The Audition

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I awoke the next morning to find a note on my bedside table. I read it slowly, my half asleep brain barely registering what I was reading.


I went to the grocery store. Your audition's at one. I'll be back to take you at noon. Please be ready.

I got out of bed and went downstairs to have breakfast. I checked to see if we had eggs. Nope. Poptarts? Nada. Microwaveable pancakes? None. I settled for a bowl of Cheerios. I ate them quickly, then returned upstairs to take a shower.

When I was done, I walked into my bedroom wearing my towel wrapped around me. I opened my closet and thought about my options. After a while, I sighed and grabbed a loose lime green shirt out of my closet. I chose a a pair of skinny jeans out of my dresser and grabbed a pair of flats of off my shoe rack. I got dressed and went back into the bathroom, dried my hair, then straightened it.

By the time I was done getting ready, I had about twenty minutes to go over my script one last time. From what I gathered, the character was sad. Maybe even dark. I can do this.

A while later, my uncle showed up with all his groceries. I was relieved to see that we would finally have something to eat around here. I helped him put away all of the food. When we were done he looked at me. "Ready to go, kid?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I said nervously. He chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll be fine." I rolled my eyes.

"Let's hope so." I said as we headed out the door. The drive was short but nerve wracking. By the time we arrived at the audition studio, my palms were already sweating.

"You'll do great, kid." Uncle Jerry said to me, sensing my nerves. I just nodded a took a breath. We walked inside. The room was filled with people and my heart sunk. There was no way I was getting this part.

I sat down and waited for my name to be called. A girl sitting across from me smiled at me. I smiled back.

She had long dark brown hair down to her waist and green eyes. She leaned towards me. "Kayla." She said. She stuck her hand out. I stuck mine out to reach hers.

"Annabelle." I said. She smiled again. She was beautiful. We both relaxed into our seats again and talked while we were waiting.

A short round woman with puffy hair opened up a door. A young girl walked out with tears in her eyes. Yikes, I thought to myself.

"Kayla Quinn." The short woman said loudly. Kayla stood up. And looked at me.

"Good luck." I said to her with a smile. She winked at me and disappeared behind the door with the short woman. She was back after a while.

Kayla turned around to face the woman. "Thank you." She said to the woman with a warm smile. The woman nodded and Kayla turned around to face me. She walked toward me and rolled her eyes. "Too easy." She mouthed to me. She handed me her phone. "Put your number in." She said. I punched in my number and returned her phone to her. She smiled and waved good-bye before she walked out the door.

A few more girls got called in before I finally heard the woman call my name. "Annabelle Monroe." She called. My heart started hammering in my chest and I'm pretty sure the whole room could hear it. I got up and took a deep breath before walking up to the woman. "My name is Patty." She said kindly as she walked me down the hallway. We stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall. "Good luck." She said with a smile before she opened the door for me. I walked into the room, my heart beating even faster now, and Patty closed the door behind me.

I saw three people sitting behind a long table. They shuffled through papers before looking up at me. The man on the far left smiled. I guessed he was Eric. I smiled back.

"Name?" The woman who sat in middle said in a soft voice. I took a breath. This was it.

"Annabelle Monroe." I said, my voice strong. You couldn't even sense the nerves.


"This sucks." I said as I walked back to the car with Uncle Jerry. "I completely blew it." I sighed, opening the car door and sliding inside.

"I'm sure you did fine. You say this after every audition." Uncle Jerry said as he started car. I rolled my eyes. "So what do you want for dinner?" He asked glancing at me. "I was thinking Italian." I smiled and nodded as we drove out of the parking lot.

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