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"Okay, so Jungkook and I work here and we get coffee," Jimin said but it fell on deaf ears. She was no longer paying attention. Rinmi was far more intrigued by the napkin holder. She kept pulling out napkins, slowly emptying them. "Aish, no" Jimin took the box okay. A pleading look fell on Rinmi's face as she held the millions of tissues in her hand. Jimin sighed. "Maybe we should just bring her back to the woods..." He muttered under his breath. Rinmi looked down at the floor.


Jimin looked at her, feeling guilty. "No, I didn't mean it. I'm sorry" Rinmi kept her gaze on the ground. "Jimin, I need you to get orders," Jungkook said from behind the counter. Jimin nodded. "Look, stay here. We'll go out later. I'll bring you to the park, okay?" He didn't give her a chance to respond before he walked over to the next table. Rinmi watched as he went from table to table, a strange feeling erupting in her chest.


Jimin was cleaning other tables when he saw the four boys go over to Rinmi. He looked over at Jungkook, before looking back at her. One of the boys, Jimin recognised him as a regular customer. He pushed Rinmi's black curl behind her ear. She giggled. A fiery sensation kicked up in Jimin's stomach. But instead of acting on it, he turned away. Until he heard the bell on the door go. They'd probably left her alone. But when he turned back, Rinmi wasn't sitting in the seat she was supposed to be in. But her scarf was still sitting on the back of the chair. "Jungkook, Rinmi is gone" There was a bang, followed by Jungkook groaning in pain. "What? Since when do you care about Rinmi- Jimin?" But the bell has already gone off again, Jimin's cloth and tray on the countertop.

He followed her faint scent until he found her jacket in the park. He scanned the area until he saw the forest and a pit formed in his stomach. As fast as he could, he ran in. He saw the same fur boys, except Rinmi, was on the ground. "What are we supposed to do now"

"Get the fuck away from her and pray I never see you again," Jimin said to the boys, his anger rising with every second. "Go" The boys scattered as Jimin ran over to Rinmi. "Rinmi... Rinmi!" The girl slowly opened her eyes, banging her head.


Jimin helped her up as she rubbed her head, groaning. "What happened?" Rinmi looked around, leaning against Jimin.

'I fell on something...'

The realisation that he couldn't hear her. She mimicked fainting, doing her best. "You fainted?" She nodded before pointing to a rock. "You fainted on the rock?" She nodded again. Jimin sighed, smiling slightly. "Maybe we should wrap you in bubble wrap."


Rinmi was bored. Very bored.

"Maybe we should bring Yoongi's sister over and they can go shopping or something," Jungkook suggested as the two emptied the dishwasher. "Yes, but we both know what happens when Chaegi borrows Yoongi's credit card. Let's not give her the excuse to buy more," Jimin said. "Since when have you cared so much?" Jungkook asked. Jimin looked over at Rinmi before looking back at Jungkook, sighing. "Call Chaegi, but it's your head on a spike if she spends Yoongi's money."

Within ten minutes, Chaegi came walking in. She nodded to the boys before going straight over to Rinmi. She sat down before leaning closer to the girl. A minutes later, they both got up. Chaegi gave the two boys a wave, waggling her fingers. Rinmi watched her before turning around and giving them a strong wave, a small smile as she made eye contact with Jimin. Her smile grew bigger before she left, the bell ringing.

Rinmi walked with Chaegi, their arms linked. "So, there's this guy in my school, he says he likes me, but I don't feel the same. I don't want to be rude, but I don't know how I tell him," Chaegi said. "He's really sweet, but I'm just not interested." Rinmi studied the girls face. She picked up her phone before typing a message, just as Chaegi had taught her.

'Are you scared he'll be mad?'

Chaegi read the message silently. "Not mad, sad. He was a good friend and I don't want him to hate me."

'Who could hate you?'

Chaegi smiled at the message. "You're honestly so sweet."

'I think you should just tell him.  It won't be kind to him in the long run if you put it off.'

Chaegi took a deep breath. "You're right. If I was in his shoes, I'd want him to do the same." Rinmi smiled, the gap in her two front teeth showing. It caused a smile to spread on Chaegi's face. "Anyway, let's get you some of your own clothes." Rinmi was wearing light blue jeans, a black tank top and an open flannel that was red and black. All her clothes borrowed from Chaegi or one of the boys. She wore a cap, her long hair flowing down. 

'If I asked, could I get anything?'

"Sure, something in particular you want?" Rinmi nodded before dragging Chegi across the road to the place she had her eye on.


Chaegi opened the door, carrying handfuls of bags. Everyone was sitting in the living room. "Gather round, one and all, welcome to the new and improved Rinmi!" The boys all turned in the direction of the door and almost didn't recognise the girl standing in the doorway. Rinmi's long black waving hair was cut to just below her shoulders, curling at the ends. Silver highlights and ends crowned her dark brown eyes. Her long side fringe was cut straight to her eyebrows. The cap was gone and she wore a large blue jumper and tight black jeans. She fiddled with the heam of the sleeve as silence hit the room. Chaegi looked around. "I did not just spend the best part of my day dragging this girl around to every shop just for you all to suddenly be struck dumb." The boys just blinked. Chaegi sighed. "Honestly! Boys are idiots, Rinmi, idiots." She grabbed the bags before going to Rinmi's room. Rinmi followed behind her. The door shut as the boys looked at each other. All except Jimin, who kept his eyes on Rinmi's now closed door. 

Jin was the first to go in. He stayed there for the best part of an hour before re-emerging into the living room. He went straight to the kitchen, humming under his breath. Next were Taehyung and Jungkook. Jungkook came out after half an hour smiling, while Taehyung came out an hour after Jungkook before heading over to Jin to help. Jimin was involved in a game of Overwatch and didn't notice the other three boys go in and out. He felt a pat on his shoulder. "You should probably go in," Namjoon said. It was more of an order than a suggestion, and, being the alpha of their little pack/family, Jimin sort of had to listen to him. He gave the remote to Jungkook before walking over to the door and knocking softly. He peeked his head in, seeing Rinmi sitting in front of the mirror, Chaegi passed out on the bed, lying on top of the clothes.

"Hey." Rinmi looked at Jimin through the mirror. She gave him a small smile. Jimin walked over, crouching down beside her. "Whose card did you bankrupt with all these clothes?" Rinmi looked confused.


He thoughts pounded inside him and he almost fell back. "did you...? Was that...?" Rinmi looked confused at him again. "I... I can hear you in my head...." Rinmi's eyes widened.


 Jimin nodded. There was silence. "Bankrupt... it means to spend all the money that they have saved. I was asking did Chaegi borrow her brother's card." Rinmi was silent.


"Yes, did she use Yoongi's card?" Rinmi shook her head.

'She used her own.'

"But all this stuff..." Jimin looked around at the bags. Rinmi nodded.

'A lot of it was from the charity shop.'

Jimin nodded, a question burning in his mind. "Rinmi." The girl turned to face him. "You're a werewolf, right?" She nodded, wasn't it obvious? "How come you can't talk?" Rinmi shrugged her shoulders.

'I try to form words, but my brain doesn't respond'

She sighed, shaking her head.

'Like, it doesn't want me to speak.'

Jimin couldn't understand what she meant but he could understand her frustration. He ran his hand down her hair, careful not to transfer any dirt or grease. "You should-"

'Can I play that game you were playing? The one with the cool powers?'

The cute gleam in her eyes made it hard for him to say no. "Sure, come out now. We can all play."

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