"I-It's not like that!" Rogue sparked, his nonchalant voice faded into a voice with more emotion, the feeling of embarrassment.

Minerva giggled, she took the scarf off, it revealed Rogue's tomato colored face. "Cute," she commented in a teasingly manner. 

"Guys!" He whined and looked down.

"Rogue~~" Sting hummed, "come on! We know you like her," Sting's voice cracked.

Minerva raised a brow, she placed a hand on her hip and smirked. "That's ironic of you to say, Sting." She looked at the blonde with beady eyes. "Don't you share that feeling with Luna too?"

Sting jumped, "huh?!" He flushed in red. 

Yukino smiled, "that's cute," said Yukino after being quiet for such a long time.

"Hey! That isn't true! M'lady is making things up! I tell you!" Sting frowned in embarrassment, Rogue even started laughing. 

Lavendar sat still, Sting looked down at her. "Hey, you've been awfully silent Lavendar, what's up?" Said Sting in an annoyingly curious tone. 

Minerva stood up with her empty plate, "I will be washing this," she said before cleaning up all the empty plates on the table. 

"Oh," Lavendar mumbled. "It's nothing, sorry, I have some things on my mind," Lavendar responded nonchalantly, taking Rogue's tone of voice. 

"Oh?" Lector snickered, "is it Happy?" He smiled, "everyone knows you have a thing for Fairy Tail's Happy! You were even lookin' at him," he grinned from ear to ear. Lavendar jumped.

"That's an awfully stupid theory, I do not like any person of Fairy Tail," Lavendar paused for a second, taking a second to think. "I don't even like the cats in Fairy Tail!" Lavendar defended herself, looking at Lector. 

"Aha!" Yukino smiled and laughed, she put her hand to her mouth. "That's cute, Lavendar," she complimented.

"What is up with this?!" Lavendar complaint, she sighed, "this is ridiculous!" She yelled in attempt to stop everyone from saying such things. Everything went silent for a moment, Minerva came back and glanced at all of them.

"That's enough of the ruckus," said Minerva. "It'd be good if we began our battle strategy, Sting, what is the strategy?" She sat down beside Yukino, crossing her legs, putting her hand on the table, tapping it before looking directly at the blonde.

"Eep!" He squeaked like a kid, Rogue furrowed his eyes. "But Luna isn't here yet!" Sting yelped, trying to save himself.

Minerva looked around, "oh," she muttered in defeat. "Alright, you got me," she sighed. 

"M'lady...should I get Lucy? Or wait, no," Yukino laughed it off. "Luna I meant," she corrected herself. 

"No need," answered Minerva. "I believe she will come back soon, it's been ten minutes already, let her have some space," Minerva stated.

"Aww! I never knew you felt so much empathy for Luna!" Sting giggled, Rogue sighed. 

"Please don't do that...Sting..." Rogue cowered, exaggerating it a little bit. 

"That's enough, Sting!" Yelled Minerva, she tapped her foot on the wooden ground impatiently. It made huge thumping sounds from the heels she was wearing. "It is not the time to be fooling around!" She frowned. 

"Gah! Okay okay, m'lady what should we do now?" Sting questioned, his expression filled with confusion.

Minerva glared, she banged her hand on the table before walking up to Sting. She slammed her fist on the table, "use your head and maybe you'll get an answer" she furrowed her brow. Rogue, Lector and Frosch silently giggled.

"O-Okay...we'll wait then!" He stuttered in fear of Minerva.

Soon enough, there were loud knocking sounds coming from the door. Minerva quickly turned around.

Lucy came back, looking at all of them. "Uh..should I answer the door?" Lucy nervously looked at her comrades, Minerva nodded. "We'll be discussing the strategy for the meanwhile then," Minerva told Lucy, Lucy nodded in response.

Lucy opened the door, only to see nobody there. "H-Huh?" She murmured to herself, there was nothing, just thin air. "Anyone here?!" She put her hands by her mouth and yelled. There was no answer.

Lucy took one step out, only to step on something rough, like a box.

"Huh? What's this?" She questioned herself. She looked down to see a small container, it was silvery and shiny.

She quickly picked it up, brought it inside and slammed the door shut. There seemed to be a nametag on it, showing the name of who it should be for.

"Lucy (Luna) Heartfilia of Sabertooth"

Fairy Tail: A Fairy's Wing Replaced With A Tiger FangWhere stories live. Discover now