New Years Eve

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Tony threw this huge party for New Years Eve and everyone was invited. Emily and Jason said they were able to come which will be nice since I haven't seen her that much. Peter and Wade are able to make it which is amazing!Uncle Thor came back home from visiting Jane Foster and Tony said Ace could come over which I'm looking forward to. But before the party I was sitting in my room petting my kitten.

"Hey." I heard someone say from my open window.

"What the hell?!" I screamed before looking over to see Peter sitting on the windowsill. I sighed in relief. "Why are you sitting on my windowsill?" Peter shrugged.

"Felt like swinging over here before I physically can't. And I wanted to spend some time with my favorite cousin before the party started." He said as he jumped down and sat next to me on my bed. I raised an eyebrow.

"I thought the baby didn't like it?" He shrugged.

"She doesn't, but I felt like it. Pretty soon I won't be able to swing or crawl in through windows." Peter said as he rested a hand on his stomach.

"But it'll be worth it!" I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his on top of mine.

"Yes. It'll all be worth it in about six months." I smiled.

"Can I feel the baby kick when she starts kicking?" Peter chuckled.

"Sure! But she won't be kicking for quite some time."

"I know." Boots walked onto my lap and curled into a ball. I smiled and patted his fuzzy little head. Boots purred. Peter raised an eyebrow.

"When did you get a cat?" He asked.

"Monday." He laughed, then started petting Boots.

"We had a dog once." He stated, his eyes somewhat glossing over in thought. I raised an eyebrow.

"What happened?"

"Her collar got loose and she ran away when I was eleven." He whispered. I frowned. "What's this one's name?"

"Boots." He laughed and rolled his eyes, petting the white fur on Boots' paws.

"You're a dork." We sat in silence for a bit, just enjoying each other's company, before I asked him something.

"How long have you been dating Wade?" Peter bit his lip in thought.

"Well let's see, we've been on and off for about. . ." He stopped to think. "Huh."


"We've been off and on for about 16 years." I laughed. "Yeah! We started dating when Loki was pregnant with you." He poked my chest when he said 'you'. I laughed a I checked my phone to see what time it was.

"If you want to get ready for the party then you should probably get going." I stated sadly. Peter nodded.

"Gotcha. I'll get going. Hey, do you know what the people who can't drink get to drink tonight?" He asked, getting up and moving to the window. I nodded.

"Yeah. We get to drink sparkling cider." Peter's brows furrowed.

"Dad bought sparkling cider?" He asked.

"Uh-huh. I think he only bought it for you though." Peter nodded with a faint smile before climbing out the window. I walked downstairs to help with the decorations.


The party started about three hours ago and I've really only talked to Ace and Peter. Emily and Jason were preoccupied with talking to everyone else and keeping an eye on their son. Tyler and Josh were talking to friends and I just didn't feel like meeting them just yet. Boots had made a little home in the hood of my sweatshirt. Tony said that we didn't have to dress all fancy for the party and I didn't feel like wearing a dress today. So I wore a pair of black leggings, a pink top, and a grey sweatshirt.

"Hey pretty lady." Someone said from behind me. I turned around to see who was talking.

"Emily?!" I asked.

"In the. . ." She paused for a second and looked at the reactor and arm. "Mostly flesh." I laughed and gave her a hug. Jason walked up and stood next to Emily so I gave him a hug too.

"How's everything?" I asked. They shared a knowing look and a smile before responding.

"It's goin' pretty good." Jason responded. I smiled.

"That's good." I commented. They nodded.

"Meow." Boots added. I laughed at their reaction as I pulled Boots out of my hood.

"I gave birth to a cat." I explained which made them look even more terrified. "I'm just kidding. Ace took me to the animal shelter Monday and I adopted a cat." Emily threw her head back.

"That makes so much more sense!" They said together. I nodded.

"Em, Jay, this is Boots. Boots, this is Emily and Jason." I introduced. Jason tickled Boots' chin.

"You named him Boots?" Emily asked with a smirk.

"That is what I said." They laughed and started petting his head.

"We had a dog once. Mom and dad got her shortly after I was born." Emily stated. I nodded.

"That's what Peter said." I told her and continued petting Boots' little head.

"Peter said what?" Peter asked as he walked up to the four of us, his baby bump a little more noticeable with his shirt.

"That we had a dog." Emily responded as she gave her little brother a hug. I smiled warmly as I held Boots closer to my chest. "You told her we had a dog?" Peter nodded.

"Yeah, I told Ellie that earlier." His brows furrowed. "So you tell me that you guys got married but you don't tell me I'm an uncle?" He asked. Emily smiled apologetically. "I see how it is. My sister, who I love and adore, tells me about my brother-in-law but not about my sweet little nephew who is five and whom I am blood related to. But I, her little brother who she loves, tell her about her unborn niece. Her unborn niece." I giggled softly. Emily and Jason shared a look. "I'll remember that next time." She rolled her eyes.

"Let's see what time you're singing once that baby pops out of you." Emily stated. We laughed.

"Hey!" I exclaimed. "All of the Starks are into guys." I pointed out. Emily and Peter nodded.

"Yes, but I'm the only one that's into girls." I raised an eyebrow and tilted my head. Emily opened her mouth the say something.

"Guys, let's watch the ball drop!" Tony cut off as everyone started crowding around the t.v. She smirked.

"Ah, saved by the bell. Or ball." I rolled my eyes at her joke as we turned to watch the bell drop.

"Ten. . . Nine. . . Eight. . . Seven. . . Six. . . Five. . . Four. . . Three. . . Two. . . One. . . Happy New Year!!!" Everyone screamed then pulled someone in and kissed them. Well, everyone that had someone to kiss. Which meant Steve and Tony shared a kiss, Emily and Jason shared a kiss before planting a kiss on Logan's cheek, Uncle Thor and Jane shared one, Peter and Wade shared a kiss and then Wade kneeled down and kissed Petey's stomach, it was adorable. Clint and Pietro shared a short kiss before kissing the top of Erik's head, Bucky and Natasha shared a kiss before each kissing a twin. Josh scrunched his nose as he dad kissed his cheek, Tyler just went with it before looking over at me, taking a few steps forward. I smiled at him before my attention was brought elsewhere.

Ace cupped his hand under my chin and brought my face closer to his very slowly. Soon we were gazing into each other's eyes before I wrapped one of my arms around his neck and gave him a passionate kiss. Time seemed to stop as he kissed back and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Meow." Boots interrupted, feeling left out. I pulled away and brought Boots closer to my face. Ace and I both gave him a kiss. Tyler stopped and walked back over to Josh.

"Happy New Year, babe." Ace said, not removing his hands from my waist. I smirked and kissed his cheek.

"Happy New Year."

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