Let's Get Official

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My nerves made my stomach drop as I sat in a dressing room in the back of a studio waiting for someone to come in and get me. I checked myself in the floor length mirror for the millionth time since I've gotten here. I wore a short, peach colored dress. My hair hung loosely in big, blond curls.

I took a deep breath before I heard a knock at the door. "Miss Monroe," a voice said on the other side, "You're on in five." My heart fluttered as I took one last look at myself, smoothed out my dress, and made my way to the door. I looked for Uncle Jerry but he was nowhere to be found. Oh we'll, he's around here somewhere.

I waited backstage as I watched the live footage of the show on a small TV. I listened as Jimmy Kimmel, who I had met earlier that day, made a few more jokes before sitting down at his small wooden desk. The crew cut to commercial. When they returned, Jimmy said a few lines about American Horror Story before introducing me.

"Alright, you're up," a woman said, attaching a microphone to the top of my dress.

"Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Miss Annabelle Monroe!"

The woman flipped on the microphone and gave me a small nudge toward the stage as the crowd erupted in applause. I made my way across the stage, making sure to smile and wave at the audience just like Uncle Jerry told me to do.

Jimmy met me half way and grabbed my hands, kissing my cheek briefly before I headed to my seat and he headed to his spot behind the desk. The crowd still cheered loudly as my nerves began to make my heart beat increase.

"Glad to have you here," Jimmy began talking over the crowd.

"Glad to be here," I mimicked his smile, hoping no one could see how nervous I actually was.

After the crowd died down a little, he began to joke around with me, making me feel welcome and slightly less nervous. He asked me questions about my life and the show and I easily answered all of them. After a few minutes of laughing and story telling, Jimmy shifted onto another topic.

"Now," Jimmy began, "There seems to be a lot of talk regarding you and your on-screen love interest, Evan Peters." I could feel myself start to blush. "Is it just on-screen?"

I wasn't prepared for any type of question like this. It's not like Evan and I were hiding our relationship, we just hadn't exactly come out and told the media yet. I could feel the crowd's stare shift over to me.

"Evan and I," I began searching for the right words to say. "Yeah," I continued, "We're together in real life, as well." I smiled as someone whistled loudly as the rest of the audience let out small exclamations.

"All right, there ya have it," Jimmy took over, "Don't go anywhere, we have Bradley Cooper up next!" The crowd applauded wildly as the crew cut to commercial. The lights dimmed and I stood up.

"Hey, thanks for being here," Jimmy said to me with a smile.

"Oh believe me, it was my pleasure," and with that I turned and walked backstage, catching a brief glance of Bradley Cooper and temporarily fangirling on the inside before remembering why I was here.

I just really hope Evan wasn't trying to keep this out of the media.


"Hey, great job, kiddo!" I beamed at my Uncle Jerry as we waited backstage for me. "You wanna get some burgers or something? We can even invite Evan."

"Um sure," I responded, "Let me just go grab my stuff from the dressing room."

He nodded and turned back to the mini TV.

The first thing I did when I got into the dressing room was pull my phone out from my bag and check my messages.

I had messages from everyone. The cast, Macy, and everyone back home, all telling me how great I did and how proud of me they are. I replied quickly to all of them before quickly scrolling down to my three unread messages from Evan. My heart jumped and I prayed he wouldn't be mad.

I read the first one:

Go get 'em tiger!

Smiled, then read the next:

So I guess it's official now, huh;)

I exhaled, relieved he wasn't upset, then read the final one:

You did great!

God, I love that boy. I clicked his contact and called him. He answered on the second ring.

"Well, if it isn't my girlfriend, the superstar. How can I help you, your majesty?"

I laughed, "Hey, dork. You wanna go get some burgers with Uncle Jerry and me?"

"I would be honored. I mean it's not every day the Annabelle Monroe asks you to eat burgers with her."

I smiled, "Shut up. We'll pick you up in ten." And with that, our conversation was over.


After we ate, Uncle Jerry pulled up to Evan's house to drop us off since I decided to spend the night.

Once Evan and I had gotten inside, he pulled my face close to his and kissed my lips softly at first, before deepening the kiss. I pulled away.

"I'm gonna go change." I said, still inches away from his face.

He sighed and smiled. "Please be quick."

I blew him a kiss before heading into his bedroom. I opened his tee shirt drawer, took off of my dress, and slid on one of his tee shirts that hung down to my upper thigh. I heard a knock on the bedroom door and giggled.

"Come in," I yelled. The door creaked open and Evan walked in and smiled at me. I walked over to him and planted a kiss on his lips, pushing against the door until it clicked shut. He slid his hand down and stopped when it landed on my lower back.

He began to walk me closer to the bed, not breaking the kiss. I laid on my back and he laid partially on top of me. We continued the kiss as I tangled my hands in his hair. He began to slide his hand up my shirt like he had tried to once before, but this time I did not stop him.

This time, I knew what I wanted. And what I wanted was him.

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