We're going where!

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Its been a whole week since Austin and I took this break.

The worst week of my life by the way.

All I did was stay in bed and mourn over Austin. But its good to know that im not the only one moping around here.

Austin haven't came to school since that night and haven't left his curtains open so we can talk.

Im worried about him, I still love him, so it really kills me, seeing me bring him this much pain

I got over this whole fucked up situation a day ago, yeah it was hard, but I finally got used to not being with Austin everyday, giving me time to think for myself.

I want to tell him so bad that im over the situation, but, where to start?

Oh hey Austin, I stopped not trusting you, lets get back together, even though I crushed your heart a week ago.

No. I just CAN'T bring myself to doing it.

I slipped out of my bed, pulling down my spongebob pajama shorts and stumbling into my bathroom.

After finishing my hygiene things, I went downstairs, where I was meeted by the smell of just made blueberry pancakes.

It's weird how Mike can make a bomb ass breakfast, but can't cook real food for his life.

"hey Mike " I greeted, hopping onto a chair.

"wassup baby girl, I have some good news" he said setting down a plate of pancakes infront of me.

I smiled. Baby girl is what my dad used to call me, even when we were in public, "baby girl" was a nickname that I started to be called back in new york.

"whats the good news" I asked shoving some pancakes in my mouth.

"oh, were going to Hawaii for a week" he said simply, making me almost choke on the pancakes.

"WE'RE GOING WHERE" I yelled excitedly.

Mike chuckled "Hawaii, but-" he sighed, "As much as it kills me to say this, you have to invite Austin ".

I shot up in my seat. "And You're lying, how can we even afford to go to Hawaii "!

"I've been saving up for your birthday thats three weeks from now, but right now, It seems like you need the vacation "

"Okay, and the Austin thing...." I asked with narrowed eyes, its funny how we can always tell when each other is lying.

He sighed. "abri, you have to invite Austin, I want you to be happy on this vacation, and when you're with Austin I always see that pretty little smile come out" he said pinching my cheeks.

I slapped his hand away and pulled him in a tight hug. "Thanks, but.... what if he don't want to get back together" I said, imagining Austin's disgusted face after I tell him.

"he will, and he better I already paid for his ticket, and that shit was expensive" Mike said making me playfully roll my eyes and laugh.

Typical Mike, never playing around with his money.

"oh I forgot to tell you we're leaving in two days, so you should really be telling him today..... or now..."

"No" I said shaking my head.

"yes" Mike said pushing me towards the front door.

"WAIT, NO, IM STILL IN MY-" I got cut off when the door slammed in my face. "pajamas" I sighed.

Well, I better get this over with.

I walked across the lawn and knocked on his door, not expecting to see his mom open the door.

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