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"Cut!" Ryan's voice echoed across the set impatiently. He looked at me, and then at Evan before returning his gaze back to me. "What's the matter with you two today? It's like you got no sleep!" Evan and I exchanged glances. He began to smile but attempted to hold it in. "Take five," Ryan said waving us away.

I started walking out the front door of the old house with Evan trailing after me. He reached for my hand and spun me around so that I was facing him. He brushed a strand of hair from my face with his free hand. "You look beautiful today, love," was all he said before dropping his hand from my face and releasing his grip. He walked back over to Ryan and began speaking with him again. I smiled to myself as the now familiar butterflies made their way into my stomach again.

I cannot even begin to put into words the way he makes me feel. How just the very sight of him sends bolts of lightning through my body. How his smile could stop wars and his voice could cure disease. How I knew there was something special about him from the first day I saw him. And how when he kisses me, I feel beautiful. He makes me feel so beautiful.


"So are you excited?" Sarah sat across from me on the picnic table. Evan sat by my side, tracing circles with his thumb in my thigh. "We're throwing a ginormous party when we're done filming next week! There's gonna be dancing, and music, and little finger foods!"

I laughed. "Well you definitely seem excited, yourself. I just can't believe it's almost over already."

Sarah made a face. "You're really killing the moment, Annie." She cracked a smile, and I returned it.

We fell silent for a second before a ringing in my pocket broke the quietness. I glanced at the unfamiliar number displayed across my screen before excusing myself from the others, walking out of their hearing, and answering the call.

"Hello, is this Annabelle Monroe?" The woman's voice asked on the other end of the line.

"Yes," I said back. "Can I help you with something?"

"My name is Cheryl Greensburg," the woman responded. Her voice was cheerful and clear. "I work for Jimmy Kimmel Live! and I was curious to know if you would be interested in being on the show this Friday."

I furrowed my brow and smiled a bit, surprised at this offer. "Um, wow," was I said, and then out of fear of sounding like a complete idiot, I continued. "Yes, I'm definitely interested!"

"Great!" Cheryl responded full of enthusiasm. "I'll have my assistant email you the information!"


"You got an interview? That's great!" Evan beamed at me from across the table at Cup-A-Joe. "Maybe you'll get to meet someone really cool like Brad Pitt or Robert DeNiro!" I laughed. He was so happy for me.

"I'm totally gonna record it for you." He continued on. "I'm dated a friggin' superstar!"

I laughed again as he took a bite of his bagel and thought about how I was to be able to call him mine.


Evan pulled up to my darkened house. My uncle wasn't home, as usual.

"Wanna come in a hang out for a bit?" I asked, not wanting to be alone. Evan immediately put the car in park.

"I thought you'd never ask, my lady." He said in a stupid voice. I laughed as he got out of the car and opened my door for me. I got out of the car and linked my arm through his as we walked up to the house.

I kicked off my shoes by the front door and told Evan I was going to change. I headed up to my room and pulled off my jeans and slid into a pair of yoga pants.

"Hey, Annie!" I heard Evan call from downstairs.

"Yeah?" I responded back.

"Are these fruit snacks for anyone special or can I eat them?"

I laughed to myself. "They're all yours."

"Bitchin," I heard him say to himself as I laughed again.

After I finished changing, I wandered back downstairs to find Evan sitting on the couch eating his second pack of fruit snacks.

"All good now?" I asked Evan. He looked up at me and smiled as he tossed his fruit snacks wrapper on the table. He stood up, hurried over to me, and wrapped his arms around my waist, planting a kiss first on my neck, and then on my cheek.

"You know what, Miss Monroe?" I giggled.

"Tell me, Mr. Peters," I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked up and him.

"I am in love with you." He said the words softly and the side of his mouth twitched up into a smile. My heart skipped a beat and all I could do was return his smile and press my lips against his to let him know that he was not alone.

My Heart Only Beats For You (Evan Peters)Where stories live. Discover now