Say hello to Baby Parker-Wilson

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Everyone walked into the room a few minutes after they placed the baby on Peter's chest. Peter held her close to his chest, his head resting against the top of hers. Wade smiled warmly as he watched the small infant whine and squirm in Peter's arms. I leaned back in the chair, letting the two new parents to have their own fun for a bit.

"She's gorgeous, Peter." Steve commented once he saw his granddaughter. Peter smiled, his eyes tearing up. His gaze never left his daughter.

"Thanks mom." Peter whispered. Tyler waved at me from where he stood by the door. I waved back. The doctor walked in with the birth certificate and a pen, looking over at Peter and Wade with knowing and goofy expression. I raised an eyebrow at the doctor but it went unnoticed.

"Now, I don't know if this makes a difference to you or not, but your little bundle of joy was born on Father's Day." He announced. I looked to the floor. Peter and Wade shared a look then started smiling.

"Best Father's Day present ever!" Wade cheered, causing everyone to laugh including me. Wade ran his finger down her cheek as she squirmed to look over at him. "Our little bundle of joy." Wade cooed. I shifted in my seat.

"What are you going to name her?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest and gesturing to the certificate in the doctor's hands. Peter looked over at Wade, raising an eyebrow. Wade smiled his goofy smile at his boyfriend. I rolled my eyes, this was reaching my cuteness level for today.

"Do you have a name?" Peter asked, knowing what the smile meant. Wade nodded.

"Yes, I do." He stayed proudly. Everyone quieted down. "After everything Petey and I have been through, this little pink bundle is our hope for a better future. So may I present to you, Hope Parker-Wilson." Peter smiled up at Wade. Wade smoothed Peter's hair. "That is, if Peter likes it." Peter nodded.

"I love it." The baby started squirming in Peter's arms again. They laughed softly. "And I think she likes it too. Hope Parker-Wilson it is."

"Hope's a lovely name." The doctor agreed as he wrote it down on the birth certificate. "Will Hope have a middle name?"

"I don't think she needs one. The first name is perfect enough." Peter answered. The doctor nodded.

"Will we be sticking with the hyphenated last name or are we favoring one over the other?" Peter and Wade shared a look before nodding.

"Hyphenated." Peter stated before looking down at the baby on his chest. "Hi Hope Parker-Wilson, welcome to the family." The doctor wrote the last name down on the birth certificate then handed it over to Peter and Wade. They both signed it then turned back to the baby. I stood up and stretched, my legs feeling numb from sitting for so long. Tyler smiled at me from across the room. I smiled back.

"Happy Father's Day, dad." Peter said. Anthony smiled softly at his son. Soon all the children in the room were saying it. I walked over to Tyler, Josh, Natasha, and James, folding my arms behind my back. Tyler kissed my cheek as the rest of his family stared at me. I bit my tongue as I looked to the floor before looking back up at the Barnes family.

"Happy Father's Day, James." I stated. He snorted and smirked. I balled my fist behind my back for a second. "You're the closest thing I have to a father since. . ." He nodded. I looked to Tyler who was watching me softly. "So thank you for creating my boyfriend I guess." I could feel mom's smile from where he stood by Clint and Pietro. James clapped his hand on my back.

"You don't have to thank me, kid." I nodded before he brought me in for a hug. Freezing up for a minute, I slowly eased into it and eventually hugged back. "And hey, maybe someday I really will be your father." I smiled faintly as we pulled away. I walked back over to Peter.

"Can I hold her?" I asked softly. Peter nodded and handed her over to me. Looking down at her, I couldn't help but smile. "She's beautiful." I remarked. Wade smiled warmly.

"Thank you, Elizabeth." Wade replied.

I wasn't the only one to hold Hope that day, shortly after I asked Emily had asked. Then it was Steve holding her, next was Anthony, soon everyone was taking turns holding the baby. Wade was the last one to have her, but he handed her to me a second later. I raised an eyebrow, adjusting the way I was holding Hope.

"Now, I know that we weren't on good terms before you went into labor, Petey, but I think that phone call from Elizabeth snapped me back to reality. On my way back to the apartment to change out of my suit, I stopped at the jewelry store to get you this." Wade exclaimed as he got down on one knee and pulled a velvet box out of his pocket. "There was a reason as to why I wanted to name her Hope and not just because she will be just that. Hope comes in so many different ways that it's hard to cork the bottle after just a few. We'll need hope in the relationship department, and the parenthood department, and most importantly, hope that we can keep those two departments together." I smirked, knowing where this was going. "So will you, Peter Parker Stark, and yes, I used your deadname, make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" The whole room fell silent as Wade's little speech came to an end. Peter, who had just stopped crying, was crying again but this time it was out of pure joy. Wade opened the box to reveal a beautiful golden band with a red stone on it.

"Wade, of course I'll marry you." Peter whispered. Wade slid the ring on his finger as everyone cheered.

"Good because if you didn't accept the proposal I would've been really embarrassed."

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