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Sorry guys that I have been gone for this long, but guess what? I am back and for the time being I will write this chapter for I do hope that you enjoy it and share with your friends about it. Also I send you the biggest thanks for all of you guys getting me almost to 2k! 

Mare may be gone. I do not know, I can't seem to remember anything. I am still at the same spot, in the same patch of scorched grass. I cannot believe that I had everything for a brief minute and then lost in the next. Maven will pay... I will make sure of it.

The tears that are barricading the rim of my eyes sure enough want to stream, but I must go back to the Rift and stare at the front wooden door for what seems eternity. 

The door creaks, and the face it reveals is Sara Skonos, just the sign of her makes me want to cry, I know that her news cannot be good. 

I know that she is dead.

I know that she is only dead because of me.

I know that this all started because I was determined to be a different King.

It all started in a tavern. The two crowns that were gifted that night was the best decision of MY life, but it wasn't worth hers...

"Cal, you should come inside, I need to tell you something."

I know that this was a fairly short chapter, but I tried to make it as effective as possible hopefully it was worth all of the wait. Thank you guys again and please do leave your comments I enjoy reading them :)

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