Anything Can Happen

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I awoke early the next morning on the floor in the living room with Evan's arms wrapped around me. I didn't remember falling asleep. I looked at the wall clock which read that it was five after six. Evan shifted next to me and it was then I realized he wasn't sleeping.

"How long have you been up?" I asked tiredly. He looked down at me and I could see the bags under his eyes.

"All night," he responded. "You were crying in your sleep. I was worried about you."

"You don't have to worry about me." I wasn't his responsibilty, or anyones, for that matter.

"But I want to." I was quiet then. He was quiet, too, and then he stood up. "I'll go make coffee."

I let him shuffle around the kitchen for a while before he yelled, "Hey, Annie! Where are your mugs?" So, I decided to get up and help him.

As I walked into the kitchen, Evan was opening cabinets searching for coffee mugs. I walked passed him to the correct cabinet and grabbed two mugs out of it and set them on the counter in front of him.

"Ah, thank you," he said, now turning to face the coffee maker. "Now how do I work this thing?" He looked around every side of the machine before I walked over to help him and pushed him out of the way.

I sighed dramatically, making him laugh. I looked down at the cord and grabbed it. "Well first, you plug it in."

"Yeah,that would probably help," he scooted me away from the coffee maker and looked at it again. "Now what?"

"Now you go sit down and I make the coffee."

Evan huffed. "Fine," before he turned around and sat at the kitchen table.


Evan left just after nine, after we drank our coffee and talked for a while. We had to be on set by eleven so I went upstairs to take my shower.

I looked at my reflection in the long mirror that hung over the sink. I turned to the side and ran a shaky finger along my scar, thinking of how only yesterday it was a secret to the whole world, and how now I had opened up and told someone about its very existence. Someone I hardly knew.

Yes, I hardly knew him. And yet, I somehow trusted him more than anyone else in this world.


Evan knocked on the front door at 10:15, just like he had promised to do when he left that morning. For the first five minutes of the car ride, I fumbled with the radio. Evan laughed every time I muttered and "ew" and then changed the station hoping something good would be on the next one.

After finding a total of zero good songs, I gave up and turned the radio off. I saw Evan raise his eyebrows and glance over at me from the reflection in the mirror. "I guess it was worth a shot," he said cracking a smile.

Evan and I were two of the few people that had actually showed up to set on time today. Almost everyone was late on Fridays. However, by the time Evan and I had arrived, Ryan was already running around and trying to get things ready.

To be completely honest, I actually felt sorry for him. I knew how much pressure he had to be feeling and it doesn't help when the majority of your cast shows up late.


We got done shooting just after five. Evan took me home and I took a shower then got ready to go to Grand Performances. Even after I was completely ready, I still had an hour longer to wait before I would have to leave, so I decided to clean up the house a little since Uncle Jerry would be coming home tomorrow and chances are I would be too hungover to clean the following day. It was a long week and I really needed to loosen up.

I finished cleaning quickly and then went to check myself in the hallway mirror. I examined myself and smoothed out my outfit with my hand. I was wearing a short black pencil skirt and a purple blouse. My blonde hair fell perfectly straightened down my back and the heels tI wore added at least four inches to my short stature.

I walked into the living room and grabbed my clutch off the coffee table and tucked it under my arm, looking at the wall clock as I did so. It was 6:15. I told Evan I would meet him at Grand Performances at 6:30. So I made my way back through the hallway and headed out the door.


As I arrived at Grand Performances, I scanned the long line of people that stood outside the gates for Evan.

I spotted him towards the front of the line laughing with Sarah and Dylan. Alexandra, Kate, and a this weeks extras stood in a group next to them. I noticed Brando among the group and I suddenly felt nervous. I had managed to avoid him for the most part this week because I felt bad about running out on him at lunch that day, but how could I avoid him now?

I shook the thought out of my head, telling myself the night would be perfect. I was with Evan now, and that was all I needed.

So, I made my way towards him. I could clearly hear his loud voice and laugh as I got closer. He looked away from the group for a second and his eyes landed on me. He smiled and his eyes lit up, causing Sarah to notice and turn around to look at me. She smiled, too, knowing she had been right when she told me that Evan liked me.

"Hey, look who finally decided to show up," Evan said to Sarah and Dylan as I walked up to them. He pulled my into his side and planted a kiss on my temple before whispering "I missed you," into my ear, only loud enough for me to hear. I could see Brando looking at us, but I turned my attention away from him. Tonight was about Evan and I, and nothing would get in the way of that.

As we pushed our way to the front of the line and through the front gate, I could already hear the loud music booming and the roar of conversation from all around us.

Evan, Sarah, Dylan, and I made our way over to the bar first. After we got our first drinks of the night, we headed to an empty side table.

We drank and Evan held an arm around me as we all talked and watched the colored lights reflect across the dance floor.

After a while of talking and laughing, a waiter came by holding tray of shot glasses.

"Shots!" Sarah yelled enthusiastically and clapped her hands. She waved the waiter over. "Eight please," she smiled at him, clearly excited. The waiter set down the glasses and disappeared into the mass of people.

"Alright, guys, ready?" She eyed all of us.

I laughed at this and grabbed one of my two glasses. "You're insane!"

She shrugged. "So I've been told. Alright. 1..2.." Everyone grabbed their glass, "3!"

The alcohol was stronger than I expected. It burned my throat on the way down and made me cough.

Evan laughed and patted my back jokingly. The second shot went down more easily, just leaving a slight tickle in my throat.

Sarah laughed after she finished her second one, and Dylan laughed at her enthusiasm.

"Evan!" A girl's voice said loudly. I turned expecting to see one of the cast members, but frowned in confusion when a girl whom I had never seen stood before our table.

She was tall and skinny and had long brown hair that was perfectly curled. She wore a little red dress and black high heels.

"Holy shit! Evelyn!" Evan stood up out of his seat and hugged the pretty girl. "I haven't seen you in forever!"

The girl laughed her perfect laugh and stood back to look at Evan. "I know! I know, I'm visiting from St. Louis with a couple friends." She smiled, revealing a row of perfectly straight teeth.

I cleared my throat politely, willing Evan to look away from the girl for a second. He finally tore his eyes away from her long enough to look back at the table.

"Oh right," he stammered, biting his lip. "Everyone, this is Evelyn, my uh-" he stammered, "We dated before I left St. Louis." Evelyn smiled proudly. "And Evelyn, this is Sarah, Dylan and my girlfriend, Annabelle." Girlfriend. I hadn't heard him say it before. The word sent shivers up my spine.

Evelyn briefly made a disgusted look before quickly replacing it with her perfect fake smile. "Nice to meet you all!" She said too joyfully.

I hate her.

I rolled my eyes, thinking no one noticed, but Sarah did. As Evan turned back to The Perfect Evelyn, Sarah reached out and touched my hand, making me look up at her. Her eyes were worried.

"We're gonna hit the bathroom," she said loudly to anyone who would listen. She didn't take her eyes off me.

We got up and dodged through the crowd as Sarah led me towards the bathroom. When we got there, three young girls stood inside chain-smoking.

"Oh, for god sakes!" She said, waving her hand in the air to clear out the puffs of smoke. "Alright! Everyone out! Go on!" The girls listened and rushed out of the bathroom without looking back.

"I don't like that Evelyn. Not one bit," She walked back and forth as she spoke. "I happen to have a very good judge of character and I am getting a really bad feeling about that girl."

"You're not the only one," I mumbled. "But obviously Evan has a wonderful feeling about her."

Sarah frowned and walked over to give me a hug. "Oh, honey." She leaned back to look at me. "Let's go to the bar!" She grabbed my hand and led me out of the bathroom.


Sarah and I sat at the bar while the bartender cleaned up a spill close to us. We watched Evan and Evelyn as they sat together and laughed. They seemed completely oblivious to the fact that I had even left. And to be completely honest, it hurt.

I felt a lump rise up in my throat, and I swallowed hard, hoping, needing for it to go away.

I turned away from them and rested my head against the bar.

"Would you like anything?" The bartender asked from behind the counter. I lifted my head to look at him before glancing back at Evan and Evelyn. They were still laughing.

What was so damn funny over there?

I focussed my attention back on the bartender, and without thinking, I answered "Long Island Iced Tea, please."

The bartender raised his eyebrows and paused for a second. "Coming right up."

He brought my drink back quickly and I took a long drink, already starting to feel a little disoriented.

After I finished the first one, Dylan pulled Sarah onto the dance floor and I was left alone. I looked at Evan again. Evelyn was still with him. So, I ordered another drink. And when I finished that, I ordered another.

Drink until you can't feel the pain.

And that's what I did. I didn't feel the sadness anymore when I looked at them. Instead, that feeling was replaced by a sudden surge of anger, burning throughout my body.

I stood up shakily and went through my clutch in search of my car keys, before remembering I had given them to Evan, fearing that I would lose them.

I sighed and the world spun before me, but I pressed forward, towards Evan, and tapped him on the shoulder.

He looked up at me and smiled. "Oh, hey, Annie! I was looking for you!"

I scoffed. "Bullshit." I couldn't hold it in.

I was suddenly so tired.

Evan flinched back, a look of confusion crossed his face. "Are you drunk?"

"Just give me my damn keys, Evan. That's all I want from you anymore." I couldn't concentrate. I need to go home.

"Annie, you can't drive like this. I'll take you home. Come on." He reached for my arm, but I pulled away quickly and stumbled back.

"Don't touch me!" I was speaking loudly now. He looked stunned, upset even. But I didn't care. He deserved this.

"Annabelle," Evan clenched his jaw. He was getting frustrated. "You're not thinking clearly. You need to go home and get some rest. Let's go."

My eyes were stinging now and I couldn't control myself. "I'm not going anywhere with you! Just leave me alone!" Tears were streaming down my face. "The only problem I have right now is you so just give me my keys!"

Evan clenched his fists and I could tell I had upset him. He pulled a set of keys out of his pocket and handed them to me. "Alright, fine, take them! I'm done with this!" He pushed through the crowd in the opposite direction.

Evelyn stood up from the booth and only then did I realize that she saw the whole thing. She walked over to me and stood tall over my head.

She smiled. Not a friendly smile, but a hateful one. "You're an embarrassment," She said coldly before stalking off in the direction Evan had gone.

I couldn't control my tears anymore. They stained my face as I spun around in search of Sarah. Dylan? Brando? Anybody?

No one. I was alone.

I pushed my way back to the front gate. When I reached the sidewalk, I pulled my heels off and held them in my hand. My feet hurt. My heart hurt.

I stumbled down the sidewalk, not remembering where I had parked. I finally reached my car a few blocks later and got in, starting the engine and blaring the radio.

I started driving home, wanting to forget everything that happened. Forget, forget, forget.

I took a sharp left turn onto a back road. My eyelids started to feel heavy, but I knew I had to stay awake. The road was so blurry ahead of me.

I could feel the car swerving, but I couldn't make it stop, no matter how hard I tried.

The swerving progressed. I spun the wheel hard. Too hard. And I could do nothing to stop it. I was completely helpless.

I couldn't even help myself when I went off the road and the crushing of metal pierced the silence of the night.

And I couldn't even help myself during the painful impact, or when I blacked out seconds later.

My Heart Only Beats For You (Evan Peters)Where stories live. Discover now