열둘 (12)

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Final Chapter

"Alpha, what are your orders for the training teams. Sir Taehyung and Jungkook need your approval on their latest changes." I looked at the tablet he held, quickly scanning the document.

"Tell them I approve but I want them to include more self-defensive instead of weaponry," I said.

"Of course alpha." I continued my walk to the kitchen tent. "Hows she looking?"

"Mostly good. We'll need more supplies by next week but I think the hunting team have gone out," Jin said. 

"Well, I'll ask them to get as much as they can, but things are sort of at a standstill with the full moon approaching," I said. "Do you think you can wait till after that?"

"of course, Alpha ~" Jin teased and I rolled my eyes. "Oh, Namjoon said he was looking for you, Hoseok asked me to remind you about the gardens and Yoongi wanted to talk to you about something."

"No rest for the wicked I guess," I said before heading off. I found Namjoon in the school for children.

"There you are. I needed to ask you about where the kids go once they reach five. You haven't mentioned anything about the schools," Namjoon said.

"I got a primary school to accept them. The headmaster is a wolf so she's sympathetic. She assures they'll be safe," I explained.

"Will they continued glasses here to learn about controlling their wolves?" he asked.

"I presume so, the headmaster never said anything about wolf classes. I can give you her number and the two of you can sort it out together if you want." he nodded.

"For my own piece of mind, I thinking it would be better if you did," he added with a smile.

"Okay, I'll get someone to drop it over to you." Headed out the door, waving goodbye to Namjoon before heading to the gardens. "hey Hoseok."

"Heya. I just wanted to ask about the garden boundary," He said.

"Do you think its necessary to put up a gate?" I asked.

"Its right at the boundary of our pack, so any pack could sneak it. I know you want them to be able to use if they need it, but we also need it," Hoseok explained.

"How about this, we build a gate but we leave some of the crops in a basket to the side so anyone nearby can take it?" Hoseok smiled.

"That sounds good, alpha."

"Why are all of you making fun of me?" I said. 

"it's just ironic. You're not the same girl who was afraid she wasn't part of our family anymore," He said. "You're different."

"In a good or bad way?"

"A good way." I nodded before waving goodbye, going out to find Yoongi. I found him by the small pond, sitting with his eyes closed.

"You okay?" he nodded. "Jin told me you wanted to talk to me about something."

"I found my mate." I sat down beside him, waiting for him to continue. "She's half wolf, half human."

"I'm happy for you. Have you talk to her?" He nodded and I noticed the blush on his cheeks. "Why did you call me out separately?"

"She's a stray and-"

"She's welcome here." Yoongi snapped his head over to me.

"Really? I know you said strays are welcome but I didn't know if you meant it-"

"I do. And if she has any family, they are welcome too." He hugged me tightly.

"Thank you Rinmi." I hugged him back.

"Thats what family are for."


I collapsed onto the bed, letting out a sigh.

"Long day?" I sat up smiling.

"Yes, and I need hugs." Jimin let out a giggle before engulfing me in a hug. "I love you Rinmi."

"Love you too." We were silent before he shifted around and looked into my eyes.

"So, anything interesting happen today?"

"Yoongi found his mate. She's joining the pack tomorrow," I said.

"Oh, coolio. Was she a stray?" I nodded. He let out a soft sigh before leaning forward and kissing me. The kiss turned deep quickly as he shifted on top of me. I let the kiss scatter my thoughts and let the world disappear. It was just him and me at this moment.

Until there was a knock on the door. 

Jimin literally growled. I laughed.

"No rest for an alpha, I guess."

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