Wait, what?

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Later that day the Avengers got a call and since basically everyone in the tower is part of the team, the tower was practically empty. It was Loki, Tyler, Josh, Erik, and I. Josh and Erik were playing around in Josh's room so I almost forgot they were here. Tyler and I were sitting on the couch watching the live video of what was happening. Loki was sitting on the other couch, still reading.

If we're being honest here, the Avengers are a pretty decent team that rely on one another perfectly. I could never rely on someone as much as they do. But I guess that's just the difference between SHIELD and HYDRA.

After an hour of them still fighting, we just ended up tuning out the t.v and started focusing on something else. I was still sitting on the couch, but reading an old "fairy tale" book Loki loved when he was a kid instead of watching the t.v. Tyler wanted to braid my hair so I let him considering I have a good amount of it. Loki was still reading his book. Every once in a while, he'd glance up and smile at us. I would look up and smile back.

"You seem to be adjusting well." He commented, setting his book down. I dog eared the page I was on and closed it. "Or you just hide it better than the rest." I shrugged.

"I mean, I don't understand why you guys are so nice to me." I admitted, holding the book closer to my chest. "But. . . I guess this is home." Tyler pinched my arm. I pulled it away from him. "So I'll have to get used to it." Loki smiled warmly.

"Well, your father and I love you no matter what you did. Always remember that." I smiled faintly and nodded. We both turned back to our books.

"In a wicked turn of events, Hulk might be down for the count. He has already turned back into his human form but even that looks bad. Cuts and bruises all over. Not to mention the not so pretty gashes and scrapes. Plus everything is gushing blood. If I was his husband and I was watching this, I would've already sprinted out to the scene. Chances are famous scientist, Doctor Bruce Banner, will not make it out alive this time." The lady on the news station said. Loki and I dropped our books. Tyler quickly banded my hair before dropping it.

We all rushed out of the tower, leaving Josh and Erik behind. They'd be safe there. After going down a few blocks, we finally made it to the scene. Tucked in an alleyway, closer to us than the fight, was Banner. We rushed over there and, with him, was Stark.

"Is he okay?" I heard Tyler ask from my right but everything seemed too far away. My whole body felt numb as I stared down at Banner. I've seen people looking worse so I don't know why I felt this way around him. Banner reached up to grab my hand. After taking a second, I grabbed it.

"Honey, I'm so sorry." He whispered. I shook my head in disbelief. Loki knelt down next to me.

"Banner, Banner, please! Stay with me." I pleaded but my voice sounded like it was down the block. I couldn't focus on anything.

"Oh sweetie, I'm glad you're here. I want to say goodbye to you before I leave." He said. I shook my head.

"No." I whispered. "No. You'll live! We'll get you hell. Don't say things like that!"

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I have to go." He reasoned. I looked up at everyone, my head swarming, but they all looked just out of reach.

"No!" I whispered.

"Loki, honey, are you there too?" He asked, looking around to see him. Loki grabbed his other hand.

"Yeah, Bruce, I'm here." He whispered softly, smoothing our Banner's hair with his other hand. "Please, let me use my magic, it'll heal you." Banned tried to shake his head.

"Don't bother Loki. My time is up, you know that." I shook my head, not believing my ears. The works was spinning around me.

"But Bruce-"

"No, Loki. It's time for me to go. I love you. The both of you. But now I can die in peace knowing that I got to see my daughter one last time." I looked over at him. He smiled warmly at me, running his hand over my braided hair before cupping my cheek. I held his hand.

"Dad!" I pleaded. "Please, you have to let us do something. I-I. . ." I trailed off, my words catching in my throat.

"Goodbye you two." He said before his eyes rolled into the back of his head. My breathing increased. I sat back on my feet, confused.

"NO!" Loki screamed. We tried shaking him but he wouldn't wake up. Stark pulled Loki away from dad's dead body while I just sat there, taking it all in.

My father was dead. I just got him back and now he's dead. This-this can't happen. This shouldn't happen. This isn't happening! No. I won't allow it. I shook him once more but nothing happened. I sat there, not knowing what to do, while the world blurred around me.

"Dad." I whispered softly. "Please come back. I just got you, I can't lose you again." I pleaded. "I-I never got to. . . We didn't. . ." I closed his eyelids and fell onto his chest. I wasn't crying, there were no tears, but everything within me was screaming. Tyler gently pulled me away and wrapped me in a hug. I broke down in his arms which was the last thing I wanted to do. He rubbed my back.

The man that I had resented for sixteen years, the man that I thought didn't love me, the man that had to watch as I was taken away had just died and I couldn't do anything to stop it. My father was gone and I had only just met him. What kind of sick fate is this?

"Everything will be alright, princess. Everything will be alright." I pulled away from him, wiping the tears out of my eyes. He raised an eyebrow as I spun around to face whoever the Avengers were facing. Stark tried to pull me back as I started walking his way. He stopped when he noticed my change in skin color.

As I made my way over, my pale skin turned green until I was in front of this monster. I roared at him before punching him in the face. He stumbled back. I shot a rope out and wrapped it around his leg, yanking it towards me, and making him fall. I kicked and punched the crap out of him before pulling a knife out of thin air and stabbing it into his chest.

I turned and walked over to everyone, the green in my skin fading and turning back into my normal pale skin tone. Tyler was standing there in shock along with everyone else. With a smile on my face, I patted his chest.

"Now it's alright."

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