"Why do you want to be unrecognisable?" Felice smirked, "Come on, you're not a criminal. These people don't even know who we are."

Felice didn't hear a reply from him as quick as she usually did, so she assumed that he hesitated. "... Another time, perhaps. The show is about to begin."

Carlen stepped forwards - Dai preferring to be a little behind him as his 'glamorous assistant'. "To the future King and Queen of this world... welcome to our humble show!" He grinned, hiding the fact that he hated every word that came out of his mouth.

Dai began to drag Luella's box onto the stage as Carlen continued. "We have a very special performance today... free of charge. We just want to show you how amazed we are over you."

Seth grinned from his seat. They were buying it.

Luella's box fell apart as it revealed her standing still, posing. She looked exactly like a doll in a music box. Felice started to worry that Clarence would break character just by looking at her.

"A doll?" Hekate looked displeased. "Don't tell me you summoned us here just so we could look at dolls-!"

"Patience, my Queen. This is a very special doll..." Carlen smirked and turned to Dai, "... My assistant, if you'd please."

Dai turned the fake key on the box Luella was standing on. As soon as he let go, music began to play as Luella started to spin around. Dai looked terrified, but Carlen managed to pull him away to calm down.

Luella started to move robotically - possibly aided by her already robotic arm and leg. She stood still, but whilst she was spinning around her limbs moved akin to a dance.

Morana seemed mesmerised by her movements. She began to tap her feet to the tune of the song (Red would've found that cute) as Luella began to sing.

Everyone was immediately entranced as she did so - but Felice could swear that she could hear Clarence humming along. Dai almost seemed like he was going to fall asleep from how soft she sounded. Felice was amazed. She never thought that somebody so... robotic... could sound so sweet.

Her singing mentioned being trapped and alone in this world. Until, one day, she found someone with a pure heart that took her in. Even if she had been changed forever, she could manage it if she was around this person.

After Luella finished her piece, she stood still once more. There was a moment of silence. Then, Clarence's box burst open.

He fell out in a laughing fashion (supported by Morana's giggling upon seeing him) and headed for Luella. He tilted his head; did he slip out of role for a second?

Air escaped from Felice's lungs as she watched Clarence slowly wind up the fake key. It was funny - they seemed like they've done it countless of times before, yet Felice had never heard of them performing it in front of others.

Luella soon began to spin around again as Clarence watched her in awe. She started to sing, and, as if on queued, Clarence began to sing along with her, but with different lyrics.

His singing mentioned being happy with - what he thought - was the love of his life, until that love was horribly taken away. He thought that he would never find love again, until she found a lost girl looking for help. Now, he gazes upon her everyday, filled with the same love he felt once before.

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