Moving day

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For the past two months, I've been helping Peter pack his things but today is the day that he actually moves out. I know I said he should move and everything but now that that days actually here I don't know how I feel about this. I'm gonna miss him.

"That's everything. Thanks for helping me out Ellie." Peter told me as we finished putting the boxes on the truck. I smiled but I didn't really mean it. My gaze dropped from his eyes to the floor but as I looked down I noticed the small bump Peter had. How is it that I just realized this?

"Whoa." I said before I even realized I said it. He looked over at me before realizing what I was staring at.

"Oh." He mumbled and that's when I realized how hurtful that could've sounded.

"No, that's not what I meant! I just said it because I didn't see it until now! Peter, I did not mean it in a critiquing manner." I quickly comforted but then he started laughing and I got confused. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was only teasing with you." Peter elbowed me when he was done talking.

"Not funny." I mumbled. He ruffled my hair. I frowned and started fixing it.

"It's a little funny." We walked back inside so Peter could say goodbye. Steve was teary eyed and Peter noticed. "Mom, don't cry because if you start crying, I'll start crying and if I start crying I don't think I'll be able to stop because of the baby." Steve just laughed and gave Peter a hug.

"But you're moving out! My little baby is moving out." I smiled softly.

"Steve, he isn't a baby anymore." Tony spoke up. "He's having a baby of his own." Steve sighed.

"I know. Just promise me you won't move to Alaska because if you move to Alaska I don't know what I'll do." Peter laughed.

"Why would we move to Alaska? I hate the cold and you know that so why would I move to one of the coldest states in the country?"

"Just to get away?" Steve said but it came out as a question.

"Mom, I'm not moving to Alaska. We're not moving to Alaska. I'm just moving in with Wade, I'm still in the same state and it's not like you can't come over and visit. Wade said you could come over for dinner tonight anyway once I'm all settled and unpacked." My ears perked up at hearing that.

"Really? We get to see the apartment today?" Peter nodded.

"Of course. And it's not like you guys will never see me again. You guys will come over once the baby's born and I'm sure you'll be over before then." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"We better see you again. I'm gonna miss you." I whispered into his chest. He laughed and started playing with my hair.

"If that's your way of saying you love me then I love you too." I pulled away and stood by mom as everyone else said goodbye. "Bye everyone." Peter said as he got into Wade's car and followed the moving truck.

"I'm bored." I stated once everyone calmed down. They started laughing at me but I didn't care.

"Why don't you go visit Ace until dinner? That will keep your mind off of things." Mom told me. I nodded and grabbed the house phone before stopping.

"When can I get my own phone?" I questioned.

"Do you want one?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well, yeah." I answered in a duh like tone. "I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want one." Mom laughed and started walking to the garage.

"Then come on, we'll get you a phone now."


When we got home I started texting Ace with my new phone. It was a green IPhone 5C with a Loki phone case. There was a Hulk one at the store but it wasn't as nice so the Loki one it is.

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