New school, new. . . Whoa!

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Mom had enrolled me at the institute to go to school there. I didn't argue, I needed to go to school so I could relearn everything I forgot. Today was my first day. I walked into the mansion to find it full of people ranging from every age. My long, raven hair was tied back in a ponytail with white bow tied around it and I was wearing a mint green dress that had black and grey flowers patterned on it. The dress went down to my knees and I complimented the dress with a pair of silver heels along with mom's engagement ring.

Taking a look around, I walked down the hall to my first class. When I got there, I noticed that there was a guy squatting by the door. It looked like he was playing with the door handle. I raised an eyebrow at his behavior.

He had wavy red hair that went to his chin and army green eyes hidden behind thick, black rimmed glasses. I noticed the bracelet on his wrist said 'fuck' which I just had to laugh at. Plus he had two bronze looking rings on his fingers. He looked. . . hot.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked as I approached him. He didn't look up.

"Unlocking the door." He answered as the door swung open. He looked up at me, his eyes scanning my outfit before he smirked. "Care to join?" I shrugged.

"Why not. It's my class anyway." I responded before holding out my hand. "I'm Elizabeth by the way." He didn't take my hand.

"Ace." He introduced. I pulled my hand back. We walked into the class to find a man in a wheelchair in the middle of the room with chairs around him. "'Sup teach?"

"You know what my name is, Mister Card, you should use it." The man turned to me with a smile. "Good morning, Miss Banner." I waved before turning to Ace.

"Your parents named you Ace Card?" I asked.

"Shut up, Miss Banner. Not all of us can have perfect names like you." I frowned as we sat down. The man turned to me.

"I'm sorry to hear about your memory loss. If there was anything I could do I would help, but I'm afraid I might make it worse if I tried." I waved it off.

"You're fine. I'm getting used to." I responded. Truth was, I wasn't getting used to it at all. Everyone kept telling me not to beat myself up about it but I just couldn't help myself. The doctor said I might not ever get my memories back, that I might never be the same person, but I could try to be. The only problem is I don't know who that person was! I felt useless most of the time but acted fine. Tyler was always there for me whenever I needed him, that's all that matters.

"How old are you?" Ace asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I turned to face him, crossing my feet in front of me. "Because you look younger than I am." His eyes were narrowed, like he was studying me.

"16." I answered hesitantly. "What about you?"

"18." He responded as he leaned closer to me. "Gotta job?" I shook my head.

"No. At least, I don't think I do." He raised an eyebrow. "I had this accident." I explained, touching my head. "Amnesia." He nodded. "Do you?" He nodded.

"I work at the local animal shelter. You can help me out one day, if you'd like." I smiled.

"I'd love to. Thanks for the offer." Soon everyone else walked in and the class started. The day went by just as easily then eventually it was time for Jason's class. "Hey, Mister Howlett." I greeted with a smile, he looked familiar. He smiled back after looking at my outfit. He raised an eyebrow before shaking his head.

"Hello, Miss Banner." He replied as I took a seat. Ace sat next to me but as soon as his butt hit the seat, Jason called him out on it. "Get away from my goddaughter, Mister Card."

"Excuse me?!" We both asked at the same time.

"I'm your what?" I asked. Ace leaned forward in his seat.

"She's your what?" He repeated.

"You two heard me." Jason stated. "Miss Banner is my goddaughter and I don't want her under the influence of you, Mister Card." Ace pouted.

"Aw c'mon Jay, let me see her. She's too cute to stay away." I giggled and looked away, my cheeks turning a light pink. He thinks I'm cute.

"No. You will not see her and her mom will make sure of it once I explain what type of student you are. And you are supposed to call me Mister Howlett, not Jason." Ace rolled his eyes. I just smiled and bit my finger to keep myself from saying something stupid.

After that whole fiasco and class, Jason told Emily that he would drive me home. I sat in his passengers seat and looked out the window, a dreamy expression still on my face. Jason kept glancing to me every so often.

"I know you're only taking me home so you can tell my mom about Ace." I stated after I had had enough of him looking at me. "I'm not stupid." He sighed. I looked over at him, my hands folded in my lap. "What's so bad about him anyway?"

"He's had. . . A troubled past." He answered. "He was abused by his parents at a young age because he's a mutant. Charles-"

"Is that the wheelchair guy?" I asked. He laughed. I frowned and looked away. "It's not funny to laugh at an amnesia patient." He nodded and smiled apologetically.

"I know, I'm sorry. But yes, he is the wheelchair guy. As I was saying, Charles found Ace and brought him to the institute. He doesn't stay here anymore though, he's got an apartment close by. Please Elizabeth, he likes hurting sweet and innocent girls. I don't want him to hurt you too." I looked over at him.

"Well maybe if I knew who I was. . ." I trailed off. Jason looked over at me.

"Don't start with that. It's not your fault." I sighed.

"I know, I know. That's what everyone's been saying but I just can't help it. I feel like I'm just some actor playing the part of Elizabeth Banner."

Lost and Found [Hulkfrost]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें