Chapter 38

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"Hey, Reema let's go, Irek choose an octopus" Cabir snapped my thoughts away, I turned around and nodded.

He smiled we walked away. I turned around for a second for one last time and stared at the Charmander.

End of Recap:

"Alright so, since we all were out for hours straight. We are going to sleep, and then wake up early to leave." Imran said playing the team leader he is.

"It's already around 10 P AM anyways," Irek said and took out his phone. I jumped on the bed and made myself comfortable.

Because of Ireks stupidity we were sharing a room once again. Everyone soon shuffled in and the lights were out.

I choose a corner so that I wouldn't have to have an encounter with Rahul like last time.

I felt my face warm just thinking out it. Why? Why is this stupid heart beating faster every time he just pops in my head.

I laid there for about thirty minutes and heard one by one, the snores fill the room.

The room was dark, but it was quietly lit by the bathroom lights that were open. I heard someone sigh in there.

Is someone taking a shit?

The bathroom was right across me, so I just stared at the door for a second. It wasn't locked, it was slightly open.

Why is someone taking a shit while the door is open?

"How am I supposed to handle school and work at the same time?" A familiar voice said tiredly, I could imagine Rahul scratching his head.

This time I quietly crept right next to the door. Why was I intruding? I had no idea what so ever.

"So? Your older brother accomplished so much at your age!" An older guy, I assume is his father barked on the phone.

"Email Davidson's company, and file an extension notice because of your incompetence!" His father continued to scold him. I felt sad, I pitied Rahul.

"Yes sir," was Rahul's response, I felt my heart hurt. He sounded so...broken.

"And make sure you increase your class percentile! You should at least be in the top ten!" Wow, that was so harsh.

"Your brother says that I should give you a break and allow you to focus on exams. So after filing the extensions, you better ace choose exams." His father said showing some mercy. I held my knees to my stomach and wrapped my hands on it. I leaned on my chin as I shamelessly listened in.

"What about Carol? How is she? Are you with her right now?" His father asked. Rahul breathed in sharply and let go.

"I'm with my friends..." I heard his voice fade at the end. I shifted in front of the door and awkwardly leaned in.

"Instead of hanging out with your friends, why don't you at least try to make me proud of you? Friends? They won't be there when you graduate, save your breath." Suddenly the phone hung up. I peeked inside and watched as Rahul look at the phone for a solid second. His face crumbled a little and he stopped himself. He took a deep breath and let go.

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