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The warmth that embraces me I thought I'd never feel again. Images of Shade's gigantic grin flash before my eyes, the tightness of his embrace makes it feel like he never left. I should have stayed with him, but my baby. I clung onto Cal like he was my life support, without words the silence was still comfortable, safe.

I still remember bits and pieces about what happened, pushing Cal out of the way, feeling numb and the pitch darkness. I was supposed to be dead. I had no tears, not anymore I had to become strong once again. I can't just as easily go back to being in a king's cage. I snap out of my haze and thoughts that I could be happy with Cal when I just as simply can't, I was going to tell him that day that I was planning on going to Piedmont with my family. 

As much as it pained me I let go of him, pushed him off his warmth along with him. Tears were threatening but I will not allow them to fall.

"Mare what's wrong?" I gathered all that I had learned from Mareena Titanos, I put on my cold mask looked him straight into his red-rimmed, baggy eyes. He looked like crap.

"How am I alive." My tone cold, he flinched as I spoke.

He straightened, "The baby saved you." I felt a small smile on my face as I looked down to look at my sixth month old baby, it still wasn't as obvious that I was pregnant.

"Thank you for staying here, but you can leave." My heart broke at my own words, but I couldn't put my trust in him ever again. Not after he chose the crown over me. Over us. Over the love that we promised each other.

That seemed to have gotten him off guard. "Mare I thought we were going to be us again, I thought that we were fine."

"I was dying, I had to say what has been in mind, I was going to die and I wasn't going to be able to say it ever again. You still chose the crown over me, even when I asked you not to. You were the one that betrayed me most even when I thought you loved me above all else." My voice never wavering Mareena had taken over.

"Mare I love you."

"I'm leaving for Piedmont. This way you will be able to marry Evangeline without any obstacles." As if on queue Queen Anabel walked in.

"I'm sorry if I am interrupting, but you cannot leave. You are carrying the heir and quite a powerful one." Her words filled with such venom, threatening my baby and me. 

"Grandmother, please leave I need to talk to Mare." Cal pleaded.

"Very well, just remember Mare you cannot leave not for his safety." She pointed at my stomach.


A small bonus chapter I dunno if I should write more like these, I feel like I owe more of an explanation to what happens to the characters in this story. Comment!!

Queen's Crown (Red Queen, FOURTH BOOK)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora