"What about your backpack?" he asked.

"It's meant to remain here", Laxus explained. "So whenever I come here I have all the camping supplies I need. Are you sure you'll get to the mainland?" he asked. He would use his lightning so he could travel far away in a short time but he could only use it to himself. "You won't get too tired on the way?"

"I'm sure", Freed assured. "It takes some time but I will arrive there safely."

"Don't fly near the water surface, I know how much you like it but here it's dangerous."

"Alright. We will meet again at the mainland", Freed said nodding and he took off.

Wind whistled in his ears when he speed up after he was out of the island. He stayed at the distance from the water surface and just headed towards the mainland he could hardly see. It was only a dark line on the horizon.

At some point he could hear loud thunder and looked up, just in time to see crackling lightning flash across the skies. It was over in seconds and Freed smiled when thinking that when he would finally arrive in the land, Laxus would already be there waiting. That made his heart flutter and he spinned around in the air.

Finally he was near the shore and he lowered himself near the water surface. Here it wouldn't be that dangerous and he had good reflexes if something was about to happen. Freed smiled and unsheathed his sword, tipping it on the water causing splashing behind him. He laughed and rose up high, stopped and let himself fall. He straightened himself just before he hit the water and used the speed he got from falling to fly even faster.

It was always fun. But he only did it when he were alone. If Bickslow or Evergreen saw him doing something childish like this they would tease him the rest of his life about it. This wasn't exactly something you would think that Freed the Dark, captain of the Thunder Legion would do. How Laxus knew about this he wasn't sure but he didn't mind.

The green haired mage landed on the soft grass and he panted. It was still a long way to fly and he haven't yet recovered fully.

"You sure did seem to have fun", he heard chuckling and turned to look at Laxus and he blushed slightly embarrassed.

"Sometimes it is fun to just do something like that", he said in his defence.

"Yeah, I believe that", Laxus said. "You know what would happen if Bicks saw you doing that?"

"Yes, he would torment me about it at least a month."

"He would probably start calling you Freed the Fairy Prince or similar", Laxus laughed and Freed muttered something unclear crossing his arms.

"Don't you ever dare to suggest that name to him or he will most certainly start using it just to tease me."

"I won't, babe. Let's get you to Porlyusica now and then back to home so we can have something to eat."

"I need somekind of a walking stick", Freed said but Laxus grabbed his hand and yanked it over his shoulder.

"Am I good enough?" he chuckled.

"Okay, maybe this time", Freed smiled.

"Get out of here you useless humans!" That was how they were greeted when they arrived at the cottage.

"We wouldn't be here without a reason you old hag!" Laxus snarled back and Freed sighed.

"Is that how you show respect to your elderly? You stupid human!" Porlyusica scolded eyes on Laxus and Freed dodged the broom just in time before it hit him in the face when she swung it around.

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