The Two of Us

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I spent the night at Evan's house. He had called Uncle Jerry to make sure it was okay first, telling him that we had to be on set early the next morning so he would bring me.

We stopped at my house first so I could grab some clothes for the next day, then we headed to Evan's house.

I had only been at Evan's house once before, and it wasn't for a very long time.

We pulled into the garage attached to his plain, two story home. Evan took my bag for me and led me inside.

He quickly slid his hand up a wall, almost automatically, and bright lights instantly illuminated the hallway and the kitchen and living room it led to.

He tossed his keys on the kitchen table and with my bag still over his shoulder he turned to me and said, "I'm sorry. This is my fault."

I stood in shock. His fault? "Evan, how was this your fault?"

"I should've known that you would do something like this." He hissed. There was a certain edge in his voice. He was starting to upset himself. "I should've kept you safe." He wasn't looking at me. I hated when he did that.

"Evan," how could he not understand? I took a step closer, resting my hand on his chin and tilting his head to make him look at me. "Evan, you saved me. Don't you get that?"

I ran my hand along his face and his jaw slowly became unclenched. His face began to soften and his anger began to lift away. It was like my touch made him finally understand.

Brrrrrrng, a phone called out somewhere in a different room. "I'll be right back," he said quietly before setting my bag on the floor and disappearing into the living room.

Evan was back quickly, walking over to the fridge and rummaging through it.

"So, where are you sleeping?" He said after searching the refrigerator and coming up short. He closed the doors and looked up at me.

"I don't know. Is this not your house?" I said smartly.

He snapped his fingers. "Oh, right. I forgot about that." He answered sarcastically. "Well," he said slowly walking closer to me, "There's the couch." I rolled my eyes and he kept making his way over to me.

"Or you can have the guest bedroom." He was right in front of me now. "Or you can stay in my room with me." He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. A chill went through me, just like it always does, as our lips met.

The familiar feeling of his lips pressed against mine made my heart skip a beat. He slid his hands forward so they were gripping my waist. And just when I was convinced that I never wanted it to end, he pulled away.

Only centimeters away from my face, he said, "My room it is." Before pulling away completely. "I'll take your bag upstairs."


"Hey, are you watching? This is the best part!" Evan said, shaking his arm that was draped around my shoulders.

I looked up from my phone and pretended to be interested. He was making me watch some action movie that he was convinced was "a classic" but in reality, was horrible.

"Mhm, wow." I said, looking back down at my phone.

"You're not even watching, are you?" He asked, even though he already knew the answer.

I shook my head and he leaned forward, picking up the remote and pausing the movie. He gently pulled my phone out of my hands and set it on the table, replacing it with his hand.

"So what do you want to do then?" He asked, playing with my fingers. I looked across the room at the clock that hung just above the TV. It was only 7:15.

He was sliding his hand away from mine now and he rested it on my leg. He leaned in and pressed his lips on the corner of my mouth. I turned to face him completely and was greeted by another kiss.

His hand inched up to my waist as he continued to kiss me. I felt the warmth of his hand as it slowly slid under my shirt and landed on my side, testing its boundaries.

I knew what this would turn into, and it was the last thing I wanted right now. I wasn't ready for this.

I pulled away, "Let's go get ice cream!" I blurted out quickly.

Evan opened his eyes and looked at me in shock. He sat up straight.

"Um. Yeah, alright. Let's go get ice cream." He stood up and walked to the kitchen to get his keys.

I let out a sigh and stood up, following him into the kitchen and then out the front door.


Evan parked the car a few blocks down from an ice cream shop I had been to a few times before.

A small bell rang as Evan opened the door for me. I walked inside and was instantly hit by the icy chill of the air in the shop. I noticed that the tall tables that filled the building were all occupied.

After we ordered, Evan led me back outside, where we sat at a small table by the front door of the shop.

"So what's after this?" Evan asked, finishing off his ice cream.

I thought for a little bit. "I haven't really thought past this. What do you want to do?" The sun had gone down almost completely. A relaxing dusk had settled in over the downtown.

I took the last bite of my ice cream cone. "Let's just stay out all night." Evan said. I looked up at him.

"I don't really feel like going to clubs or bars and drinking all night."

"No that's not what I meant," he said quickly. "I mean let's just stay out together. We'll drive around, blare music. Just the two of us."

I smiled slightly, and he smiled back. Just the two of us. It sounded so perfect. So I nodded, and we both stood up, making our way back to his car, ready for the night to begin.

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