Through Their Eyes

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    "What's fun to ride?" Lucas asks. "I haven't ever been here." "Well Huckleberry, I don't ride anything. I get way too motion sick for any of that," Maya says. "But Riley's favorite is the Cyclone. And Farkle's is the Electro Spin." "That is very true," Farkle pipes up. "Awesome! Why don't we grab Maya something to eat and we can go on everything," Lucas says. "Now you're talking cowboy," Maya says, grabbing Lucas' hand and dragging him to the booth with chicken nuggets and fries. Farkle and Riley just laugh and follow the eager blonds.

    After a full day of riding rides and lots of snacks for Maya, they all convince her to try the ferris wheel. "It won't be bad, I promise," Riley pleads with her best friend. "Fine. I'll do it, but if I get sick it's on you," she laughs, following her friends into the line. Before no time they're in their little cage, waiting for the ferris wheel to start turning. Riley and Farkle were on one side, Lucas and Maya on the other. Riley sees Maya look up and say something to Lucas that's inaudible to her. Lucas says something back and Riley's frustrated that Farkle is talking in her ear, because she can't hear what the pair is saying across from her. All she sees is Lucas pull out a motion sickness bag from the dispenser and the cold water bottle he just bought. "Is Maya okay?" Riley asks, interrupting Farkle. "Yeah, she just doesn't feel good," Lucas says, placing the water bottle under her ponytail and on the back of her neck. "But she's gonna be okay," he says, wrapping an arm around the blonde once she lifts her head up. "I can't tell if it's the motion or the fear," Maya laughs softly. "No worries darling, I got you," Lucas says smiling down at his friend. Riley smiles at both of them and directs her attention back out the side of their carriage.

    As far as Riley was concerned, Lucas was just worried about another Coney Island incident. So when Zay made his way to the back, she smiled at her best friend. But Riley was smart. And she knew that it only worked to sit in the front of the car if you look out the front windshield. So Riley was confused as to why her best friend was looking at Lucas the whole time up to the cabin. But through her eyes, they were just friends, nothing more.


    Katy was super grateful that the gang had all gone up to Shawn's cabin. It gave her a night in with her husband and it gave her daughter some time with her friends. The only thing she wasn't sure about was Maya and Lucas. It was around dinner time and Shawn had offered to make her the only thing he said he couldn't screw up in the kitchen - spaghetti. Katy had laughed and agreed, grateful that her husband was willing to do something so sweet for her. "What do you think about Lucas?" She asked Shawn, curious to see his answer. "He's a nice guy. And I do think he would be nice for Maya, if that's what you're trying to really ask me," Shawn says laughing. Katy smiles back, finding it scarily funny how well Shawn knew her. "I was just thinking about it and I couldn't help but think that my baby girl deserves to be happy," she tells him as he puts two plates down at the table. "Katy, I know how boys operate. That boy likes Maya. Why else would he be over here all the time?" "You're definitely right," Katy says. "And Maya is definitely into him as well. I think they're both just scared to go anything past best friends." "Well you're her mother. Shouldn't you be worrying that they're safe instead of worrying whether or not they're hooking up?" Shawn laughs. "You're right. Let's call them," Katy says through giggles.

    It only takes a couple of rings before Katy sees Maya and Lucas pop up on her screen. She looks up at Shawn and laughs, calling him to come next to her so he can also see the sight in front of them. "Hey baby girl, what are you doing?" Maya was currently covered in flour, egg, and chocolate sauce. The only thing making it funnier was that Lucas was equally covered in baking ingredients. It reminded Katy of Maya's birthday her sophomore year:

    "I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer," Riley says, hugging Maya at the door. "Please don't worry about it Riles," Maya says, helping her friend pull on her coat. "I know but I threw you this party and then am leaving you to clean up from the mess." "Hey, it's not your fault you don't feel well. Plus, Ranger Rick offered to stay and help. Don't sweat it. Just work on getting better," Katy hears her daughter comfort her friend before closing the door behind her. "Alright missy, you, me, Shawn, and Lucas have quite a lot of work to do," Katy tells her daughter when she walks back over to the kitchen. "Tell me about it," Shawn says, handing Lucas a mop. "How'd you guys get frosting on the ceiling?" "Zay bet me to," Maya shrugged and Katy just laughed. "Well then that's yours to get off princess," Shawn says, kissing his daughter on the head before going into the closet to get the rest of the cleaning supplies.

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