Dreams and Reality

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Even though I didn't visit the grocery store frequently, it didn't take me long to find the aisle I needed to get to. I walked over to the stack of hotdog buns and grabbed a pack of them. "Nice buns." I heard a familiar voice say from behind me. I could feel the heat creep up to my face as I blushed. I turned around to see Evan laughing.

"You're an ass." I said smiling at him. He smiled back. I started walking towards the checkout lines only to see Evan walking besides me. We were silent for a moment before Evan cleared his throat and began to speak.

"So today was pretty fun, right?" He said quietly. I could see him looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Yeah, it was." I said simply, still looking forward. There was a moment of silence before Evan finally spoke again.

"Hey listen," he started as we reached the checkout. I turned to look at him. Our eyes met for a second and my heart skipped a beat before he continued speaking. "Do you maybe want to go out for coffee or something tomorrow after filming?"

I felt myself blush and tried to hide my smile. "That'd be great." I said.

He grinned. "Great." He repeated back. We said our goodbyes before I paid for my hotdog buns and left.


I pulled up to my house and walked to the front door only to find my note where I left it. Figures, I thought. I pulled the note off the door and shoved it in my purse before walking inside. Once again, I grabbed the hotdogs out of the refrigerator and cooked them on the stove.

After I ate, Uncle Jerry still wasn't home so I decided to spend the rest of the night in my room watching TV. A while later, I could hear the front door opening and then shutting shortly after that. I could hear a faint whistling from downstairs which grew louder and louder as it came closer. Finally, my door swung open and I saw Uncle Jerry looking in at me from the other side.

"Hey, kid." He started. An apologetic smile was visible on his face. "Sorry that took a lot longer than I anticipated. Did you eat dinner?"

I nodded. He yawned and rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Well, I'm gonna get to bed then. Night, Annie." He said before smiling and closing my door, leaving me alone again. I looked at the clock that hung on my wall across the room. It was only 10 o'clock. I wasn't tired, so I just decided to watch some more TV.

My phone buzzed on my bed beside my leg. I picked it up and slid it open, keeping my eyes glued in the TV, without even looking at who the text was from. Finally, at the next commercial break, I was able to tear my eyes away from the large screen and looked down at the small screen in my hand, instead.

Hey Annabelle! Coffee tomorrow after shooting sound good? I thought we could talk about the show.

I read the text from Evan more than once before smiling and texting back a simple sounds great. I checked the time on my phone before setting it down on the table. It was nearly midnight so I decided to turn my lamp off and try to fall asleep.


"Annie!" My mother called up the stairs to me. "It's time to go, sweetheart!"

"Coming!" I yelled back, brushing my hair one last time and looking at my reflection before turning off the bathroom light and strolling downstairs. "Okay. I'm ready." I said smiling a little.

"About time." My dad said returning my smile.

"Oh Annie," my mom started. "I'm so glad you could come home from school for this." She moved towards me and wrapped me in a giant hug before we went out the front door and headed out to the car. We started our drive chatting as we usually did. My parents asked me about school. I would answer their questions and then ask them about things like work or whatever came to my mind. Everything just seemed so normal.

Then came the bright lights that flew towards us. I didn't realize what was happening until the impact. And then, there was the darkness.


I woke up from the nightmare with tears streaming down my face. My hand was resting on my side on top of my scar. I sat straight up in my bed and wiped at my eyes. I took a few deep breaths and tried to shake the dream and the memory out of my head before I realized sunlight was streaming in from my window. I looked at my clock once again. It was already 8 o'clock. It seemed like I'd only been asleep for minutes.

I got out of bed and headed to my bathroom to take a shower. I took my time since I didn't have to be on set until noon. After I finished showering, I walked out of my bathroom and into my bedroom wrapped in a towel, walking over to my dresser and pulling a pair of baggy sweatpants out a drawer before remembering my plans with Evan. I stuffed my sweatpants back into the drawer and pulled out a pair of jean shorts instead.

Next, I walked over to my closet and pulled out a white shirt with a scoop neck. After I got dressed, I strolled back into my bathroom. I blow dried my hair, not bothering to straighten it. I would let Kim, the woman in charge of doing my hair and makeup, take care of that. By the time I was finally done with everything and had gone downstairs, it was just after ten.

I wandered into the kitchen to find Uncle Jerry sitting at the table reading the newspaper. He smiled when he saw me. "Hey, kid," he said taking a sip of his coffee. I smiled and went over the cabinet that contained the coffee mugs, grabbing one, and filling it, before sitting down in the chair across from my uncle. He put the paper down and peered over his glasses at me. "Did you look over your script?" He asked, studying my face.

I nodded. "It's practically etched in my brain." I said smiling slightly.

"Wonderful." He said before picking up his newspaper again and continuing to read it. Like I said, he was a perfectionist and my acting was extremely important to him. "When will you be done filming?"

"I have no idea." I started. "I'm guessing we'll only be at it for a couple of hours. But, after shooting I'm going out for coffee with a costar to talk about the show." Uncle Jerry raised his eyebrows but said nothing.

After a while of talking, Uncle Jerry folded up his newspaper, took one last gulp of his coffee, and stood up from the table. "Welp, I better head out." He said. He had to work today, like usual. After he said goodbye and walked out of the room, I heard the front door open and shut and the sound of his car pulling out of the driveway.

I exhaled loudly and looked at the time on my phone. It was only 10:20. Now what was I supposed to do? I wouldn't have to leave for another hour. I finished my cup if coffee and went upstairs to grab my script. I found it on my bedroom floor, picking it up and sitting on my bed with it.

For today's filming, I would be doing a lot of scenes with Evan, which I was looking forward to. By the time I did a thorough reading of my script, picturing each scenario, it was nearly time for me to leave.

I returned back downstairs, my script in hand, and slipped on a pair of black flip-flops by the front door. I picked up my purse, which was still sitting in the same spot on the floor where I left it yesterday, and slid my script inside, pulling out my car keys in return. I checked the time one more time before tossing it into my bag, as well.

It was 11:15, which would give me enough time for me to get to the mansion and wander around for a bit once I got there before Ryan would have us start getting dressed and ready for filming. I walked out the front door, locking it behind me, and headed to my car.


It only took me about 15 minutes to get to the house. I pulled up just as Jessica was getting out of her car. She noticed me as I parked and waved, giving me a warm smile, then waited for me while I got out of my car.

"Are you excited for your first real day of shooting?" She asked as we approached the giant house.

I nodded. "I'm not used to having such a big role." I admitted. "I'm a little nervous." She smiled once again.

"You'll be alright." She said back to me. She seemed to be pretty sure of her reply, so I just nodded. We were on the walkway in front of the house now. When Jessica said she was going to go talk to Ryan.

After she walked off, I looked around the large yard which was lined with a black, metal fence. Under a tall tree on the side of the yard, I noticed a long picnic table with a group a people sitting on its benches. I saw Connie's pretty hair right away, but I couldn't identify anyone else. As I approached the table, I could see Dylan and a man I hadn't seen before sitting across from Connie.

"Hi, Annabelle!" She said when I reached the table. She slid down the bench a little and patted the spot next to her. "Have a seat." She said brightly. I sat down next to her. Dylan smiled at me. We sat quietly for a second before Connie looked over at the unfamiliar man. "Oh!" She said, looking at me, "Annabelle, this is Denis O'Hare. Dennis, Annabelle Monroe."

I smiled and stuck my hand out to meet his. "Nice to meet you." I said smiling. After a while of sitting and chatting, I found out Dennis would be playing a character names Larry, a burn victim. I noticed the name from reading the script earlier.

It was was ten minutes to twelve when Ryan announced for us to get changed, so our group disbanded and we all headed to our separate trailers. As I popped open the door to mine, I noticed the same costume that I had on yesterday in the same spot on the kitchen table.

I got changed into the dress and slipped on the yellow sweater just like I did the previous day. I put on the shoes and once again, left my purse inside the trailer before returning outside again.

As I approached the front of the house, someone grabbed my arm from behind. Startled, I turned around to see Kim. She smiled brightly. "Hair and makeup time!" She said excitedly before pulling me over to another trailer. It was slightly bigger than mine.

As I walked inside, I quickly noticed that it wreaked of hairspray. It took me a while to get used to the strong smell. Kim led me over to a chair in front of a long mirror. I sat down in it as she plugged in the straightening iron.

It didn't take long for Kim to finish my hair and makeup since Violet was such a plain character. After Kim was done with me, I left the trailer and wandered to the front of the house.

No one else was finished getting ready yet so I was alone in front. Chances are, Ryan, along with the rest of the crew, were inside setting everything up. I blew out a heavy sigh and looked at the house for a moment. I couldn't decide if it was beautiful or terrifying. Maybe both.

I was lost in my thoughts when I felt someone grab my sides. I shrieked and jumped, turning to see Evan laughing hysterically.

My face reddened. "Jerk." I muttered, which only made him laugh harder. He was already dressed and ready, as well. When he finished laughing, he slung an arm over my shoulder and we walked over to the picnic table that I sat at earlier.

I sat down on one of the benches and Evan took a seat on the other one, directly across from me. "So," he began. I looked up to meet his gaze. "I have the perfect place in mind for after shooting." He stopped. "That is if it's okay with you." He added quickly.

I nodded. "I haven't been here very long so it would probably be better for you to pick, anyway."

He grinned. "Well then, that's perfect."

"Okay everyone!" Ryan's loud voice boomed. I looked over at him. He was standing in the middle of the yard with the rest of the cast around him. I hadn't even noticed that they had emerged from their trailers. "I need Dylan, Evan, and Annabelle inside right now, please!"

I turned back to Evan but he was already standing next to me. "Come on." He said, grabbing my hand and pulling me to my feet. He held out his arm for me to link mine through. My heart fluttered as we walked together, side by side, into the terrifyingly beautiful house.


"You're doing it wrong. If you're trying to kill yourself, cut vertically. They can't stitch that up."

I whipped around, shocked, just how Ryan had told me to act. I could feel the fake blood running down my wrists. I looked at Evan. It was hard not smile when I saw him, but I made it through the scene without cracking.

It was the last scene we were filming today and Evan and I executed it perfectly.

"Cut!" Ryan's voice shouted when we were finished. He walked over to Evan and I and smiled proudly. "Wonderful." He said simply before dismissing the cast and telling them they were free to leave.

I walked out of the house and headed back to my trailer. Evan jogged up to my side. "Hey, hold on." He said, making me stop. "On the other side of the house, away from the trailers, there's an old wooden gazebo."

I nodded confusedly. "Okay..."

A small smile flickered across his lips. "Meet me there when you're ready to go." And then he was walking away. I stood there for a moment before rolling my eyes.

"Weird." I mumbled under my breath, walking forward once again to my trailer.

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