"Excuse me?"

"A spot? You shouldn't be fighting for a spot. If you were number one, you wouldn't have to fight for a spot. I'm not going to even beat your ass because you make yourself look pathetic."


"You two enjoy each other." She walked off down the hallway.

"Baby, come back." Elias chased after her as if he cared. If he did he wouldn't have kissed me back.

Elias Lorizio

"Zahria!" I called after her as she walked through the parking lot. For a pregnant woman she moves fast. "Zahria-"

"What!" She spun around to look at me with tears in her eyes. But she looked more pissed than she was hurt.

"I'm sorry." I walked up to her only to receive a slap to the face. Literally.

"You know what. I'm not even mad at you. I'm mad at myself. I should've known better, but I really thought that all of that shit you were saying was true. I asked you! I asked you if I was ever going to have to feel like I was competing-"

"And you aren't."

"Bullshit! I've been there, Elias! Me! Through the fight, the hospital, physical therapy, tending to your every need!"

"It's not like I fucked her. The kiss didn't mean anything." I said, hearing her scoff.

"You didn't have to fuck her to cheat. The kiss meant something if you kissed her back. There's still something there."

"So you're going to throw everything away? Over a kiss?" Yes, I was wrong for kissing back, but a kiss isn't worth giving up.

"I'm not throwing everything away. I'm giving you time to figure out what you really want."

"You're what I want. I love you." I never thought I would be able to love someone the way I love Zee and now I might lose her over something so small.

"I love you too, Elias, but you need some time to yourself. I'll text you when my next appointment is." She turned on her heel and walked away leaving me there looking stupid.

I sighed heavily out of frustration and walked back up to my apartment. Malia sat on my couch as if nothing happened.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I slammed my front door.

"I was proving a point." She shrugged. "How was I supposed to know she was going to see? Don't act like you didn't kiss me back."

"It was an impulse. I didn't mean to kiss you back. Malia, get it through your head that there's never going to be an us. You had plenty of opportunity. Now I might lose someone that I really love because of your stupid ass."

"I'm stupid, but you kissed me back." She laughed.

I clasped my hands together while chuckling, "Get out before I end up in jail tonight."

"You're serious?"

"As a heart attack."

"Fine, but don't get mad at me for you kissing me back."

Kambria Lorizio

"Look at auntie's baby

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"Look at auntie's baby." I cooed as I held her in my arms as she looked at me with big eyes. She was very alert for a newborn. "Is she staying the night?"

"Pandora is breastfeeding so it's best she stays with her overnight." Kaleb said, taking her from me with his stingy ass.

Nobody can hold her for ten minutes without him taking her back.

I sucked my teeth, "I can't hold my niece?"

"You held her long enough. Ain't that right, Penny?" He walked off with her and I shook my head.

"We would make some cute babies. Don't you think?" Lorenzo asked with a smirk.

"Nah, I don't even like you like that fam."

"That's not what you was saying when you was over my house yesterday." He stood up and thrusted his hips making me hit him with a pillow.

"You get on my nerves." I rolled my eyes. "....You mother's birthday is coming up."

"Yeah...I know."

"You going to go see her? I'll go with you if you want."

I know how hard it is for him and I want to be there for him through his tough time. It's been a while since he visited her grave.

"There's no need because I'm not going."

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to, Kambria. Now can you drop it?" I could hear the irritation in his voice and that made me catch an attitude.

"I'm just trying to be there for your stupid ass. Don't get an attitude with me."

"Well stop asking me all of these questions then."

"You can get the hell of my parent's house then."

"I will."

"And don't bother texting me."

"Believe me, I didn't plan on it." He retorted before closing the door behind him.

I try to do the right thing and he turns it into an argument. Typical.





Excuse mistakes.

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