"I came to see you." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Yeh right? You Couldn't have picked a better time to see me Xivi?. Its pouring and its night? " I said.

He leaned forward, but I blocked his entrance. when another lightning strike I saw where he was standing. It was the tree right outside of the room. It was not so strong. The branch Xavier was standing looked like it could snap at any given moment.

"Would you mind moving out on the way. it's at least ten feet and I love my knees." Xavier said, breaking me out of my trance.

I nodded my head and moved out of the window. I took my seat on the floor, waiting for him to come in the moment Xavier was in he closed the window, blocking the wind and the rain out. He was drenched from head to toe, a memory of something familiar flashed through my eyes.

*Memory Flashback*

The flash back was of me. I was sitting in the middle of a road.!!! My old apartment Road!!!. The rain was pouring like tonight and I was just in a men's shirt. There was a man in front of me. The man with blond hair

"Hey are you here on earth, or some aliens captured your sole, Living your body out".?

He has blond hair lingering on his forehead, and his cloth clung to him emphasizing his body texture. I can tell it's good by the look of it, I was still staring, that I missed out what he just said.

"Umm I'm sorry what did you say," I asked as politely as I could, but the rain on my body was making me cold and, I shivered.

"I know, I'm hot, but I didn't know, I was that hot! to catch a girl like you, observing me." He laughed distracting me from all the thoughts of pain, making me smile with him after so long.

"I was not staring or observing you." I replied. "But you look like you come from a nice family. I never saw you around before," I asked my face blushing at his complement.

"Yea, I'm not from around here. I was just out to take a walk and lost my way. I'm new here, just for some days." He said taking his seat next to me on the pavement, taking off his jacket, covering my shivering shoulders with it, making me gasp at his sweetness.

'No, I can't take it, it's your," I told him, getting up and removing the jacket, but his hand stopped me "No, you need it more than me. By the way, if I don't do it, I won't be considered as a gentleman," he said with a genuine smirk.

"Thank you," I whispered back.

"No problem, If you don't mind me asking, why are you sitting all alone, in the middle of night, in this pouring whether?"

"Ummm I locked myself out of my apartment and I don't have the spare keys so that's why I'm out here," I told him to which he looked around, but I never saw any disgust, or any expression change in his face. "You live here? Where is your house, let me help you with the lock then?".

*Flashback End*

After the hazy sight of old me ended, I was lost more than ever.!

Why was I sitting on an empty road, in the middle of the night? Why was I sad? And why was I in pain?

What happened to me, that rendered me feeling helpless that night.?

I heard Xavier whispering something, but I couldn't hear a word. The only thing I remember before the flash of memory ended was, him calling me Cara Mia.

I looked up to see Xavier giving me weird look.

"What?" are you even listening to what I am saying? He asked.

I kept looking at him. still trying to understand the stupid puzzle in front of my eyes.

"What is it cara Mia?" Xavier asked again. Now he was in front of me. sitting in front of me on his knees? His eyes searching mine in confusion. He found no reason. So, he continued his whatever story he was telling.

I could not make any words, only thing that was on my mind, was a stupid question. Was that the first time I met Xavier? Why would he lie to me than?

I remember me asking him of how we met. His exact words were "We met, when Alex came to a family dinner with you by his side, as his fiancé". Did he lied to me too?.

I wanted to ask him "how do we met?" Again. But I think unconsciously, I did say the words out loud.

Xavier stopped taking and his face became pale. I knew right there and then, that it was indeed a lie that he told me in the beginning.


How many of you have watched 13 reasons why?

i picked the song from the show.. i felt it fit right.

hope you like the chapter. if you did. dont forget to comment and like. 


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