How to Deal With Humiliation

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I slammed the door to my bedroom and hurled my clutch at the wall, then proceeded to sit down at the edge of my bed, slipping off my heels and throwing them at the wall, as well. My eyes began to sting as I did my best to fight back the tears. "He likes you. I can tell." Sarah had said. I believed her. Neither one of us knew how wrong she really was.

Wrong. The word echoed in my head. Wrong, wrong, wrong. What have I done?

I took in a sharp breath and stood up to change into a a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. When I was finished, I walked over to my clutch that was laying on the floor and took my phone out of it and set it on my bedside table, grabbing the TV remote and climbing into bed.

I turned the TV on and tried to concentrate on some reality TV show that I didn't care about, but my mind kept drifting to other things. I yawned and it was then when I realized how tired I really was. I closed my eyes.

My phone buzzed beside me, waking me up the second I had fallen asleep. It kept buzzing as I sat up and looked at Evan's name displayed on the caller ID. And it continued buzzing still when I set it back down, ignoring his call.

My phone stopped buzzing for a minute before it buzzed once more. I picked it up to look at it again. It was a text message from Evan.

Annie, please call me back. I'm really sorry.

I turned my phone off and set it on the table again. I cleared every thought from my mind until I fell asleep.


Evan continued to call and text me for the rest of the weekend. I didn't answer. I didn't want to answer.

I stayed home all weekend. I didn't feel like leaving the house. I wanted to talk to Macy about it, but she was busy with school and her new boyfriend, Harry, so I didn't want to be a bother.

Uncle Jerry had left town on Saturday for work. He'd be gone for a week, and even though we still weren't on the best terms, he would still be someone to talk to. I had no one.

It was then, on Sunday morning just after eleven, when my phone rang in my hand. Sarah, who had given me her number Friday at the bar, was now calling me.

I cleared my throat before answering. "Hello?" I spoke softly. Almost inaudibly, but Sarah heard.

"Hey Annabelle," her voice was clear and silvery. "So, I was thinking you and I could have a girls day? Maybe go to lunch and then to the salon?"

"Sarah I'd love to but I--" she interrupted me.

"Save it. Evan told me what happened and I'm not going to let you hide in your room for the rest of your life. So, I'll pick you up in half an hour?"

I sighed. "Alright." I said a quick good-bye and hurried up to my bathroom to take a quick shower. When I was finished, I ambled into my bedroom. I picked out a pair of white shorts and a flowing royal blue top, picked up my purse, and headed downstairs.

Sarah pulled into my driveway about ten minutes later driving a little red convertible. I climbed inside and she wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Oh, honey," she began, now releasing me and backing out of the driveway. "Evan called me last night and told me what happened. He said that you were ignoring him and maybe I could get a hold of you," Her voice was small and wobbly and I could tell she was worried. "He was just so upset, Annie."

"What does he have to be upset about?" I snapped. I didn't want to dismay Sarah, but I couldn't hold it in. "God, he can be so narcissistic!"

Sarah was quiet and I knew I shouldn't have said anything. She opened her mouth to say something, and then closed it again. "I think maybe it's not as much narcissism, but his feelings toward you. He didn't want to hurt you, Annabelle. That wasn't his intention. And just the very though of hurting you, upsets him. There's probably more to the story than both you and I know."

This time, I was the one that was quiet, because as much as I hated to admit it, as much as I hated to give Evan the benefit of the doubt, Sarah was right.


On Monday, I rolled out of bed, got ready, and was on the road and driving to the set by 6 a.m. Ryan insisted we be there by 7 at the very latest.

The resolution for my problem with Evan? Sarah and I decided it would be best for me to just not to talk to him for a while until I cool off.

About a quarter of the cast was there when I arrived. I recognized Sarah's car and was instantly relieved. Things would be easier with her there.

I made my way to the front yard and immediatly saw her standing by the picnic table under the large tree. She beamed as she spotted me. Connie walked over, too.

"So I hear we're meeting some new cast members today," Connie said flatly. "Young ones."

"Hopefully they're not too bad, although, the young ones usually are," Sarah said, eyeing me before breaking into a wide grin.

"Ha. You're so funny." I said sarcastically before all three of us started laughing. I looked up just in time to see Evan striding past us. His eyes were locked on me and he didn't turn away when I looked at him. Our eyes met for a few seconds before I dropped my gaze.

"Hey, I think that's them," Sarah said. She tilted her chin in the direction of a group of people around my age talking to Ryan. Connie crossed her arms and rocked back on her feet.

There were five of them. Three boys and two girls. When they had finished their conversation, Ryan pointed towards the the trailers. The group disbanded as Ryan walked up to the house and the five new cast members walked past Connie, Sarah, and I.

The newbies made eye contact with us before four out of five looked away nervously. One held my gaze, though. He had his auburn hair swept up in a quiff and a small smile was ever so slightly visible on his lips. His eyes were locked on me and he kept walking before smirking at me then turning away.

"-better get ready," Connie was saying when I tuned back into the conversation. We went our separate ways to our individual trailers.


After changing my clothes and having my hair and makeup done, I made my way back to the front of the house. Evan stood my a row of plants by the front door. He was already in costume and had his blonde hair swept back from his face. He was talking to one of the new co-stars, who stood laughing with him in a cheerleading uniform and her long brown hair pulled up in a ponytail.

I rolled my eyes at them. "Keep rolling those eyes and they'll fall out," Dylan said as we walked by, taking a bite of his apple. After he passed me he looked back and I flipped him off which only made him laugh and then continue to walk.

I looked back up at the house but Evan had disappeared and the girl was now standing

there with another newbie who was skinny and had brown hair down to his shoulders.

I looked away from them and searched the rest of the yard for other members of the cast, but I only saw a few of the crew members.

"Everyone's still back by the trailers," a voice said from behind me. I spun around to see the boy that smirked at me earlier. He must of seen me looking around for everybody.

"Oh, okay," I responded. I started to walk to the trailers but he stopped me.

"Hey, wait!" I looked at him again. He shifted nervously and stuck out one of his hands. "I'm Brando Eaton," he looked at me expectantly, so I took his hand.

"Annabelle Monroe," I said.

"Annie you're needed!" Connie yelled from out the front door.

I looked back at Brando who now had his hand shoved in his pockets. "Well, I better go," I said, turning towards the house.

"See you later?" He asked hopefully. I turned around again.

"If you're lucky," I said back. I saw him smile before I turned and headed into the house.


We finally got to take a break for lunch at noon. We had been filming nonstop that entire morning. I hadn't done any scenes with Evan yet, and I was fearing them.

Brando ran up to me after I walked out the front door of the house. He was still in his costume, (a letterman jacket and a pair of jeans) but he now had makeup done so it looked like a bullet went through his head.

I made a face as he approached me, eyeing his fresh, new head wound. He wiped it gently with his hand, then held it up to show me the red and tan smear that now stained his fingers. "Relax, it's just makeup," he smiled and wiped the makeup on the side of his jeans.

We walked together. Everyone was inside the house in the ballroom already eating. Ryan had ordered enough pizza to feed an army. Tables were scattered throughout the whole, giagantic room.

Brando walked over to one of the boxes and filled a plate with pizza. I wasn't very hungry, so I walked over to one of the coolers and grabbed a water.

We sat at a table together on the far side of the ballroom. I looked around, spotting Sarah, Connie, Jessica, and Dylan at one table. Kate and Alexandra were at another, and other members of the grew filling in almost all of the remaining tables.

Evan was no where in sight, but I pushed the thought of him out of my brain and focused on talking to Brando. I had learned that he was born here, in Los Angeles and was an only child by the time the ballroom door swung open and Evan walked in.

He was alone and his eyes were dark, sad. He was wearing all black and his blonde hair hung loosely in his face. Evan looked around the room, his eyes bouncing from table to table, then freezing when he spotted me. An unfamiliar look briefly crossed his face, as he shifted his gaze from me to Brando. My heart dropped when he blinked hard, then looked away, walking back towards the door, pushing it open and disappearing behind it.

"Hey, are you okay?" Brando was now saying. I now realized that I was looking away from him and not listening to anything he had been saying, just sitting there, wanting something I knew I could never have.

I didn't know how to answer his question. I wasn't okay. So, I looked back at Brando, seeing the concern in his eyes, and said, "There's something I need to take care of."

With that, I stood up and walked over to the door, pushed it open, and didn't look back until it banged shut behind me.


I walked out of the house and paused on the large, cement porch, now realizing I had no idea where he was. I tried his trailer, knocking first, and then opening the door when no one answered, but it was empty. I sighed and debated on whether or not to go back to the ballroom, when something clicked.

The gazebo.

I jogged around the back of the house and stopped to catch my breath when the old gazebo was in sight. I could see the gleam of Evan's blonde hair catching the sun. I put ny hands on my hips, took one deep breath, and continued to walk forward.

He was sitting inside the gazebo and had his back facing me. His head was down so I couldn't see his face as I pushed open the old, creaky door.

Evan looked up. His jaw was clenched and his eyes were hard. His expression softened when he saw me. He looked back down without saying anything. I walked over to him and sat next to him on the wooden bench.

I didn't know what to say, so I just sat quietly. I was stupid to come here.

After what seemed like a decade, Evan lifted his head and looked at me. His eyes were sad. He opened his mouth to say something, then closed it before opening it again to say, "I'm so sorry, Annabelle." I just gave an understanding nod, but he shook his head and looked back down. "I need to explain. It just was a surprise to me, that's all. I didn't expect anything like that. And, honestly, I was sort of nervous. I didn't want to think that was the only thing I care about. I care about you, Annie. And I'm such an idiot for messing everything up."

I was speechless. "You are an idiot." I said. He looked up at me and I smiled. A look of relief crossed his face and he broke into a wide grin. "Come on," I said, standing up and holding out my hand for him to take.

He stood up. "Oh, and one more thing," he said. I was about to turn back around when he pulled my arm, spinning me back towards him. And just like that, our lips met, a chill colder than a gust of wind in mid-winter ran through my body and a million butterflies fluttered in my heart and when it was over and Evan was looking into my eyes, I could still feel the pins and needles that poked around from the top of my head to the very tips of my toes.

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