The guy laughed once more—I’ve noticed he laughs a lot—and trailed his eyes down my body. I’m pretty sure he stopped on my boobs for a few seconds, but it’s not like there’s anything to see. It’s embarrassing how I’m a seventeen year old girl who still wears a size A.

“I’m Justin,” he said, extending his hand towards me.

I shook his hand. “Hailey,”

He flashed a white grin at me. “A pretty name for a pretty girl.” He released my hand, shoving his own into his pockets. “So what can I get you two?”

I looked over at Andrew, expecting him to say something, but the look he gave me mirrored my own expression. “Um, you can order for me,” I said. “Whatever’s best.”

“Uh, okay.” He cleared his throat awkwardly, glancing back up at Justin. “Two BLT sandwiches, please.” Respectfully, he waited for Justin to finish scribbling that down on his notepad, before continuing with drinks. “A coke for me, and…”

“Water’s good, thanks.” I finished.

“Coming right up,” Justin grinned, winking at me before he retreated to whatever boyish land he came from.

After that, Andrew and I had a staring contest. Okay, so we weren’t exactly having a staring contest, we just didn’t know what to say to each other, so we stared. Trust me, I have no problem keeping my eyes locked on Andrew’s. In fact, when this contest ends, I probably won’t be able to take my eyes off of his.

“So,” I say, deciding to break the silence. “Where to next? A fancy ballroom or a party?” I smiled, “Oh, I know. You’re taking me to your secret lair in a forbidden graveyard, aren’t you?”

He rolled his eyes, smiling. “No, unfortunately. But I have to admit the graveyard lair sounds pretty damn cool.”

I shuddered, scrunching my face up in disgust, which made Andrew laugh. “Okay,” I said, straightening up in my seat. “So I have a question for you.”

He leaned forward. “Hit me.”

I cleared my throat dramatically, which made a soft chuckle escape Andrew’s lips. “Where were you last night?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Is this an interrogation?”

“Maybe, now answer the question.”

“I was out robbing a store,” he smirked.

I rolled my eyes. “Come on, I’m being serious.”

He sighed, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “I went to a party.” He grumbled, shrugging.

“That’s it?” I asked, and he nodded in response. “So you didn’t do something illegal? You know, besides drinking underage.”

“Nope, not at all.” He spoke nonchalantly.

“Uh huh. But you did drink. A lot.”

“You have no proof, Hailey.”

“Oh really? How do you explain not being able to walk after coming in late last night?”

He scoffed. “Easy. I was just tired.”

“Really? So why did you smell like alcohol?” I pressed further.

“I was around people that were drinking,” he answered automatically, as if he were some sort of excuse robot.

“Okay, so why were you feeling me up and telling me how much you missed me?” I smirked, folding my arms across the table.

The One and Only [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now