"Oh oh." Amal and Nai'a exclaimed quickly using their palms to cover Affan's eyes. Silly girls. I blushed and Aayan just chuckled huskily-the sound vibrating within me stimulating an unfamiliar, but welcomed emotion- but didn't make the attempt of putting me down.

"We'll come back later." And just like that they left the kitchen.

"Uhm can you put me down?" I requested, my cheeks still hot.

"You know a simple thank you will suffice. I practically saved your life."

"Isn't it a husband's duty?" I threw his words from a while back, back at him.

"Fair enough." He pretended to drop me making me scream and cling to him tighter.

"I wasn't really going to drop you." He laughed and I pouted. He placed a kiss on my forehead, sending electric jolts through out my body. From the romance novels I've read, a forehead kiss means protection. It's respect. It says 'you're mine. Don't ever leave my side.' It says 'I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt.' It says 'I'll come between you and whatever tries to hurt you.' It says 'I love you you're my baby'

What?! You've definitely gone majnun! And where on earth did you derive that from. If I were you I will stop questioning things and go with the flow.

Then why does he keep doing that? Deciding that she's -or is it me?-right. I shoved the thought away.

"So what did you make?" Aayan's question brought me back to reality. I answered and he asked if he could have some.

"But I didn't get the tumblers."

"Oh so that's was why you were trying to kill yourself." He mumbled under his breath.

"I wasn-"

"You were suppose to use the ladder." He deadpanned, cutting me off.

"What ladder?" I asked somewhat annoyed. He dragged me to the store room and turned on the lights. "That ladder." He pointed at a ladder sitting at the end of the room.

"Ohh." I smiled sheepishly, rubbing my nape.

"Yeah Ohh." He rolled his eyes. Iyyeh, who knew he could do that. He got the tumblers-easily might i add- for me. After transferring it to the tumblers, I handed one to Aayan and placed the rest on a tray.

"This tastes good

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"This tastes good." He complimented dropping the cup. He looked up at me and I giggled.

"Why are you laughing? Do I have something on my face?"

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