Chapter 32

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"So we're ready to party!!" Irek said excitedly as he took out the booze.

End of recap:

The air was cool and the sky was dark. The only source of light revolves around the campfire. We all sat on the logs around the campfires and we had red cups in our hands.

"Alright! Let's play... DARE OR DARE!" Irek giggled evilly.

"I thought it was truth or dare!" Sarah said and sipped on her blue cup. She and Imran were the only ones with a blue cup. They were drinking Coke instead.

"No one asked you, Sarah!" Irek wasted no time and sassed her. She made a face and smiled.

"Alrighty, whose first?" Imran asked excitedly.

"Alright, so if you don't want to do the drink," Cabir said with a glint in his eyes.

"Alright so...Imran," Irek wasted no time to choose his brother. Imran looked up from his cup, and slumped when he was called first.

"I dare you to kiss Sarah." Irek smirked as he leaned back. Everyone hooted and watched the two.

"I'm sorry, but my religion prevents these lips from being sinned." The whole time Sarah said this, she was looking at the ground with blazing cheeks.

"Yea Irek." Imran glared at Irek, and kicked a rock with his shoe.

"Alright, alright!" Irek surrendered and laughed as he crossed his arms. He glanced around him. And finally his eyes landed on me.

It was quiet for a moment.

"I choose Cabir..." He shifted his prey, staring right at me. I blinked and took out a marshmallow.

"Yeah?" Cabir asked. I grabbed a clean rod, and stuck my marshmallow in. I passed some around the circle. Madison didn't want to eat one because it has too much carbs.

"I dare you to have seven minutes in heaven with Reema." He chewed on his marshmallow, his eyes mocked me. I was about to protest but I didn't want to drink.

I should've gotten a blue cup.

"Let's go," Cabir stood up quickly, and walked over to me. He then lifted his hand for me to take.

"Unless..." His eyes flashed towards Rahul. Rahul was busy typing on his phone, ignoring everyone.

"Rahul, do you have any objections?" Cabir asked directly to Rahul, he was smug about something. Objections? It wasn't like we were getting married.

"No, go ahead." Rahul said quickly without looking up.

I took Cabirs hand and stood up. We both wandered into the woods, while everyone hooted and cheered for us. Irek had his phone set to a timer.

For those of you who don't know seven minutes in heaven is a thing in which two people make out for seven minutes.

Cabir let me go first and walk ahead. After a while, I waited for him to say something. But he wasn't telling me to stop.  I turned around quickly, only to see complete darkness.

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