Welcome home

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I had to stay in the hospital for another couple of days just so they could test my vitals. There was glass stuck in my hands apparently that damaged some of the nerves in my fingers so we had to wait for those to heal. Tyler barely ever left my side. He kept telling me about our family back home and how much they loved me. He mentioned that we were best friends before the accident which I can see why, he seems like an interesting guy. There was just something about the way he referred to the accident that made it sound like he felt guilty which I didn't understand. Mom would visit too, he'd bring books with him and read them to me.

I didn't tell anyone this, but I felt bad I couldn't remember. Sixteen years of my life, so many relationships, so many memories, down the drain. Every time I looked at Tyler I felt like I was missing something, like he left one important part to our relationship but I couldn't place my finger on it.

Eventually, the doctor cleared me to go home. Mom and Tyler drove me home but we didn't say much. What was there to say? We heading back home to a family I don't even know. There's nothing to say, really.

"So, should I be expecting anything?" I asked, leaning up on the passenger seat.

"Yeah, um, see Peter has been feeling sick lately and I never had the heart to tell him what you told me before the accident." Tyler started. I frowned. "You have this power, this superhearing power, and you heard two heartbeats come from him." I nodded slightly before trying to test the power out.

Bu-bump, bu-bump, bu-bump. Sounded from mom. He had a steady heartbeat. When I listened to Tyler's his heart skipped a beat. That's odd.

When we came home, everyone was excited to see me. I just waved awkwardly and stood by mom. Taking in my shy state, they introduced themselves to me and then took turns giving me hugs. Tony mentioned that he had a daughter named Emily who had a husband named Jason. I nodded. Something felt odd about that statement but I couldn't figure out what. Like there was something tugging at the back of my mind that couldn't come out.

Tyler threw a bag at Peter that I didn't know he had. His eyes went wide. I tried to see what it was but by everyone's reaction it couldn't have been good.

"No! No, no, no, no, no, no, no!" Peter argued.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Tyler argued back. "Go take the test." Peter shakily got up and walked into the bathroom.

"What makes you think that he's pregnant?" Tony asked. Oh. It was a pregnancy test.

"Elizabeth said she had this superhearing power that was created from the experiments HYDRA did to her." What's HYDRA? "She said Peter had two heartbeats before we got into the accident." Tyler replied.

"Are you Superman?" Josh joked. He looked to Tyler. "Dude, your girlfriend's Superman." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"He's not my boyfriend." I stated. Josh shot Tyler a look. "He told me he wasn't my boyfriend. We were only friends." Tyler looked to the floor. I looked to him. "Which is true, right?" He nodded. I smiled faintly.

"What do you remember?" Wanda asked. I shook my head.

"The last memory I have is of waking up in the hospital a couple of days ago." I bit my lip. "I'm sorry." Mom placed a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry I can't remember anything."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not your fault that you have amnesia." Mom said. I shook my head.

"But I feel like it is." I countered. Mom kissed my forehead. "Elizabeth Banner." I mumbled. "My name is Elizabeth Banner. I am sixteen years old. My parents are Loki and Bruce Banner. My father died about a month ago. My best friend is Tyler." I closed my eyes. This is gonna take some getting used to. Tyler gave me a hug. I smiled sadly.

"Hey, you'll remember. Don't be so down on yourself. You'll get through this." He assured. I looked into his dark blue eyes. He cupped my cheek, I leaned into the touch as I placed a hand over his. "I know you will."

"I hope so, Tyler Barnes, or else I don't know what I'm going to do." He kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes, just letting everything sink in.

"What is it Peter?" Steve asked, once he saw Peter come out of the bathroom. "Positive or negative?" I opened my eyes.

"P-positive. I-it's p-positive." Peter's gaze never left the floor. "How am I going to tell Wade? He's- we're not ready for a kid. He's gonna flip."

"Well is it-" Clint started.

"Who else's would it be? I've only been with him!" Peter snapped. The room fell silent. I frowned. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap like that."

"Why didn't you just call him?" I suggested. "That the only way to know for sure what he'd do." Peter nodded as he, shakily, pulled his phone out of his pocket. He waited a while before it picked up. "Wade! Can you um. . . There's something I. . . Um. . ." Josh grabbed the phone out of his hand.

"Wade, get your ass over here. Peter has something to tell you." Josh demanded. Peter gulped as Josh handed back the phone. I leaned closer to Tyler.

"Your brother is a little aggressive, don't you think?" He nodded.

"Josh certainly got dad's personality." He commented. "The dark and brooding side, not the warm-hearted side." He expanded before looking at me. "I guess I'm more my mom." I nodded. Moments later, I'm assuming Wade walked into the tower.

"Wade, please, don't leave me." Peter whispered once he saw the man. Wade raised an eyebrow.

"Why would I leave you, Petey?" He asked softly. "You've done nothing wrong." Peter shook his head. Wade went to give him a hug but Peter took a step back. "What's wrong?" Peter held out the test, his hands shaking. Wade grabbed it and looked down. "Oh."

"Please, Wade." Peter pleaded. Wade didn't say anything. "I can't do this alone."

"I can't be a father." Wade whispered. "But I don't want to leave you." He brushed some of the tears away from Peter's cheeks. "I love you, Petey."

"I love you too." I smiled warmly. "Wade, please, we're not kids anymore. We're thirty years old, most people are already married at this point." Peter whispered. "I can't do this alone. I can't go through this alone. Not if it means our son or daughter will never get the chance to meet her father." Peter sniffled. "And-and I can't. . . I don't know how to be a parent."

"And you think I do?" Wade joked. Peter smiled softly. Wade kissed his forehead. "We can learn together." Peter took in a shaky breath.

"You're not going to leave?" Wade shook his head with a laugh.

"Who said I was going to?" Peter wrapped his arms around Wade, Wade doing the same. Peter buried his head into Wade's neck. I smiled, they were too cute. "We'll adapt, figure out how to do this. You can do anything you set your mind to, Peter." Tony turned to face us.

"Okay, that is not how I thought he would react."

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