaru was asleep last night, finding him gone, and the robe that was red with Number One Cousin on it, which Kagome got for me two years ago was folded neatly on her desk in the room.

I stand up out of bed, hearing chaos going on, and I step out with a fucked up scene going on. Sesshomaru was naked completely and I gape in shock, as Sota tugged him by his upper arm yelling. "I need to wash the suds off you dumbass!"
Sota grouched.

Wow Sota just became a potty mouth like me. Auntie is gonna murder me.
I mentally cringed at my own thoughts.

"That was burning me! Hell no am I going back into that scalding hot as hell water!" Sesshomaru hissed, and Sota wraps his naked arms around Sesshomaru's waist, and Sesshomaru growled loudly in anger. "Get your hands off my waist!"

"What is all the ruckus?!" Auntie walked up and covered her eyes. "Oh my!" Auntie exclaimed with a short giggle.

Damn, what a sight is what she's probably thinking in a joking way. She will always love uncle no matter what!
I mean it is an awesome sight for my eyes, Kita Higurashi's eyes only, Sesshomaru being naked though.
I mentally laugh at this going on.

"I just turned it on and you didn't give me time to adjust the temperature!" Sota argued.

"Sota get him into the bathroom you're gonna give Auntie a heart attack her seeing him naked!" I walk over and tug Sesshomaru by one of his elf-like ears between my forefinger and thumb did the same to Sota, and tug them into the bathroom, and I use my foot to shut the door.

"O...ouch let my ear go!" Sesshomaru for the first time whines in his whole life, I bet and I let his ear go, and I let go of Sota's ear as well, and point to Sota. "Go finish his bath and yours! I'll wash his clothing. I swear men!" I storm out of the bathroom and shake my head at Auntie who blinked in shock I wasn't surprised of Sesshomaru being naked.

"Kita, have you seen him naked before?" Auntie asked as she showed me where Sesshomaru's clothes were and I nod. "Really? I'm not judging you though, the same thing happened to Kagome seeing Inuyasha naked before like Sota had the same event happen you saw. So did you two?" Auntie says and I blush. "Oh you did?! Well your father won't judge you neither will I."

Auntie helped me wash Sesshomaru's clothing by hand, as the two males in the house were bathing.

Sesshomaru scowled that his ear burned from Kita pinching it as Sota scrubbed Sesshomaru's back. "So you dating my cousin?" Sota asked Sesshomaru who sighs at Sota figured their relationship out.
Sota smirked. "I can tell you things she likes for ya?"

"What do you get out of this then?" Sesshomaru still stared forward.

"Oh, nothing, just make her happy like she deserves to be okay." Sota replied.

Sesshomaru chuckled. "Alright then, tell me things she likes, you caught my interest."

"Alright her favorite flowers are spider lilies. Of course she loves the color black. She loves dogs since she was born. Loves art, reading. Hates bullies though. Also she loves all animals too. She's also a softie for children, meaning she loves children.  We're proof she's the best cousin ever." Sota says washing Sesshomaru's hair next.
"So is my sister okay after the incident with Inuyasha?" Sota asked concerned for Kagome's well being.

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now