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Jimin's arm was around my waist when I woke up. I didn't remember how I got here or when but, right now, that didn't seem like a problem. I made a move to get up but Jimin's arm tightened around my waist.

"Stay..." his voice was rough. I studied his features. His perfectly shaped noise, his plump lips and his closed eyes that I knew were a deep brown. A lot of feelings came crashing down on me and I felt panicked. I struggled to breathe, covering my mouth to avoid waking the angel beside me up but he must have felt my shaking because he was up, his dark eyes laced with concern. "Rinmi? Rinmi, look at me." I didn't notice I had been crying until he wiped a tear from the corner of my eyes. "Deep breaths. Just listen to my voice. It's okay, you're okay." I nodded my head, slowly sitting up. "You okay now?" I nodded.

'When did... How did we get into your room?'

I asked, blushing slightly. "Well, when I, uh, when I," He said, going red. "When I kissed you, you kinda passed out and so I brought you here." I nodded. "Hey, wanna go out today?"


"Uhm, maybe a restaurant? Or a café?" I nodded. "Just us." I nodded again, and he smiled. I continued to stare at him till there was a knock on the door.

"Yo, Jimin, you lazy piece of- why is Rinmi here?" Jin asked. At the mention of my name, Hoseok stopped frisking Namjoon and the two came over.

"Yo, Rinmi, I got new paints if you wanna see them!" Taehyung shouted from across the house. I slowly began to get up before I felt two hands around my waist.



"No. Stay." I blinked down at Jimin who was giving me puppy dog eyes. The whole house was silent. Jimin pouted and I patted his head awkwardly.

'I need to get dressed.'

His pouted grew but his vice-like grip on my wait lessoned. I slowly edged past the other members, humming as I made my way down to my room, where Chaegi was asleep on my bed with red puffy eyes. She had left her phone open and I caught a glimpse of the screen. There were a lot of messages and some of them were mean. I gently shook her awake.

"Are you okay?" I signed. She was about to nod but I raised my eyebrow and she shook her head.

"Some people are just assholes."


"Some idiots from my school. They were just saying stupid things about Yoongi and me." She shrugged again. "I can just delete the conversations and-" The rest of the sentence was lost as I hugged her. I tried to push all the emotions I could into the hug and she must have understood because she relaxed in my arms, hugging me back. I let go after a few moments, wiping her tears and giving her a smile. She gave me a weak one back.

"Hey, can you help me pick an outfit? I'm going out with Jimin," I signed.

"Ooo, where are we going?"

"No, just me and Jimin." She blinked at me.

"Like a date?"

"A date?"

"Yes. A date." I looked at Chaegi, confused. "That doesn't matter right now! We need to pick the perfect outfit!"

By the time we picked the 'perfect outfit' Jimin was already finished getting dressed. He wore black jeans and a pink leather jacket. Chaegi had picked out dark grey jeans, an oversized black and wiped striped polo shirt and a black leather jacket. She marvelled at her work before pushing me out of the room, throwing a pair of timberlands at me. Jimin caught me and the boots before his eyes widened at my appearance.

'Is... is it too much?'

"No... its not too much. You look..." He seemed to trail off. "You looked amazing."


We were seated near the back of the café as I gazed around at the area. There were loads of people and sounds and I seemed to be naturally drawn to it. I looked back at Jimin, realising he hadn't said anything since we left.

'Are you okay?'

He gave a quick nod. "Yeah, I'm just thinking about yesterday." I nodded. Truth be told, I didn't understand. "Should we talk about it?" I gave a hesitant nod. "We don't have to."

'I want to.'

"Well, where do we start?"

'What does being mates means for... us?'

"It means that... that we're destined to be together. That we'll share a bond that will keep us together for as long as we're alive. It means that I'll love you and you'll love me." At the last part, I let out a small gasp. "Obviously it doesn't happen right away, and we'll need time to figure this out." He took an uncertain breath. "But I do like you, Rinmi. I think you're gorgeous and I think you're incredible. I want to learn more about."

'You are handsome too. And sweet and kind. And you're funny and nice to me. I want... I want to get to know you too.'

A huge smile spread onto his face and I couldn't help but return it. We ordered some drinks and we just started talking. Everything was so easy with him. We finished our drinks before making our way outside. He took my hand and I smiled up at him.

"Oh my..." A man's voice forced me to look up at the middle ages man who had stopped in the street ahead of us. His hair was a typical business hairstyle, a dark black, with grey hairs sneaking out at the roots. He had a strong build and his aura was clouded with dominance.

"He's an alpha..." Jimin muttered under his breath, his gaze on the man. The man took several steps towards me.

"is it... Is it you?" I looked at Jimin but he was looking at me. This man was speaking to me. My heart started beating harder as I realised this man had eyes almost identical to me - a brown centre with a gold ring around it. "I'm... I'm your father."



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