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Jimin lightly shook me awake, the first thing I saw was his smile. "I just wanted to say goodbye before I went to work." I nodded sleepily, yawning. He smiled again.


I woke again about an hour later, with just Namjoon and Hoseok in the house. I walked into the kitchen in a men's pair of pyjamas and found them with their tongues down their throats.

'What... what the... what are they doing?'

They both seemed to notice my presence as Namjoon buried his face in Hoseok's neck. "Jesus, can't a couple get a bit of privacy," Hoseok said, chuckling at how shy Namjoon had become.


I began writing a note before Namjoon spoke. "Have you ever thought about learning sign language. Most of us know it." Sign language? He beckoned me over as he readjusted himself so he could talk to me, while still on Hoseok's lap. He had a bite mark on his neck. I gently touched it, concern flooding through me. "Don't worry, he's fine. Just mine," Hoseok spoke, looking away from the TV. Mine? "My mark, to show everyone I claimed him." Whut? "It's not like that, Seokie. Its more-" Namjoon turned around to face me. "Its a mark to show other wolves not to touch me because I'm Hoseok's mate." Mate? "That's basically what I said, babe," Hoseok said, kissing Namjoon's cheek. "A mate is a soulmate, your other half. Everyone has one, but wolves are able to mark there's. They tend to not let anyone touch their mate," Namjoon explained while Hoseok kissed his shoulder. "Damn straight, so I don't want to see you making eyes and whats mine!" Hoseok joked. I laughed. "Now that's enough of that, let's teach you how to use sign language," Namjoon said.

Within the hour, I apparently was a master. I watched a good fifty videos and found that it wasn't that difficult, all the while Namjoon and Hoseok continued to make out behind me. By the time Jin and Yoongi got home - after they'd practically beat the boys for having to come home to 'a live porno' (and after I made a mental note to look up porno.) - I was confident enough to try it.

"Do you need help with the bags?" I asked/signed and Jin nearly dropped said bags. "I'm good, but thanks for offering," he said, a big smile growing on his face. I smiled and helped him with the bags anyway. Yoongi smiled at me. "Namjoon teach you?" He asked. "The internet," I signed. He laughed, showing me a gummy smile. I gave a small smile back. "You guys hungry?" Jin asked but I shook my head. "I feel kinda sick," I signed. He frowned. "Stomach icky?" I nodded. "I'll take you to a clinic tomorrow if you still feel sick. I know one thats good for werewolves." I nodded at Jin's words. "Do you want me to help you with dinner?" I signed. Jin paused for a moment. "You don't have to," He said. "I want to." I signed back. He nodded, smiling. "Sure. I'm making a stew tonight, so can you cut those onions?" I nodded before getting out the board.

By the time dinner was done, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin were home. "Oh, Rinmi's helping you?" Hoseok asked. "Yeah, she's the only one who won't cut herself or burn anything." I smiled at the praise. "Glad to help." I signed. Taehyung chocked on his water. "Who taught you sign language?" He asked. "That would be me and Hobi," Namjoon said, setting the table. Hoseok looked up from his place on the couch at the mention of his name before sliding off and sitting down at the table. Namjoon took his left, while Taehyung took his right. Jin took the top of the table, with Yoongi beside him. Jungkook sat in the middle of Yoongi and Jimin while I took the bottom of the table. "No Chaegi?" Taehyung asked. I looked over at him. "Just wondering..." I raised an eyebrow. "Hey, Chaegi's an idiot. Probably got lost."

"Well, fuck you too, Taehyung. I didn't get lost you assface," Chaegi said, coming into the room. "Well, you are a ditz so I'm surprised," Taehyung scoffed. I raised an eyebrow at the two of them. "Don't mind them. They're always fighting," Yoongi said "No we're not!" they said in unison. A sly smirk spread across my cheek as I move over, making room for Chaegi beside me. "he always starts it."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you do."

"No, I don't."

"Yes, you-"

"Food!" Jin shouted over them. "Tuck in everybody."


It was Jimin's idea to watch a movie. Apparently, Friday night was 'family night'. I was about excuse myself to my room but Jimin grabbed my hand, sending sparks up my body.

"Where are you going?"

'My room...?'

"You can't miss family fun night!" I raised my brow.

'But I'm not-'

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. You are as much  family as any of us are." I doubted that but I let him lead me into the living room.

"Yo, Rinmi. We need you to settle a debate. Those three idiots over there wanna watch 'Bridge to Terabithia' and us three want to watch 'Grown Ups'," Yoongi said. "Jimin won't pick a side and Chaegi doesn't care. So, which one?" Jimin must have prepared himself to speak for me but his face fell to an 'o' as I signed.

"Both?" Yoongi smiled at Jimin's face.

"Not so special now, Chim." Jimin sent a glare Yoongi's way as he clicked on Grown Ups.

"Hey, no fair, why do you get to chose first?" Taehyung said. He,  Namjoon and Jin wanted 'Bridge to Terabithia' while Hoseok, Yoongi and Jungkook wanted 'Grown Ups'. Yoongi shot Taehyung a look that shut him right up. He collapsed onto the couch before noticing Chaegi glaring at him. He scowled but made no effort to move.


"What is?" I turned back to Jimin and realised everyone else had sat down as the opening scene played. That left the armrest, where Jimin was currently sitting on the floor. I got down onto the floor, leaning against Jimin's chair. He started messing with my hair and I hummed in approval.

'Just because I know sign language doesn't make you any less important to me.'

I could feel Jimin's happiness radiating from him. "Thanks, Rinmi~" I smiled, leaning back more.

'No problem, Chiminie ~'

It was well past midnight after both movies were done. It was just me, Jimin and Chaegi left, but she was asleep curled up on the couch. I placed a blanket over her as I walked over to Jimin, yawning. "How late is it?"


He nodded, yawning himself. "Ready to go to bed?" I nodded. We walked down the hall slowly. We stopped outside my bedroom and he stepped in front of me. I was looking into his eyes and he was hesitating.


His eyes met mine as he took a step forward, his lips meeting mine. Sparks flew throughout my entire body and I felt like I was flying. His lips left mine but I pushed them back. A feeling erupted in my stomach and I never felt so sure of anything else in my life.


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