Chapter 4

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A month has come and gone since the truth has come about the situation between Sophia and I. When daddy had taken me to the hospital, my knee was bruised and sprained badly and the emergency room doctor put a knee brace on me, a perscription for pain medicication and instructions to stay off it as much as possible for a month; meaning I was done playing soccer for this season since there was only two weeks left. I was upset about not finishing the season but I did as I was told espeically since mama stayed home with me this entire month to make sure. I wasn't allowed at school and Jaimi brought me my work everyday and turn it in for me so I didn't fall behind.

Daddy did as he promised once he had medical documentation of my knee injury he went and filed for divorce from Sophia and went to Friend of the Court to gain full legal custody of his and Sophia's children; which surprisingly the court granted him this temporarly until their divorce is finalized in six months.

Mama agreed to allow me at his home on his weekends since Sophia is no longer live there. Jaimi and I are going there tomorrow when she is done with school since it's his weekend. Daddy told me today when he came over before work to check on me that he'll be back when he's done with work at 2 p.m. to pick me up so we can go and pick up Jaimi together and turn in the work I have finished.

Rylan and I have grown much closer these last month as well. He visits me every othe day due to his work schedule and I've loved every damn minute of his visits as well. Mama, mom and daddy love him and the entire family has welcomed into our family as well, which I absolutely adore. In fact he's coming over to daddy's house tomorrow to hang out with me as Jaimi is having a friend spend the night Saturday night at daddy's.

"Mama, I hungwy, may I pease have lunch?" I ask her as a show we are watching together finished.

Even with being home from school this long, I'm dealing with the change the best I can but still like to maintain a somewhat normal schedule. I still go to bed at 11 p.m. and have breakfast and lunch when I do when I'm at school.

"Sure baby boy,"mama says lifting her and her seven month pregnant belly off the couch with a small struggle.

Giggling behind my hand in hopes she doesn't hear me but she did. She turns giving me a lopsided grin with a mock glare. "What are you giggling about, huh?" she ask playfully glaring.

"No'hin' mama," I giggle out around my hand with a smile.

"Mmhhmm, maybe no lunch for you than, if you're laughing at your mama," she says with a fake scowl but it causes me to tear none-the-less. I didn't mean to make her upset.

Hanging my head to hide the welling tears in my eyes, I mumble out, "I sowwy, mama, I'll be good! I pwomise!"

"Hey, hey, baby boy, I was only teasing, I promise I'm not mad and you'll still have lunch! I would never deny you food if you are hungry!"

Looking up at her through my fringe, I see that she's serious and I nod and mumble out an 'otay'. "Grab your crutches baby boy and come help me make lunch, okay?" she asks before heading into the kitchen.

Grabbing my crutches I clumsly follow her into the kitchen, I still haven't fully become accustomed to these damn things and they hurt my armpits in the process.

"Alright baby boy, what are we fixing for lunch?" mama asks me standing by the fridge.

Thinking for a moment before my eyes brighten up in hope. "Mac-n-cheese, pease!" Mama giggles as she heads to the cupboards to pull out two boxes since I can eat one and a half on my own.

Mama lets me pour the ingredients together in the sauspan and stir as she makes us both turkey sandwhiches to go with lunch. What can I say, I'm a growing boy and she's seven months pregnant with my babysister.

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