Risking It

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No one really felt like working the next day, especially with the thought of that night's party in everyone's heads. Nonetheless, we still got through the day and even ended up finishing the shots early, probably because no one would want to stay late and work tonight.

Now as I was driving back to my house, I thought about the many outfits I bought yesterday, pondering what one would be most suitable for tonight. Evan insisted on picking me up, no matter how many times I tried to tell him I was very much capable of driving myself.

When I finally arrived home, Uncle Jerry's car was already in the driveway. I walked through the front door and straight past him without so much as a hello. I was still upset about yesterday. We had hardly spoken a word since I had found him smoking.

I headed upstairs and into my room. I walked over to my closet and picked up the shopping bags that I had set on my closet floor yesterday, and brought them over to my bed, dumping the clothes out on top of it.

After picking up each article of clothing numerous times and examining them, I finally settled on a tank top with silver sequins covering the front, a pair of dark wash jeans, and silver heels. After I was done getting changed, I put on a long dangling necklace chain holding an old looking key on it.

I made my way to my bathroom and after playing with my hair for a while, I decided to curl it. I then continued with my makeup. By the time I was finished with everything, it was ten to six. Evan would be here in fifteen minutes.

I went back to my bedroom and grabbed my silver clutch, transferring my things from my regular purse into it. When I was finished with that and Evan still wasn't there, I texted Macy.

Going out tonight with the costars. Evan included. I think I'm gonna go for it. Wish me luck. Love ya.

Macy texted back almost immediately:

You got this. Love ya.

I smiled to myself and then heard a knock on the front door. I hurried down the steps and opened it before Uncle Jerry could get there. I pulled on my cropped black leather jacket. "See ya," I said quickly before shutting the door behind me and turning to look at Evan.

He wore a blue dress shirt and dark jeans. His messy hair was laying in big blonde waves. He smiled at me, grabbing my arm and guiding me down the front steps and leading me over to his black Porsche.

After opening my door for me and us both getting in, Evan looked at me and smiled again, before starting the car and backing out of the driveway. I looked out to see Uncle Jerry watching us through the window. Our eyes met for a second before he disappeared behind the curtains.


We parked alongside a curb outside of an Italian restaurant called Drago Centro. Evan exited the car, then walked around it to open the passenger side door for me. He offered me his hand and I took it, saying my thanks.

When we walked inside, a chubby hostess greeted us. "Benvenuto!" she said warmly. I smiled back at her.

"Murphy," Evan told her and she nodded. Although Ryan wouldn't be joining us, he still made a reservation and offered to pay for our meals.

"Right this way," she said grabbing two menus and motioning for us to follow her. She brought us back to a large private room where Jessica, Connie, Frances, and Alexandra Breckenridge, who I had only met twice, were sitting at one end of the table.

Connie motioned towards the chair across from her when she saw me. I walked over and sat down in the chair, Evan sitting next to me. They greeted us cheerfully and we chatted while we waited for everyone else to show up.

Shortly after Evan and I had arrived, Dylan walked in, followed by Denis, and finally Sarah Paulson and Kate Mara. I met both of them earlier that week but I hadn't gotten the chance to talk to them.

Everyone took their seats. After we ordered, separate conversations erupted around the table. "Are you guys in for Grand Performances after this?" Connie asked Evan and I as the waitress brought out our food. Evan looked at me. Grand Performances was a bar downtown.

I shrugged. "Why not?" Connie clapped her hands and we all began to eat.


We left the restaurant around eight and all got in our separate cars to go to Grand Performances. All except Jessica, that is, who had to go back home because her grandchildren would be coming to visit her the next morning.

After only five minutes, we pulled into a giant parking lot which was already packed with cars. Evan opened the door for me and offered me his hand to help me out again. I linked my arm through his and we walked over to where the others were waiting for us.

We walked about a block and then turned a corner. Apparently I was the only one that hadn't been to Grand Performances before, since everyone else seemed to know exactly where they were going.

After about another half block, we stopped in front of a gate, separating the rest of the world from Grand Performances. A man stood at the gate and a crowd of people were lined up outside. There had to be a hundred of them, at least.

"This line is going to take forever," I mumbled into Evan's ear. He nodded.

"Good thing we aren't waiting." He said back. With that, he dragged me to the front of the line, followed by the rest of our group.

The bouncer was bigger up close. He was wearing all black and had a buzz cut. Sleeves of tattoos stretched over his massive arms. Evan walked up to him and shook his hand.

"Evan!" The large man said happily and clapped Evan on the shoulder. "How've you been?" His loud, deep voice boomed over the noise of the crowd.

Evan laughed a little. "Not too bad." The man motioned opened the gate and motioned for us to go through. Evan grabbed my arm again and led the way through the gate.

Grand Performances was an outdoor bar. Lights and tables surrounded a small pond. A large bar lined the edge of the property and a stage was set up in the front. The lights were just kicking on because it has just gotten dark. However, the place was already flooded with people.

An unknown band had taken the stage and was playing covers of popular songs. All of us walked over to the bar and ordered a round of shots to start off the night. Then we all went our separate ways with our drinks. Dylan and Denis sat at a table near the stage talking and going through rounds of beers. Kate and Alexandra sat at the bar together and Connie had run into a few friends and was now on the dance floor with them.

"Hey, I'm gonna hit the bathroom!" Evan said loudly into my ear. It was hard to hear with all of the noise. Evan stood up and I watched him leave our corner table until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Sarah smiling down at me.

"May I sit?" She asked motioning toward one of the empty seats.

I nodded. "Of course." She sat down on the side of me. "Having fun?"

Sarah looked at me and sighed. "I'm getting too old for this," She said laughing. I laughed, too. Even though I didn't really know Sarah, conversation came easily with her.

After talking for about fifteen minutes, Evan still wasn't back. I looked around, brows furrowed, until I saw him talking to Dylan over by the bar. I relaxed again and turned back to Sarah, who had noticed my frantic searching for him. She smiled. "So you and Evan.." she started.

"Are friends." I said cutting her off. It came out sounding more defensive than I had hoped. Sarah nodded slightly. Evan walked back over to my table and Sarah got up to leave.

As she walked away she bent down and whispered a, "He likes you. I can tell," into my ear. I turned around to protest, but she was already gone, disappearing into the giant mass of people.


The night was winding down and the mob of people was thinning out. We all had a few drinks in us but none of us were exactly "fall on your ass drunk," a term Evan had used earlier. My feet hurt from dancing with the girls and I was exhausted. Now, sitting at the bar, it was half past midnight.

Evan came up behind me. I jumped when I felt him grab my arm. "Are you ready to go?" he asked. I turned around to meet his eyes and nodded. We said good-bye to the remaining cast members and headed out the front gate.

We walked the few blocks back to Evan's car. He fumbled around his pockets for his keys before pulling them out and unlocking the car.


Neither of us said anything for a while during the ride home. I was too tired to think of anything to talk about, but that was alright. Just being with him was enough.

We got back to my house just before one. Evan pulled the Porsche into my driveway. I turned to face him and smiled. "I had fun," he said. "Thanks for coming with me."

My heart fluttered. We were face to face, only inches apart. Here it goes, I thougt. I moved closer and closed my eyes. I waited to feel his lips on mine, but the feeling never came. I opened my eyes to see that he was a distance away now and he was facing forward. He shook his head a little.

"Annie, I-" he stopped. He had no excuse. I felt my face get hot and my throat tightened. I didn't know what to do, so I just got out of the car, slammed the door. and ran inside.

How could I be so stupid?

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